Team GB (Great Body!)


Gold Member
Hi Folks!

Our first post for our new team - are you happy with the name? We can always change it if we want to...

so... introductions..

I start Cambridge today!! Feeling nervous about dropping my blood sugar levels, but I've had two successful episodes on my cambridge journey before so I know I can do this..

How are you? How are you doing?

Count me in. 2nd day and very hungry but also very determined. So wat r the duties as team members?
I guess that's something we can decide.. we can make some rules for ourselves.. i guess it's about supporting each other through the highs and lows..

We used to have a couple of rules that people stopped being part of a group if they pitched up less than weekly or they stopped being on Cambridge... i can't think of anything else.. with a maximum of six people per group..

Does that sound ok? What else shall we add? Anything? Or just play it by ear?

this place is soo quiet.. it used to be full of people when I used to come here a few years ago...

...maybe the party's just about to start.. the band is just doing a sound check, the bar staff are putting the drip trays on the taps and the lights are just being set up... yester-year was a different party from a different night.. but this one's going to be lively in no time :)

Got my little black number on and ready to rock. Swigged a pint of water- pretended it was vodka-lets get this show on the road
First song in for me. Big girls.....u r beautiful
woohoo... Lisa - you're looking GREAT!!! Loving the shoes!! I'm guessing we're the first to arrive - let's get this party Rocking! :D
Ok well shall we start by discussing when r weigh ins r and we can aim for weight loss and see how we do? What else???
Monday is my next weigh in. Unfortunately due to my inconsiderate fiance lol i failed for 2 days. But back on track now and hoping for a loss of 4lb.
I am now 14.3 and want to get to the 13 mark. If i lost more then brilliant but 4 would be very determined.

Lisalollipop aim 4lb.
Enough. What's yours?

phew.. home from work and it's looking like I'll make it through day three :)

I first did Cambridge in April 2009, and back then I was around 17 stone and felt completely trapped by my emotions. I knew I needed support and I didn't want to try any 'faddy diets', and I'd found WW utterly unhelpful for me (great for other people, but doesn't suit me)... same with SW and RC... soo I didn't know where else to turn, and then my friend spent months over the phone persuading me to do Cambridge - I really didn't want to - and then I went to stay with her and saw how much her life had turned around - it was Brilliant! Soo.. I took the plunge... It wet really well...

I had a brief return to it earlier this year, but knew it was just about 'testing the water' as I was off on a big holiday/travelling and knew I'd only be on it for a few weeks until the travelling started...

sooo... now... here I am... weighing roughly 13 stone.. and aiming for the final goal... I'm really hoping I can get to 9stone 7 by about Christmas time... and then, far more importantly for me, I'm hoping to learn new ways of dealing with things so that I don't turn to eating for comfort (even though I'll always love food, I don't have to eat vast quantities any more)

My WI is going to vary.. this week it'll probably be Tuesday, which is good because that's roughly a week.. it's going to be a good result partly because I'd just eaten when I went for my first WI, so it's not a fair comparison :) I don't really care about the WI results.. I care more about the over all direction and so long as things generally go in the right direction, I'll know I'll be successful. I'm looking forward to feeling better about myself, but I'm nervous about whether I can keep the weight off permanently... that's the bit that's going to be hardest and I want to start planning NOW! :)
What are u hoping for in first week x

I'm still here... had to give up for a week while my doc sorted out my blood sugar meds, but I've seen him tonight and he's given me the OK to get started again :D So woo hoo, day 1 tomorrow, and here I come.

It's going to be a hard couple of weeks because my CDC is on hols, so I won't have a WI until a week on Wednesday, so the temptation to cheat and think I can still get it off before she gets home is massive LOL ;)

V x
hiya Red! Maybe you could set yourself the plan to weigh yourself on a set day and post it here? either weigh yourself at home or at Boots or at a leisure centre or somewhere, and then let us know how you got on? That way you can keep yourself on track??

I'm hoping I'll be strong for this weekend - I have a BBQ on Saturday and one on Sunday as well - and both are my OH's friends so a) I have to be there and b) I'm still a little self conscious about them liking me because they're a big bunch of friends who have known each other for decades and I've not been with my OH for that long..... sooo.... I'm just hoping I can pull it off without it being obvious :/

Lisalollipop, if I've lost less than 3 pounds I'll be disappointed, and if I've lost more than 7 I'll be amazed, but then I've done Cambridge before and had really big losses the first week, just while I settle in to it... after week one, I'll be happy with 2 pounds a week, but week one I'm expecting it to be much higher... 4 would be ideal :)
Im so tempted just really want a sandwich.
nooo lisa! You can stick this out!!

do you have a mental image of you as a slim thing? :)
Hi girls can i join plz :) im not sure how these groups work but anything to help keep me motivated and have others to talk about the diet with would be great :D
Lisa, step away from that fridge!! :D

Good idea, Enough. We're going to the rugby on Sat and I've already said that I'll drive back from London so my OH can have a couple of drinks, because I know that I won't be tempted to have even a sip of anything more than water when I'm driving. I'm not a fan of food at the match either, so I'll be happy to take a tetra and a bar... even though they do make me a bit (ahem) "windy"!! LOL, I think my OH may regret sharing a car with me on the way home ;)

I think that if you keep circulating at the BBQ with a glass in your hand, even if it is just water, nobody will realise that you aren't eating. So long as you have a pack before you go, hopefully the lovely smells shouldn't be too tempting.

Hi Lauren, please feel free to join us - I know from doing this first time round that the better support network I had, the easier I found it to stay focused.

V x
Seeing that the party's now getting started, time to imagine what dream outfit the new slim Team GB will be wearing....

I'll be rocking the gorgeous Audrey Hepburn-esque black number that I already have sitting in the back of my wardrobe and that has never been worn because my tits n ass (nevermind everything else) have always been too big to fit into. It's a beautiful Jaeger Black number, should have been a fortune but I got it at about 75% off, because I was going to "slim into it". I'll be wearing seamed black stockings and the sort of killer heels that I love but can't wear at present because the extra weight makes my feet ache too much for high heels. Oh, and my hair that I always hide behind will be cut like this.....


So that's me dressed, what are the rest of you lovelies wearing to the party? xx
I've ended up spending ages looking at beautiful outfits on line! :) That's been great!! x