Surfhunny's Countdown to Florida


Laugh in the face of food
Hi everyone, after weeks of messing about with this diet, I'm going to be back on track after Thursday. I've had so much on my plate lately ( no pun intended) and I needed to get through these past few weeks with minimal amount of damage - which I have, so my last event is a Christening on Thursday.

So as of Friday morning - I AM BACK ON... THE CD WAGON. And I'll be sticking to SS 100%, with nothing to get in my way.

The reason for this new change of heart - I've just booked up to go to New York and Las Vegas with the girls in Nov. They're all gorgeous and slim and I really don't want to be the fat friend on the holiday photo's. So Operation Showgirl starts on Friday.

PS I have no intention of becoming a showgirl while I'm in Las Vegas, but it doesn't hurt to dream about having the body of a Vegas showgirl
Mini Goals

1/ Make it through day 1 100% SS:woohoo:
2/ Make it into ketosis
3/ Get through week 1:party0011:
4/ Have a decent loss at Weigh In
5/ Got to the gym at least twice a week :whacky068:

Big Goals

1/ Get to target of 12st by my birthday (31st May) on CD
2/ Stay at target and perhaps get to 11st 7lbs doing SW to maintain :scale:
3/ Feel fab and thin for the big trip.:airplane:

On Friday I will weigh and measure myself, so that I know exactly what I'm deeling with. And I'll update it on here :character00148:.

At this moment in time I am:
14st 2lb or 198lbs :eek:

Meaning I have 33lbs to lose. I can't bear to update my ticker to reflect this :cry: so it'll just have to stay where it is until I catch up to it again.
Good luck hun xx
good luck!!!!!! you can do it!
I'm itching to get started back on SS, I can't wait for Friday and I can't believe I'm wishing the week away. But I guess it's a good sign that I'm desperate to get started, hopefully it means I'll stick to it this time.

I've been looking at my photo's from the first time I went to New York and they've reminded my why I'm doing this and hopefully they'll keep me motivated. In fact I might stick a couple of them on here in case my motivation slips. Just a big fat reminder :D The last picture is me in 2008 to remind myself that I can do it. And I have done it before.


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Right I've been for my dreaded weigh in and this is where I am:

14st exactly (196lbs)

So I have 31lbs to lose. Starting Friday.
Good luck, you can do it! You look fab in your last picture, you'll be there again in no time!

I've also been thinking how I'll maintain - probably get the last 5lbs off with WW so I can weigh in for free haha!!

Will pop back tomorrow to see how your first days getting on x
I've also been thinking how I'll maintain - probably get the last 5lbs off with WW so I can weigh in for free haha!!

He he thats exactly what I was planning on doing but with SW. I know I can maintain my weight following SW - I did for years (but maintained it at 16st 8lbs - not exactly target weight lol).

Really looking forward to starting tomorrow, I've made it through my last event, and even left most of my food cos I wasn't that hungry - a miracle for me, I usually clear my plate then roll around feeling sick..... maybe my attitude really has changed at long last!!!

So this is what I'm planning tomorrow:
Breakie - Chocolate shake
Lunch - Banana Shake
Tea - Tiramisu (made with vanilla shake, MAM and tsp coffee, num num).
And lots and lots of H2O all day long.

I'll test on Sat for ketones although I imagine I'll hit ketosis on Sunday, bring on the pink!!
surfhunny - good luck! go for it and just think of vegas. how you getting on today? i've had a crappy week (done okayish) but no TOM which was due and i feel bloated! good luck and although you look gorg enough in your pic, i am sure you can get to goal and feel better about yourself!
Hmmm...I reckon I'm going to try your tiramisu recipe. I still need to try out the jelly recipe! Maybe we should start a thread on CD legal recipes?

Good luck, hope today is going well! x
:D:D:DYay It's Friday at last!! I'm so happy to finally be able to get started!!:D:D:D

So far so good. I've had choc mint shake for breakfast and 1.5l of water :waterbottle: so far. And I'm feeling okay! I'm delaying my lunchtime shake because I'm not feeling hungry at the moment, so I'll save it for later.

This morning I've tidied the house and thrown away all the food that might tempt
me. I came across a half full bag of Werthers choccies :drool: and I was soooo tempted to just have one, but I didn't :snooty:, I was strong! I even went and put them in the outside bin so that I can't get them without the neighbours thinking I've taken up Dumpster Diving:eek:. That in itself has been an achievement.

