Hey team,
If no-one has any objections then I think *butterfly* should be team leader! Heres what you all need to do to help her...
* Post on here your starting weight this week
* We'll make Friday 'weigh in day' so you can either put your actual weight loss that you weighed in with your CD rep or do a home weigh in and we'll just track that instead.
While Butterfly is getting up to her 50th post which is where she can then send and receive private messages (pm's) we'll post all the results on here for now. When you can do it through pm's you can do it that way if you'd prefer not to let everyone know your weight each week. I do think we should all post it on here though as were all in the same boat and theres nothing to hide.
Each week there is a competition each Sunday where all the teams put down the 'team average weightloss' and their 'biggest loser' and Irene then will post who the winner is.
Butterfly...your job would be to collect all the data together, it'll mean you have to keep a simple record of each persons weightloss at home so it's easier for you if you get muddled up. The formula for working out the weightloss is this...
Calculations for each individual %:
number of lbs lost divided by weight last week in pounds multiplied by 100.
For eg... 8/260 x 100 = 3.08%
Then, once you have all the results you can work out the teams average weight loss.
Calculations for team %:
total number of lbs lost divided by total number of last week's weights in pounds multiplied by 100
For eg... 24/1240 x 100 = 1.94%
There is a winning team and then the team member's best weightloss based on their percentage. Oh, and also a losing team too.
Hope this isnt all too confusing!
It's really not that hard but can be a bit stressful when you start. Once you've been doing it a few weeks, it is really simple. We all must give our results in to Butterfly or on the thread by Friday 10pm at least or they don't get put into that weeks competition. We must have a min of 3 results to put the team forward to Irene that week. And Butterfly must have the results in to Irene by 6pm on Sunday.
So, thats it really. Lets all make sure we support Butterfly by making sure we can post every few days at least and get our results here in time. Whether it's to have a whinge about how bad we're doing or to say how great we're doing....this is here to support all of us and lets hope we get to be a winning team each week! :talk017: