What changes have you noticed?


Silver Member
Right.. I have been avoiding Minimins because I have been doing so badly, but I don't think avoiding it is doing me any favours and I need to keep coming here to stay motivated.

So... How much weight have you lost so far and what changes have you noticed so far?

I've lost 3 stone and 2lbs.

- I've gone down from a 40JJ bra to a 36J.

- I've gone from a large 24, to a small 22 (and am not that far off getting into a 20 now)

- My eyes have stopped looking so piggy and don't disappear into my face

- I have at least one less chin

- My wedding and engagement rings are VERY loose. So much so that I am considering taking them off until I reach goal for fear of losing them

- I can get my boots on and do them ALL the way up (just ankle boots - haven't cracked the knee highs yet)

- I can climb up the three flights of stairs to my office without getting out of breath
Wow! 3 stone in 8 weeks, well done you...

Well, I'm only on day 4 but already I notice:

- Flatter stomach (looked like I was pregnant before...)
- Moved one notch inwards on my belt
- Jeans slightly baggier, clothes fit slightly better
- Scales have moved downwards by 8lbs!

Its amazing isn't it, in just 4 days!
Great question and topic starter Guru - Well I am just over 4 stone down and have noticed that...1) I have size 16 from size 24, 2)My hair and nails are in better condition 3) Permanent acne is now totm acne 4) I can see my toes! 5) I can see my knees when walking! 6) Double Chin has disappeared :) 7) My rings are loose 8) Gone from a 44E to a 38DD 9) My hips don't touch the sides of the bath any longer! 10) Can run for a bus, without nearly passing out 11) Enjoy physical exercise 12) My house is spotless! lol ! I hoover and clean rather than cook/bake and binge! 13) Confidence - especially as people are starting to notice I'm loosing weight :) CD is soooooo worth it! :):):):):):):):) Hugs x x x
none of my clothes fit,
I am in size 16 skinny jeans and they are getting too big for me!
I dont feel my chin touching my chest when i lie down, there is actually a gap now
I my nails are growing at a serious rate (I have stopped biting them)
i have a tiny waste (can't wait for my belly to catch up)

I have so many changes.... in 9 weeks lost 3 dress size and nearly 2.5 stone!
The biggest change for me is that I can 'feel' my bones! I've got another stone to lose but it's so funny, I can't sleep with my knees touching in bed anymore in the night, as they feel so boney rubbing against each other and I can feel my hip bones when I wear tight jeans..... and my wrists feel so skinny like they are going to snap!
I have lost 7 Stone
I have gone from a size 50 to a size 38 waist
I can run 4 miles in about 35 mins, whereas before I couldn't run more than a few steps :D
i've lost just over 6 stone in 20 weeks.

I have gone from a large size 18 to a size 10

I have an actual real face....not a balloon with a face drawn on it

I have really REALLY nice wrists, arms and shoulders, in fact they are my favourite body part

I am a lot bendier! ;) lol

I get compliments still on a weekly basis as people still notice the weight loss!

I look GOOD in skinny jeans!!! Never thought that would happen!

I feel a lot happier about how i look in my clothes....i know people arent staring at me pointing and laughing at the fatty in the trendy clothes anymore

There is also a list for all the negatives that have happened to my body since starting CD and losing weight, but i figured that this post was so wonderfully positive that i wouldnt be the bringer of doom! lol

Makes it all very worth while! Thanks Guru :D

My biggest change - my boobs have gone! I'm only left with a little bit now.

I can paint my toenails without having to tilt sideways to get around my huge stomach.

I can take the stairs by choice - rather than not being fit enough to manage them or looking like a sweaty heap when I got to the top.

I can buy clothes in a "real" shop now that I have dropped 5 dress sizes.

My confidence has gone through the roof on a personal level.
Ohhhh good topic!

Have lost 4 stone in 15 weeks and this is what has changed

Was size 22 :eek::cry: top & bottom now size 16 top & bottom

Bra was 42D now 38D

My wedding & engagement rings swing round my finger and will need altering :cry:

Very small waist but had that before to be honest but even tinier now!