I've made the conscious decision that I'm not going to let anything but Cambridge and water pass my lips. This is how I did it in Round 1. I've also been thinking a lot about why I was successful the first time round and not been able to repeat it since. Here's what I came up with:

:coffee: The first time I did Cambridge I wanted to do it. I was excited to start and couldn't wait to see results. Every other time since I've felt like I needed to do it. The difference is very subtle in the wording, but I think the emphasis changes everything. This time round I want to do it. I want to get rid of the weight and see results. I don't need to, I could stay the weight I am, I'm not hugely fat, or unfit, my blood pressure is normal etc. So now the only reason to do this is because I want to!!:girlpower:

I can't believe it's taken me so long to come up with that. But it really was like a light going on in my head this morning :character00238:
I'm really looking forward to my next weigh in instead of dreading it like I usually do.

One final thing I was thinking about was this: while I've been with my current CDC I've yo yo'd up and down at around the same weight that I am now. I'm not blaming her in the slightest, she has supported me and offered me countless idea's and different approaches to the diet, but she wasn't the one making me eat - that was all me!! So I'd really like to prove to her that I CAN DO THIS, and I can be a success story for her, instead of the whiney client who goes in, gets weighed and then sulks when the weight loss has been poor or non-existant!

Phew I really have done a lot of thinking this morning - I might have to go and have a lie down :p. I'll pop back later and let you know how the afternoon has gone.:character00148: xxx
Congrats on the werthers! I have got to do a food shop this weekend and am dreading it. I am only going to buy stuff my other half likes! Like mackeral & corn on the cob & steak and kidney pudding. So I will be less tempted to join in with the evening meals.

He'll think I'm spoiling him!

Good luck for this afternoon, well done for being so positive. What you say is so true. I started out on CD a couple of weeks ago and it's only been the last couple of days that I have started to enjoy doing something positive, rather than hating the fact I have to do something.
Congrats on the werthers! I have got to do a food shop this weekend and am dreading it. I am only going to buy stuff my other half likes! Like mackeral & corn on the cob & steak and kidney pudding. So I will be less tempted to join in with the evening meals.

He'll think I'm spoiling him!
Ha ha that'll be 2 birds with 1 stone, and you'll be the best OH ever lol. I'm just going to have a quiet afternoon in, watching movies. It's not often I get time to do things like that so while I'm on day 1 I'm going to treat myself with movie men, not food!

Good idea about starting a 'Legal' recipe thread. Let me know if you do.
Glad your first day is going well. I think this diet makes most people think - no time to think what can I put in my gob next...
I think a CD Legal thread would be great - I have my shakes either hot or cold maybe they'd be something new I could try
Right so I've made it through the afternoon :D. I'm glad I saved my lunchtime shake til later on, because now I've still got one left for later in the evening, which is usually a weak time for me, as boredom sets in lol. I've just had to leave my Mum & Dad's house because they were getting their dinner :eating:, normally it doesn't bother me watching other people eat, but I think because it's Day 1 and I'm serious this time, I made my excuses and left. Now I'm home wondering what to do with myself :hmm:.

I think I might have a catch up session with Flash Forward. It starts back on Channel 5 on the 22nd after a long break so I'll need to remind myself what happened so far. A night in front of the tv without nibbles:party0051: is going to be a toughie, but I need to retrain my brain to do without and there's no time like the present, right?
Well done for being strong! x
Urgh, right now I'm starving!!! I could chew my own arm off. So I think the only thing to do is head off to bed with a glass of water. Very rock n roll on a Friday night huh?

Day 1 completed:checkmark:
Bring on Day 2.....
Hmmph I did a silly thing this morning :doh:. I got on the scales... and I've put on a lb. Now I know that's a true reading because although I got weighed on Wednesday I ate carbs at the Christening on Thursday, so I probably put on about 4lbs (my usual after carb consumption). But it doesn't make me feel any better that I've put on a lb since my official weigh in :cry:.

Anyway from now on I'm avoiding the scales like the plague, I know it does me no good to scale hop :raincloud:, I've said this before, if I've lost a decent amount my resolve weakens and I feel I need a treat. If I've only lost a tiny bit, then I feel miserable and cheat. So the scales are the enemy, for at least the next couple of weeks.

Right, moaning aside. I'm onto day 2. I haven't had any shakes yet, I can't decide what to have. But I have had my first litre of dreaded H2O:tear_drop:! I try to drink as much as I can in the morning. For two reasons really:
1/ I'm really not keen water and like to get it over with asap.
2/ I refuse to be getting out of bed to go to the loo on a night!

I also tested this morning and I'm not yet in ketosis, but I didn't expect to be yet, it usually takes me about three days to get back into the pink, so I'll try again tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

Right I'm off to get my first shake, think I'll just stick my hand in the box and see what I pull out.:eek: And I'm going to try really hard not to think negative thoughts about the 1lb gain!!!