Primal Blue Print


Full Member
Has anybody read this book? Somebody mentioned on here about Marks Daily Apple, which I have just read, and its Mark that wrote the above mentioned book.
I have just downloaded it to my Kindle, so after walking the dog, having breakfast, and doing the ironing, I will be engrossing myself in it.

Would appreciate any feedback from my friends here.
Spooky! I was reading Mark's Daily Apple blog/site this weekend and wondered whether to get his book. Is it any good? He does talk a lot of sense on his website and I like the way he writes.
I havnt started it yet, but will let you know as soon as I have!
If you sign up to his site, you get a bunch of books for free eg primal exercise etc. i have found these plus the site is enough. Agree with james - a bit too extreme inplaces for me:D but worth looking at
The Book

Am about 20% of the way thru the book, and thoroughly enjoying it. I cant take it all completely to heart, mainly because I dont believe the evolution theory, I am a Christian so dont believe that there were people on the planet 100,000 plus years ago. However, I like what I am reading, and I believe that "Grok" who he sees as the first man all those years ago, is more or less the same man that I believe was on earth 6,000 years ago.
I actually quite like the idea of walking with no shoes, I see that it would be good for balance etc, but would be frightened of standing in dog poo!! I agree that all of the "modern improvements" we now have, are actually not beneficial to our life, and our whole lifestyle is way out of kilter with what it should be, so I have found that aspect of the book very interesting. I also like his theory on exercise, that we dont need high intensity workouts on a daily basis, in fact they are bad for us because of the cortisol, we just need to keep our bodies moving more, do some weight bearing exercises, and once or twice a week do some sprints, copying the "fight or flight" aspect of Groks life.

Will keep you updated as I read more!!

I have been so engrossed in my new book that I have neglected my atkins buddies!! Sorry!!

The book is fab, his website is fab, his exercise regime is fab, and he is not bad looking for 59!!
Will keep those that are interested , informed!!
I know, I think he looks good too. I was amazed when Dr Michael Eades said he is in his sixties, I would never have guessed.
I have finished the original book and his 21 day plan, and I am absolutely hooked!! He talks so much sense, I have even taken on board the bit about being barefoot, because it makes so much sense!! Almost half the bones in our body are in our feet, and we keep them enclosed in tight fitting, often uncomfortable shoes. So I have ordered a pair of vibram five fingers, which are shoes with toes in them!! His exercise regime is amazing, makes me realise that beasting myself in the gym is absolutely the wrong thing to do because of the cortisol preventing fat burning. His way of eating fits in very well with Atkins, except that he says to eat more veg and a little fruit, (Unless you have a lot of weight to lose). A really really good read, makes lots of sense, apart from the "evolution - man has been around for 200 million years and we originated from apes - thing"!!!
I've not heard of this book but since I am bare foot all the time,( I'm one of those crazy people who will pop to the shops bare foot,) I like one of his ideas already. I'll have a nose, thanks for the reading idea!