Love Sauce ok?


Full Member
Hey guys!

Im "kinda" seeing this guy, and just "wondered" if "love sauce" (what men make) is ok for this diet? Also wanted to know if flavoured lubes (ie chocolate) were ok?

Sorry to ask such --- errr questions!

ha ha ha ha - is this a joke? Do you seriously think that flavoured condoms and cum have calories...? please, this has to be a joke!
Oh give over - sperm has calories - how ridiculous!
Seriously, that is the funniest question i have read on the CD forum.
I really don't know the answers to your questions but thanks for cheering me up.

You're brave for even wanting to swallow the man stuff!
Facts for the day (found on google though so don't sue me if they're wrong ;) )

Some of the contents of semen include: ascorbic asic, waster, sugar, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, nitrogen, vitamin B12, zinc
* A tablespoon of semen is about 25 calories
* Kiwi, celery, and watermelon makes the semen lighter tasting, where beer and coffee drinks are said to have bitter-tasting ejaculate; fish gives it a buttery taste
* The protein content is roughly that a of a large egg
Seriously, that is the funniest question i have read on the CD forum.
I really don't know the answers to your questions but thanks for cheering me up.

You're brave for even wanting to swallow the man stuff!

I agree! I'd rather cheat with something tasty! :p
Facts for the day (found on google though so don't sue me if they're wrong ;) )

Some of the contents of semen include: ascorbic asic, waster, sugar, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, nitrogen, vitamin B12, zinc
* A tablespoon of semen is about 25 calories
* Kiwi, celery, and watermelon makes the semen lighter tasting, where beer and coffee drinks are said to have bitter-tasting ejaculate; fish gives it a buttery taste
* The protein content is roughly that a of a large egg

I feel sick
This last fact made me giggle...

  • The average volume of ejaculate is around a half-teaspoon.
  • A load of ejaculate contains 40 million to 600 million sperm.
  • Ejaculate does not have a significant amount of calories. You'd have to ingest 400 loads to equal the calorie content of a "death by chocolate" dessert.
You'd be surprised how often this question comes up :D

My standard reply :D

Yes, it is okay on CD...if needs must (their words not mine:D)

It's low in calories. Under 10 I'm told.

Also contains:
Water - fab....makes a change from drinking out of sports bottle
Vitamin C - enough vit and minerals in the not need to add any more.
Citric acid - bad citric. :eek:
Phosphate and bicarbonates, to regulate acidity
Zinc - supposedly reduces cravings for sweeties!:cool:
Prostaglandins - prosta what? :confused:

Sorry...don't know about the flavoured condoms. I would think that would be okay as long as you don't swallow it :cool:

Hope that helps :)
Haha this is brilliant! Ok so I need to make sure I work off the additional 25 cals and keep him off the coffee lol!!! Whooop! XXX
You could feed him kiwi and celery sticks before hand!!! ha ha haI'm seriously shocked at calories - but 10 aint bad I guess - evenso, been there, done that (even a second time) never again! Rather you that me danielpartyuk!!!! Hugs x x x
PMSL. Hysterical...

Yes, good idea to feed him some nice food, don't want it tasting "funky", ala Samantha in Sex and the City...!!
Lol KD thats so funny!:8855:
Ejaculate does not have a significant amount of calories. You'd have to ingest 400 loads to equal the calorie content of a "death by chocolate" dessert.
Think I will stick to the chocolate cake