CW Consultant

Gold Member
On a previous post I mentioned my concerns of the skimmed milk becoming rancid in the packs. It is the fat that becomes rancid not the skimmed milk. The discussion I had on this was over 3 years ago and for once my memory let me down.

I have just had a discussion with the head of production and clarified the issue.

Official Guidance - what happens after best before date


The vitamins and minerals start to deteriorate.
The flavour changes and will start to taste stale.
The fats, essential fats are added, sunflower oil is added, and the soya flour contains fat these are the elements that become rancid.


These become thick and all of the above apply.


Bars harden and as they have the fats added the rancid problem again arises along with the reduction in vitamins and minerals.

So advice from CD Head Office use the packs before the best before date
urgh, sounds nasty. Thanks for the info though xxxx
Spotted some out of date tetras (think about 10 or 15, can't remember !) for sale on eBay - over a week out of date and there were still loads of bids on them !!! last price I saw was £65 :eek:
The tetra's I got from my CDC last week were made in Nov and expire in May, so they have a 6 month life from manufacture.

The dried packs that I currently have expire Dec 08/Jan 09, so I 'm guessing they must have a years life from manufacture.
When you buy items from your CDC (at full price) should they tell you if the items only have a few days before the use by date? :(
CDC's aren't allowed to sell or even give away as samples stock that is past its sell by date.

Has this happened to you?

There are two codes on packs one date of manufacture an done sell by sometimes it can be confusing as to which is which?
I bought 28 bars on Friday all of which have a use by date of end April 2008.
As you are using one per day then contact your CDC and ask them to exchange the others as they will be out of date before you can use them bearing in mind you are only allowed one a day.

This could be a genuine error and your CDC is unaware of the stock date.
When you buy items from your CDC (at full price) should they tell you if the items only have a few days before the use by date? :(

Yes! & I certainly have.
The shakes aren't a problem as they have over a year's shelf life .
the tetras have the least & erratic sales have left me with part of a box with only a few weeks to run.

At 4 weeks to go I told clients of the date & warned them to use them before this plus reduced the price to the same as the shakes..

At 2 weeks I offered one free to clients.

then at 1 week I took the last few off the shelf, popped them in my freezer & now have a small supply of tetra icecream for my own consumption. I'm not SSing etc so a slight loss of vitamin levels won't matter greatly.

Did you get an exchange from your CDC?
When the bars are out of date, the chocolate goes white. I have to speak to my CDC as her orange bar was a year out of date!!!!:eek:
An out of date powederd shake is rank believe me!!!
funny enough I checked whislt there, not sure why! I do it in the shops on tins ect too lol

thanks for the info
thanks for info!! Very useful! x
I have just started CD again (day 6) and have been eating out of date stock throughout. I bought a months supply, just short of £160, last year and didn't stick to it. So, when I have started again I have a whole weeks worth of out of date stock. Some was as far back as August 2008. I have eaten the oldest first and I am now up to November 2008. Every one of my packs was fine. I mentioned it to my CDC and she said as long as they tasted OK they should be fine. I've got some bars, which I can't eat on my first two weeks anyway, and I don't feel like risking it with those, so I think I'll just chuck those x
I have just started CD again (day 6) and have been eating out of date stock throughout. I bought a months supply, just short of £160, last year and didn't stick to it. So, when I have started again I have a whole weeks worth of out of date stock. Some was as far back as August 2008. I have eaten the oldest first and I am now up to November 2008. Every one of my packs was fine. I mentioned it to my CDC and she said as long as they tasted OK they should be fine. I've got some bars, which I can't eat on my first two weeks anyway, and I don't feel like risking it with those, so I think I'll just chuck those x

Mia - do be careful. I really wouldn't recommend using products that are out of date tbh and listen to your body. If you start to feel very tired, then it's probably that the vitamins and minerals have 'decayed' somewhat so you should purchase some fresh stock.