CBT links


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Hi guys

Here are some CBT links..I've seen a few threads where people are looking for information on CBT so clearly there is a high demand for it!

A lot of dieters comfort eat or are prone to emotional eating..if so, knowing your thinking errors and how to stop them can help :) Plus some of the other CBT techniques. These are similar techniques to the Beck Diet Solution Book, which is also CBT. (just to give you a comparison).

Introduction to CBT

Thinking errors

Fixing thinking errors
(this is like a lighter life thought record, only a different one)

CBT exercises
GET.gg Free Downloads - Therapy Worksheets
They have good CBT exercises for a whole range of issues.

to conquer anxiety and overcome fears:

Here are actual CBT online courses for disordered eating, perfectionism, depression, procrastination, worry, self-esteem, assertiveness and social anxiety:

*Obviously if your symptoms are bad, then seek professional help (GP/psychologist etc) first.*

These CBT exercises only work if you practice them regularly. Reading them is not enough but once you do them, they will work!:)
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Thanks for those links...will deffo be checking them out.