Paul's Diary - Im Back To Recreate My Past Successes on CD - AGAIN !!


Hi. I've decided to start a diary of my journey to be slim using the Cambridge Diet. It's a bit late as Im on my third week tomorrow (but better late than never.) Im gonna try to update this every week, or maybe every few days. I hope you guys and gals can help encourage me to my goal. "What is my goal?" I hear you say. My ultimate goal is to get down from 21st 3lbs (when I first started) to 16st by 1st week of June for my holiday. Right, time for my 1st diary entry.
Week 1 - A recap.

I am glad to say that Week 1 on the CD was much better and much easier than I thought it would be :D The only days that were a bit dodgy was day 2 and 3 where I felt a bit dizzy and sick, but after day 2, I was fine again. Surprised at how filling these shakes and soups are. Best of all, I lost 11lbs this week (Even though I am still going and getting weighed by my CDC (obviously) the numbers I am posted in this diary are from my scales first thing in the morning.)
Week 2 finished.

Well, at the end of week 2 already. Im still surprised at how Ive managed to stick to this. Had a few thoughts of food in my head but nothing too tragic. What Ive already lost is keeping me motivated. Must admit, Im glad I can try the bars now in Week 3 (which starts tomorrow). Ive lost a further 5 lbs this week. (1st 2 lbs in total - in just 2 weeks ! :eek::eek:)
well done honey xx
My Journey Update

Well, even though my scales say I have not lost anything, my CDC's scales say Ive lost 3 lbs this week. I have been having the bars this week, so Im gonna try the next week or 2 without the cars again - see if I can get a bigger loss ! Ive also spoken to my CDC about going on to the "introducing food" plans. Im aiming to start these plans on 1st May. My CDC recommended for me just steps 1 and 2 as Im going on holiday on 2 June. Its been 3 weeks finished on this diet already. WOW, thats gone quick :eek: And there was me, when I first started this diet thinking I wouldnt even make it past the first couple of days. :D. Well, lets see how I get on this week. Fingers crossed ;).
wk 4 - 8lbs loss .... maybe.

Well, this week my weight has gone down to 19 st 7 (It actually keeps fluctuating between 19-6 and 19-7) which means Ive lost 8 lbs (!!!) this week. I do find this quite hard to believe but Im not eating the bars this week, so maybe its partly that and because of the STS last week. BUT I am finding that I can get back into old clothes that I have got, including my jeans and my favourite T-Shirt (yes, I have a favourite t-shirt :D)
A lot of you wont know this (Some people from the WW boards might) but I used to train to be a professional wrestler (I have had a few matches on shows in front of a paying crowd:D )but I got too big and unfit to be able to do it anymore. I have always said that when I get into the 18st region then I will consider going back. Well, Im pleased to say I am almost there, so ROLL ON THOSE 18'S.
8 lbs loss is fab!!! That's great :D
I had a female red boxer for 13 yrs; she died just two years ago and was the love of my life apart from DH. They are the most wonderful breed.
Paul I think you are doing just great. Exercising your boxers must not only help you with your weight loss but also give you enormous pleasure. Love your avatar, I am thinking new puppy here. Soon, soon.
week 5 results. Bit of a funny week.

(i wrote this entry before the one above, but somehow its switched the order in which its shown :confused:.)

Ok. Well week 5 is now over and it was a little different than other previous weeks. I think I have totally gone off the CD soups as when I have one I feel a bit sick. As I have had them every day since I started CD I think I needed a break from them. But my CDC was on holiday and I didnt want to disturb her on her break. Then I read about SS+ where I could have 3 CD's and a 200cal meal or 200ml skimmed milk (There are details about SS+ on the "stickys" on the main page) Now, my CD week goes Thursday to Thursday but I started SS+ on Monday. BTW, it was lovely having proper food for the first time in 5 weeks, and still be within my diet. weight-loss wise, for the whole week I lost 5lbs:D but since I started on SS+ I only lost 2 lbs (which is still good but to meet my goal at my desired deadline I need to lose more.)
I have 7 more weeks to go until I start moving up the plans adding food. (Im gonna spend the month of May going up the plans) So Im still thinking about it at the mo, but I may go back to the original Sole Source. We shall wait and see :)
Hey Paul that all sounds great, suddenly everything is positive, positive, positive.

Woohoo to you!!!


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week 6 Results & a retrospective so far.

Week 6 is now over and done with and it was my first week on SS+. I lost 4 lbs in the whole CD week. I have so much enjoyed having meals again, albeit only 1 a day and very small. However, I have found that cottage cheese and tuna filled me up more than the chicken or turkey did (and it looked like more on the plate too) Im still not sure if SS+ is for me or to go back onto the original SS. 11 weeks left of this diet so need to lose at least 3.5 lbs each week to get to my goal. So far Im on track :D

Im just starting my 7th week on CD. Where has all the time gone ? I remember when I first decided on doing this diet I thought to myself "I will try it for just 1 week and see how I get on :)" Little did I know back then that this would be the best diet Ive been on and that I would be 2 and a half stones down in just 6 whole weeks. The only thing is, and this is a big positive, that none of my clothes fit. *THEY ARE ALL TOO BIG* :D Sorry, Im gonna have to say that bit again. All my clothes are too big !! (Not quite sinking in yet) I cannot remember last time I was below 20 stone but today I weighed as 18st 11lbs. For me that is WOW! I am half way through this diet and I feel as if im on track (give or take about 2 lbs) My feelings towards this diet at this stage in my journey: Unbelievable. It has not been easy 100% of the time, but its been no way as hard as I thought it would have been. My main concern before I started was, will the shakes fill me up ? I can now answer that as YES. For anyone who is *thinking/wondering* if to go on this diet or not, if they have no medical concerns, Id say definately go for it. It is completely changing my life for the better every week. For the first time in my life (as far as I can remember anyway) I can say that I WILL get down to 16 stone, and its the greatest feeling ever. :):):).
I don't think we've talked before, but... wow this read has really helped keep me inspired today. just like to day WELL DONE!!
End of wk 7 = 5lbs loss - start of wk 8.

Well, I am, now starting my 8th week on CD. Have lost 5lbs this week on SS+ and in total have lost 38 lbs which takes me just over the half way mark weightloss wise. I have 5 weeks left until I start going up the plans, although to be honest, as I am doing SS+ it feels like I have started the food plans already. Had a bit of a hard time the other night as my other half ate a McDonalds (my ULTIMATE weakness in food) You see, I dont mind people eating what I cant in front of me, cos like I keep telling them, just because I cant eat something I dont expect them to not eat it. I need to keep things normal, so it seems like my choice of not eating. I cant believe that just short of 2 months ago I was weighing in at 21 st 3 lbs and now I am 18 st 6. Still a bit of a way to go to get to my goal, I know, but I am chuffed to bits about the loss so far, as I cannot remember last time I was in the 18's :D.