So..I'm new to this section


Silver Member
I lost weight several times with vlcd's but gained it all back as I never got to goal and also got pregnant each time LOL.I can't afford vlcd's at the moment so am trying the old fashioned way.I did lose weight a very long time ago with Slimming magazine club's Flexi diet and I have my old copy of that so that's what I'll be trying.Wish me luck!
Wonder if they still make Lean Cuisine - those fluffy bread rolls or Slimway Salad Cream :) I used to buy Slimming Mag all the time as there used to be some good recipes in it.

I have a copy of that diet and basically it is still good today except for the update on ready made food and an easy to follow diet.

Good Luck with it.

If you have the printed sheets that may not be in good condition there is a copy floating around on the internet you can download - will go and look for it as I saw it not that long since.
LOL yep that's where I found it as my copy was old and stained :) There is an error in it though-the extra calories section is wrong.It's menat to be 500/250 and not sure about the last one as I never got to that part.It was definitely 500 extra cals for my weight though.I still have it written down. I don't really eat ready meals as it works out too expensive-much easier to cook proper food as I have to feed 5 kids as well as myself.I'm quite enjoying it so far-but will see how the weight loss goes.I know it's a lot slower than on a vlcd.
I only went back to look at it after you mentioned it - remember doing it years ago.

Glad you are enjoying it - know what you mean about ready meals, there are only 2 of us but only buy them in an emergency which is not very often. VLCD's are really only for a short term as lots of these "celebs" know. My neighbour sells Herbalife and he is always trying to get everyone to buy them - his wife lost loads of weight on it but now you can see it going back on. Probably the "freebies" have run out. :)
Hello! Oh I used to love Slimming magazine, lol. Their calorie guide was my bible for years! But MFP is so much better. How much are you hoping to lose? :) xx
Audrey Eyton who launched Slimming Magazine is the same person who devised the F plan Diet - I have the diet book and the cook book which have some excellent recipes in it (I bought it because there are some nice veggie ones in it) Found them in a charity shop and have certainly had my monies worth out of them.
me to love x
slim2012 said:
I am over 14 stone above what I should be so that's what I want to lose.I want to be slim for once in my life!

I was 10 stone overweight when I started, so I know how daunting it is. But you can definitely do it! :) xx
To be honest, it's gone really quickly. And of course the more steadily it comes off, the far more chance tbere is that you'll keep it off, because you've got time to really address your issues with food and make gradual, permanent changes. Plus less problems with excess skin, etc. Patience is really vital. :) xx
lol im impatient to but im taking it steady x x x
I used to run a slimming magazine club. After losing 7 stone. I have tried every diet known to humankind but fail. I wonder if I w
Could have a copy of the flexi please as I am needing to move 6 st

Thanks in advance