Skin is glowy & look picture of health lol

Can see ribs when reach up :D and hip bones now stick up when i lie down ...have a while to go before they stick out when im standing up haha

To anyone starting out on cambridge diet please go for it ....this REALLY is THE best thing ive done for weight loss.... and so....so....easy !

I have lost 6st, still have at least 4.5 to go!

I have gone from a size 26 bottom and a 24/26 top to a size 18/20 bottom and a 16/18 top and from a 44E to a 38DD/E, I have had to remove my wedding rings and will get them resized once I reach goal, I too have found I'm much bendier :eek: and way fitter, I can now feel various bones and love being able to shop in normal shops and wear trendy clothes :cool:
I've only lost 1st 8lb but it has made a huge difference to how I feel.
Size wise I've only gone from 18 top to 16, 16 bottoms to 14. But I can now
- touch my toes and paint my toes comfortably
- have much much more energy
- no huge spare tyre hanging over my jeans
- can wear much nicer clothes
- don't feel like a big fatty anymore
Loads of changes, after nearly 6st in 5 months... Size 22 to a 14 in most clothes, bra from 42G to I don't what but am swimming in a 42E at the moment, can paint my nails, shave my legs etc with ease, I also find it odd to have the bones of my knees touching in bed! I have bony shoulders, prominent clavicles, my hip and rib bones stick out when lying on my back, my clothes in the wardrobe look tiny and I still can't believe I can get my ass into my jeans :D

Yay for us all and Yay for CD!
Belly massively shrunk, boobs and back looking slimmer. Thighs slimmer too, calfs looking a bit ripped in fact, fat almost gone from calves and arms, and neck. I have collarbones! Face much, much thinner and my double chin is a shadow of what is once was. I actually have facial definition, not just a big round moon face.

I was in XXXXL T-shirts at my worst. I'm comfortably in XXL now, and an XL top I bought the other day actually fits. Jean size has shrunk a lot too, I wear 36" waist now, I was in 44" before, so almost nothing in my wardrobe is wearable and most has been sold or put in the Oxfam point at Tesco.

My watch required a link removing a few weeks ago. That made it fit perect, it's now loose again. My wedding ring slides easily over my knuckle now, I'm going to have to get it altered at some point after reaching goal.

I'm using the same belt as pre-CD, on purpose; I've made seven new holes in it, and will be making another tomorrow.
I have lost about 22 pounds in 5 weeks. I am still wearing the same clothes but they are much looser on me - in fact its a little bit scarey to think how I must have looked when I was sqeezing into elasticated size 16's. Watch strap can now go on tighter, face slimmer.
It tends to be the case on previous diets that almost 'all of a sudden' I get very noticeable changes, so I am expecting the same this time.
I've lost just over 3 stones and I can paint my toenails/tie my shoelaces.
I've gone down to a size 14 in bottoms and in some 12s in tops.
Compliments that people have noticed I've lost weight.
I actually look quite good in clothes now.
I dont feel 'fat'.
I can actually wear nice undies ;)
Im on week 3... 3rd week weigh in on Tuesday, but i have lost 16lbs... have gone from 16.6 to 15.4 so this stone has made a difference already im back in my size 16 skinny jeans wore them to work today... and felt instantly slimmer... :) they are a little tight!... and if it wasnt for my long cardi i would have had my bum out once sitting down!.. but my face is slimmer.. :) yay!... heres to more shrinking! xx :)
DH has drilled extra holes in my favourite belt because on the smallest one I could pull down my trousers with the belt still done up.

I've also kept all of my weightloss charts (from WW/RC, etc.) since 2001 and am happy to report that I'm the same weight now as I was 5 years ago before I met DH and pre-pregnancy. I'm tearing up each chart when I'm lighter than the lightest recorded weight, I've already thrown away 3 of them. Immensely satisfying.
Four cards to go:
2004 - 12st 7lb
2003 - 11st 13.5lb
2002 - 11st 6lb, 30" waist
2001 - 10st, 27.5" waist
These have become my mini-goals!!!
I have just realised that my brain does not catch up with my weight loss as fast as I had thought.

I just bought two sets of "sitting around PJ's" online and have ordered them in my old fat-size. Force of habit.