What way to turn? Advice needed!!


Silver Member
Hi Everyone,

I'm looking for some sort of moral support (kick up the backside!!)

I'm not sure which way to turn with my weight loss - here's my story so far -

My childhood went from me being very underweight and un-able to eat to me being chubby and bullied. I eventually lost the weight and got to around a size 8/10 at age 14. I stayed that way untill I met my OH and had our child, I went up to a size 18, then after the birth (6 years ago! lol) I hid myself from my weight because I was a new mum and got away with it, my routine through pregnancy stuck and I couldn't restrict myself, I'd spend my evenings eating extreme amounts of chocolate and crisps. Untill xmas 2008, when the photos came back I cried and cried at the size I was, I'd kidded myself on i was just a bit chubby, the photo was a real reality shock! I weighed in at 15.2 I shocked myself into calorie counting and the odd bit of exercise...In 8 months I lost 4 stone, my goal was to be "normal size" for my daughter starting school, and I made my goal, after that (last summer) I just went back to not really caring again, I never went back to eating the amount I was, but I was back to the late night snacking, luckily with my healthy meals and exercise with walking each day, I managed to maintain that weight untill around now, a couple of months ago, I cut out the snacks and I got down to my lowest weight - 10st 10lbs, and since I got to my lowest weight I've got that - i dont care attitude.

So, 3 weeks ago I thought right thats it, time to get serious i had maintained for a full year, I was calorie counting same as I used to and exercising every night, I was 100% for 2 weeks, I only lost 1lb..i was gutted, I continued but the next weekend I had a chinese and a couple of bars of chocolate, on the Monday i'd put on 2lbs!! i put it down to the 2 days of weakness, so i started again, and i was good all week last week apart from Saturday and yesterday it turns out i've put on another 2lbs. I'm not due my totm or anything, I dont know what way to turn now..I know its kinda my fault for giving in at the weekend but surely thats not enough to gain 2lbs?? for 2 weeks in a row..I think the fact that I only lost 1lb i thought, well whats the point in trying as hard. When i was starting off losing weight I lost around 1lb a week..but it would only show every 2 weeks, so one week would always sts and the next 2lbs loss. I dunno what to do, should I continue? Is there any point in continuing? Because i'm not being strict with my calories i'm eating more crap at night again, i've already put on 4lbs in 2 weeks, I could easily put all the weight back on...which way do I turn?

I also need some advice regarding late night eating, I tend to save my calories for night, i have one meal during day and eat dinner, then a sandwich then cereal just before bed, I am always within calories though, I went through all my weight loss doing this, is it possible that my body has changed now and I shouldn't be doing this? I get physically sick in the mornings if I dont eat before bed. What should I do? I sooooo need some advice! :(

Sorry for the long post!
Hi ,

My best advice would be to check what your BMR is on an online calculator and that will tell you the calories you need per day to stay the same. Then work out what you're having in relation to that. It may be that your metabolism has got used to having much less now you've maintained for so long and any extra amounts are now stored as fat as your body doesn't need it. I read in a nutition book that the best way to stop this happening and to keep your metabolism guessing and working to the best potential is to divide your calories up unevenly across the week. In essence you have 1500 cals per day thats 10500 per week. Instead of having 1500 per day, have 2500 one day, then 1000, 1500, 2200 etc as it's stop your metabolism slowing.

In relation to your eating pattern, it's definitely not best as the extra cals at the weekend will be being stored as fat as youre eating so infrequently and it's possible your metabolism has gone into starvation mode. I would recommend a book by Jillian Michaels called master your metabolism, I think it would really help.

Most importantly, you've achieved loads, dont get too disheartened this us a temporary blip. To achievec all you have so far, proves you have the strength to get through this difficult period.
Well done on your weight loss x
Thanks for your help!

My BMR is 1500 and I've been trying to have between 1100-1200, so effectively I should have lost weight after doing it that way.

Its so hard when your used to good losses then the loss is hardly anything, except your working harder. I knew it would get harder the more I lost but didn't realise it would be this hard! Even if I do lose 1lbs every 2 weeks, its still a loss, and is better than nothing.

Thanks again
Please don't be disheartened - you've done incredibly well so far. And a weight loss of 1lb a week is a weight loss! If you BMR is 1500 cals a day, and you are eating 1200, then you will lose approx 1 lb in 10 days - so you are on track!
The diet I have been following is based on calorie counting, but no carbs in the evening. It has definitely worked for me. Perhaps your late night cereal could be changed for something else? Also - are you drinking enough water?

Thanks I've tried the doctor a few times and due to a heart condition I can only have xenical which does absolutely nothing for me. Anyway, i'm starting afresh last 2 days and I've been quite good, decided to only have an apple and 2 digestives from 5pm - bedtime, do you guys think thats a reasonable amount, or should I eat absolutely nothing?

You have done so well! Keep up the good work and do not give up! you will get there x