Great article, makes perfect sense but im a serial scale stepper (sometimes twice daily argh :eek:) who is trying very hard to break this habit)

If there is a loss-GREAT smiles all round, if not ............ ruins my day:cry: and thats just ridiculous!

Im going NOW to get the step ladder and put them in the loft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Makes sense but I couldn't have done it Vicky :)
Excellent article. I will definitely start measuring myself and the scales are not accurate and I will go on how my body feels and measurements taken. Thank you for including this article :D
Its a great article but im a serial scale hopper too.
Good idea but I've never measured myself and weigh every day lol
Lol Vick - I have now a table and I weigh every morning and log: weight, water mass, fat percentage, muscle percentage, upper waist , lower wait, hips , thighs and arms ! ive gone one step too far LOL
oops :) only for the 30 day shred love x
Im totally obssessive as well, lol. I was talking to DD yesterday and got as far as 'do you know whats weird?' and she burst out laughing. When I queried it she said it was coz she knew it was diet related coz pretty much everything that comes out my mouth is, lol.
Used to have all those measurements in an excel spreadsheet with line charts for each one - now that's obsessive. Funnily enough though I used to stop updating it whenever those lines took an upward turn lol.
LOL Fraggle love the spreadsheet idea!
i have a spreadsheet too!!!!! lmao *spreadsheet queen*

my scales do all that jazz, i just dont know how to work it haha