Overeaters Anonymous - Anyone been?


Full Member
Hi there y'all,
Just wondering if anyone had been to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting before. As I understand it they are run similar to Alcoholic Anonymous and follow 12 steps. Theres a meeting in my area and i was thinking about going but not sure... I'm getting to the end of my rope eating wise. Its a constant battle and I'm losing at the moment, binging terrible and piling on weight and approaching my 'heaviest weight' again. I can see it happening but can't seem to stop... Its affecting my health and docs offered Weight watchers vouchers but I can't face 'another diet'. I've been yo-yoing round the same cycle for 20 years now and its wearing me down.... Would try a gastric band but pretty sure I would break it anyway! Sorry for the negative post but any thoughts? Thanks x
hey, its worth a shot. I wish there was one near me.

I haven't been either, tho i can definitely sympathise with what you're going through. It wouldn't be a bad idea to go to one meeting and see what its like, at least you'll know that you're with people who are in the same boat and maybe you'll pick up tips or get some sort of an insight on how you can get back to 'normal' eating.

I did a bit of research about it a while back, they seem to bring religion of sorts into it somehow, as far as i remember, that part sounded a bit random to me. :confused:

But, what harm could it do to go once? If you like it and think that you'll find it useful to get back on track, keep going. If you find its a waste of time, fair enough, at least you'll know to try other avenues.

Good luck with whatever you decide... :)
Yep I went to them when I was going through a really bad patch back in 2003...stopped as the meetings seemed to make it worse...group stuff is good for some and not for others...give it a bash if you need to talk or just need to listen to some people who are in the same place or similar to yourself...
Thanks everyone, have done some more research and don't think it would be for me, think I would struggle with the 'higher power' and asking sponsor for permission to deviate from an eating plan, maybe i have the wrong end of the stick. Think I'm realising its me who has take more responsibility and make permanent changes instead of constanting trying to find that 'quick fix'. Have been doing better last few days though so theres still hope and I'm thinking about training to do a half marathon so I have something to aim for!!! Thanks for the opinions, love minimins!!!!!
glad to hear things are going better for you... :)
Hi, there is a thread in this section called 'an interesting read on emotional eating.' I am a binger too, usually when I am upset or stressed and the article really helped me. I haven't had a binge for over a week since reading it last week end.
I am over on Holiday in America and staying with a friend who also has an eating disorder....good combination.
We both went to an OA meeting on Saturday and honestly it was really good. You dont HAVE to follow the program if you dont want...although it is beneficial if you do.
I dont believe in God either so the religious part was a little bit wierd to start with but its just really nice to have people who understand and will help you if you want it. If you do you can just share you story and know that everyone else in the room has been there.
There isnt an OA near me in the UK but if there was i would go.

Taz xx
I didn't even know such a thing existed for eating

I know that AA works brilliantly (not from personal experience - lol), so if its the same format it might be worth an investment of a couple of hours (or whatever it is)

Good luck with whatever you decide.

LRO xx
I wish I had heard of this before I would def of given it a go, nothing ventured and all that. Would like to hear more from folk who have attended and how it helped...xx
My name is Ellie and I am no longer a food addict...

: )
Well i have been to two meeting now and i have to say you get out whatever you want to get out of them. Like i said before i dont believe in God so that part isnt relavent to me. But its nice to know that other people do have the same problams and you arent just mad and a greedy guts. I have the OA book. It was given to me yesterday so i might just read it and have a go. Cant hurt right?

Taz xx
Well from reading this im thinking I might go to one meeting and see what it is like at the end of the day I want to say iv tryed everything I possibly can lol and if it helps even better lol
I wrote to Overeaters Anonymous a few years ago after the birth of my eldest child and went through a very rough patch with my weight/mental stability! There were no meetings where I lived, but I received a beautiful letter of hope and support and a lovely little card with some mantras and special words that filled me with real warmth and hope. It helped me so much at the time even though I could not go to any of the groups. I have the little card 'somewhere', and if I find it i'll write some of those nice words here.
There are a couple of groups in Manchester that I have attended upon occasions. I wouldn't be put off by the religious aspect as it is spiritual rather than religious.

Sometimes shared experience can help altho like other poster said it could perhaps be a bit hard at times to be part of the group. It really is nothing ventured nothing gained x
know this may seem like a silly question, but how do you find out where the groups are? someone said there are some in manchester? do i just google it or yellow pages?? sorry if sounds silly
know this may seem like a silly question, but how do you find out where the groups are? someone said there are some in manchester? do i just google it or yellow pages?? sorry if sounds silly

Here's a link for you Sabina. Hope it helps. I just put "oa" into google.


Lacey..x :)
thank you
My third meeting is tonight. I was lucky to find one 12 miles from me, never thought there'd be any meetings in Ireland.:D When I walked in on the 18th Nov, keeping an open mind about things, I was greeted by strangers like I was a friend. I then went on retreat with them to a priory about 20 miles away. I had a fab time, it was so relaxing and peaceful.

In the last couple weeks I admit I have been struggling. I had to miss last week's meet cos of a road block, there'd been an accident or something.

I am the type of person who wants everything yesterday and I was wondering at the start when it was gonna 'kick in.' The reality I think is that it won't kick in immediately. I have a 'disease' and I will never be totally cured but I hope to be blessed with 'abstinence' (from over-eating) someday in the not-so-distant future.