Hi Blonde Honey,
I too had my doubts before I started CD last year. But I gave it a go anyway.
I started at the beginning of May and by the middle of July I was 4 stone (bar a 1lb) down. I was admitted to hospital in the July with gallstones and had the gall bladder out in September so I had to come off the diet for a while whilst my body recovered, or I truly believe I would be at - or close to - goal by now.
Since coming off it for over 4 months to recover, I have put just under a stone back on, but I put 5lbs on overnight after coming off it - I put this down to the water weight. And the rest was down to mindless eating! Literally I have stuffed myself silly every day since coming off! I expected a MUCH bigger gain!
In my preparation week I lost 8.5lbs (I was loosely following step 3 of the plan to prepare, eg low carb, no fat, no caffeine/fizzy drinks, lots of water). Then in my 2nd week (my first "real CD week") I lost a further 7lbs. So my first stone gone in two weeks. I then averaged 4-5lbs a week, granted some weeks I lost "only" 3lbs - but these were the weeks I cheated by picking/snacking/grazing!
I found it amazing. As I am a slow loser on other diet plans like WW or SW - loosing 1/2lb - 1lb a week and then getting upset and comfort eating!
And yes, people who lose 3lb a week on CD may think "whats the point in this, people can lose 3lbs/week on WW and SW and be actually EATING."
But can people consistantly lose 3lbs+ per week on WW or SW?? I know I couldn't! My losses were averaging 1lb per week! Definately not quick enough or motivating enough for me!
Also, if I had "only" a 3lb loss one week on CD, my loss the following week would be alot more.
Also, my CDC encouraged me to take inch recordings of all my body parts, eg waist, chest, arms, thighs etc... at the beginning, and then when I had a slow weight loss week to check my inch loss and it was always shockingly good!
I didnt notice any changes myself - but I'm my own worst critic! I actually FELT like I was getting fatter! But the scales said no, as did my clothes! I was at a mahoosive size 24 trousers in May, by middle of July I was down to an 18! So it definately works! With ME not noticing the changes - I think this was more down to the fact that when I was at my biggest I had stopped looking at my body in a full length mirror, I would just look at my face to do my hair and makeup, but when I made a decision to lose the weight I looked at myself in the mirror ALL THE TIME, to see if there was any difference, so each day I noticed a new lump and bump that wasn't there before! I should've just thrown the mirrors out and gone by the scales and my clothing!
For me it's not ONLY the quick losses that do it for, (although it IS debateable about whether I would totally give up eating just to lose 1-2lb a week!) its also about taking a break from having to make food choices so I can re-learn what is healthy and what is not.
I may start a massive debate out there, but to me WW is not healthy. My sister lost 2stone on WW by eating macdonalds happy meals and using all her points in coke! This may mean less calories but it certainly isn't healthy! Where's the vitamins? The fresh fruit and veg?
CD the first time around gave me a break from having to make good/bad/ugly food choices and allowed me time to take a step back and assess the way I would like to eat once I'd reached goal and I've decided that I'm going to follow the 80/20 rule by eating "clean" all week and then eating whatever I fancy on the weekend. This hopefully will keep the weight off once I get to goal.
If, once I get to goal, I go back to eating the way I did in the first place - the way that got me to reach 18st 9lbs (eek!!) then of course I am going to reach 18 stone 9lbs again! And probably more!
But the same would definately happen on WW or SW. I can assure you - I have been there and done that!
Ketosis definately helps with weight loss as it stops you from feeling hungry...it is definately true and effective as after around day 3-4 you genuinely feel amazing! You don't realise how **** you're feeling on day 1,2,3 until you get to day 4-5 and feel fab!
I too hated drinking water only, so I got some green tea in (meant to be good for speeding up the metabolism itself) and in about week 3 my CDC let me buy some water flavourings from her - you add them to sparkling or still water and they make flavoured water! You can't just get flavoured water from the shops as theres too much sugar in them and it will knock you out of ketosis so you will feel starving again!
There is some threads on here of a cheaper version of the flavoured water / water flavourings you can buy from the supermarkets that arent CD produced but are the same amount of carbs....cant find the link at the moment..... but I could never find them in the shops so i just bought the flavourings off my consultant. It was expensive, about £6 for a pot I think, but it did last a long time.
Sorry for rambling but I really DO believe in this diet and wanted to share my love of it - I've tried every other weight loss plan / pill / shake under the sun - even hypnotism ! and nothing has ever worked for me, apart from this.
I'm not going to lie and say its easy - its bloody not! It takes a lot of willpower, sacrificing a social life etc.... but for me its worth it to see the lbs/stones melt away!
Now I'm recovered from my gallstones, I'm hoping to see the remainder of my weight go with CD - and I'm never ever going back there again!
Good luck with whatever you decide hun. If you're a quick loser on WW/SW then maybe there are other plans for you. But for me, this is the only plan that works.