Graph or Spreadsheet


Full Member
Does anyone have an example of a graph or spreadsheet they are using to calculate weight loss and when you should be at goal etc, really need something to keep me motivated.

Thanks ever so
That traker thing u use at the bottom has a graph on it when u update ur weight, shows u where u started and where u will b in a few weeks time if u keep going the rate u are now
My Graph is only in days, so I can only see 7 days ahead, anyone know how to change this.
Hi Claire - I have a spreadsheet that I developed that records your losses, does all the calcs, AND draws a graph!!

I will see if I can find it and post it here
I have one, but it's in Exel and that's not a permitted upload type. Sorry.

Claire, I don't want to publically post my email address, and I can't pm you, but if you can pm me your own email address, I'll send you my spreadsheet.
Here we go Claire - just fill in the yellow boxes as you go. It does the rest.

When you get past 30 weeks, just cut-n-insert the last row of figures into the block (right click the last line (e.g. 42), Copy, and then right click the following line (e.g. 43) and Insert Copied Cells). The graph automagically adjusts itself.


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Thanks Steve

Light dawned when I saw your post, but I'd forgotten how to zip :D

Here's my version, Claire...
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Thank you so much, these are brilliant
Steve your a legend! Best graph we could have asked for!
isnt it brilliant, fantastic. Thanks ever so

Yes, Steve - yours is excellent! Thanks - have adopted it.
Hey Steve ~ thought I was a bit of a whizz at excel, but you are the bomb. Excellent spreadsheet and highly informative re BMI, % of weight loss etc ~ kinda thing I really like, so thanks :character00148:
I am thinking of extending it to do the estimated body fat %age as well based on gender, weight, and waist measurement ...... only a rough estimate based on a formula from one of Patrick Holfords books.

I have a separate spreadsheet that does that, and just thought I would combine the two.
BTW - you are all welcome. I found it a good inspiration to see the graph which is why I built this in the first place.

If anyone has any suggestions on what extra it could do, or what it could do better/different, then let me know!
Steve is there anyway something could be added that will show you when you will reach goal based on average weight losses ?, prob very complicated and I can just about write a basic formula in Excel so I am prob asking far too much here
Thanks so much Steve!
Can we make this a sticky so people can always have access to the spreadsheet.
Steve - That chart is the bollox - big thanks