Excel Spreadsheet for weightloss


Laugh in the face of food
Hi everyone,
Last time I did CD I had a fantastic Excel :character00148: spreadsheet for keeping track of my weightloss.:D It was brilliant because it calculated your BMI, your % weightloss and how much you still had left to lose.

I still have my old one, but when I deleted the old weights, and entered my new ones, the calculations didn't work anymore.:cry: I found it on here, but I've hunted high and low and can't seem to find it again. Does anyone have it or a similar one I could use?

I have a feeling it was Icemoose who I got it from but not entirely sure. I found it so useful would love to have it back (or a similar one). I really hope someone can help:help2:

Thanks xx
I've got one that was done by someone on here which I've adapted and added to. Here you go :)
Thanks Caroline, I might be being a bit dim, but I can't find it.
Whoops, helps if I attach it!!



  • Weight_Record.xls.zip
    40.4 KB · Views: 978
Thanks Caroline for doing that, I can't get my stupid computer to open the file, I'll have another go tomorrow.
I had to zip it up to upload it to here. If you want me to email the ordinary excel file to you, let me know your email address and I'll send it over.
This spreadsheet is AMAZING - THANK YOU xxx
It was my stupid computer Caroline, I had to get my brother to do it for me. I got it unzipped but couldn't open the file. My bro is a computer wizard so he did something on his computer and emailed it to me.
Thats exactly the one I was after - thank you!!!!
I can't see it either, I'm on my phone too