Project (Tiger)Lily :) 67 days of SS to go!


Gold Member
I've posted before that a very good friend of mine, Laura, once told me that my biggest problem with sticking to a diet (any diet :rolleyes:) was commitment.

She was right. Currently, she's still right. But that's about to change. See, I think I might just have realised that I didn't fully appreciate what that word 'commitment' means.

According to Fiona Harrold, author of 'Be your own Life Coach', commitment is made up of four distinct elements:

  • motivation
  • self-belief
  • self-discipline
  • willingness to challenge

This is the measure of how much you want to bring change into your life and it is the most important factor of all. Are you truly ready for change? Are you sick enough of how things have been? Have you had enough of struggle, worry, loneliness, insecurity, feeling second best and thinking ‘if only’? If you have and you’re willing to do something big about it then your motivation will be high.

This is the degree to which you believe, deep inside, that you are worthy and deserving of the good things that you are about to bring into your life. Without it you will sabotage and resist these good things. Your self-belief may not be perfect, but what’s really important at this stage is that you are willing – with my help – to increase your self-belief.

This is a vital quality, because when the going gets tough it will be your self-discipline that keeps you moving forward. It’s easy to be enthusiastic, and to work hard and go for it when things are going well. But change always involves a certain amount of discomfort and there will be days when you don’t feel like trying, or when you have a setback. At these times it’s important that you keep going, and self-discipline will be your ally.

Willingness to challenge
This is about being willing to challenge yourself and everything you know, including things that you have believed about yourself and the world all your life. This challenge is necessary to create new ways of thinking and being, and to allow a vast new range of possibilities into your life. If you stick with the known and the familiar you’ll rule out the new and end up staying just where you are.

See, at various times I've been brilliant at all four of those things. But not very often. The last time I got all four of those things right was in 2007/08 when I stuck to the Cambridge Plan 100% for well over 100 days.

Since then, I've just realised, I've maybe managed to get two of those things right at the same time. Sometimes even three of them. But not all four. The one I've struggled with most is 'motivation', I think, followed by (a close second) self discipline

Because back in 2007, motivation = desperation. I felt huge and miserable.

Here in 2012, I'm no longer that desperate. I'm no longer that huge, you see. So I need to find a new focus for my motivation. And as Spangles wrote in reply to something I posted a few weeks back, that focus needs to be on what it's costing me to stay this size. It's not too awful yet, cos at 42, I'm still comparatively young. But how will I feel in 10 years time, knowing I could've spent most of my 40s as a much slimmer individual? How healthy will I be in 10 years' time if I don't act now?

And self-discipline? LOL, it's about time I worked on that... ;)

So I'm going to. Tomorrow, I'm going to recommit.

I'm going to do whatever it takes to get this weight off and start living my life as a slim person!
Well after reading this post I don't see how you can fail this time! Good luck xxx
Makes a lot of sense Lily. All those four things are like ingredients and without them all the receipe won't work.

Strangely enough I find being at home easier. I am lucky that I don't have food in the house and I don't have anyone to cook for. I have never bothered with take aways and I don't drink regularly, so weekends are not as hard for me as the week days.
I do miss haribo though :D

I then return to work and I forget myself?? I then start dealing with my clients, I get tired so I loose motivation. I think why should I bother, I don't figure in any of this, it's all give give.. I then cheat and then become half hearted and wonder if I can be bothered to change.

So yes, some food for thought so to speak. Thanks for taking the trouble to post all of this and I hope you have a great week, catch up tomorrow if you are around.

Off to bed in a bit and I will write those words down and least if I can see them they become positive affirmations. :read:
you can do this, honey. you just have to do all you can. xx
Morning Lily,

I hope that your day has started out well and will continue to do so.

I want you to copy this and tape it up where you will see it through out the day the way we are supposed to do with our ARC reminders.


Because it is true and we all know it!
Divster said:
Lovely new diary! :D Love it! :D

Can I share with you a link to a thread on here?

Also look for threads by KD, think you will find them very interesting She doesnt post on here any more sadly

LOL, Divster - I've read those. It's usually me who points people to those links - having said that, it's high time I read them all again. And yes, I miss KD. :( She can be found on the (hushed whisper) 'other forum' - she posts as Triotime there.

Thanks for popping in to say hello - it's lovely to see you x

MinnieMel said:
Morning Lily,

I hope that your day has started out well and will continue to do so.

I want you to copy this and tape it up where you will see it through out the day the way we are supposed to do with our ARC reminders.

Because it is true and we all know it!

Great picture/words! Why don't we say this stuff to ourselves, eh?

Maybe I'll make that into my screensaver!


Well, all is going well so far :cross: considering I had next to no sleep last night (rotten indigestion induced by 2 days of overindulgence - will I ever learn? Oh - yes, course I will, right? ;))

But I'm stuck in London til 5 so it'll be 7 before I get home. :( Grr. Think about all I'll be fit for then is bed!

Still, that'll make it easy to resist temptation, won't it? :D
Urggh, my head's banging... :( Damn you, cusp of ketosis!

I've had 5 consecutive days out of the office and I'm officially sick of trains, ok? Oh, and TOTM's turned up 6 days early. That explains a lot. :rolleyes:

I won't say I've had a completely 100% day, cos I haven't. But I haven't been toooooo naughty (I may have nibbled on some chocolate and had a few bites of a pancake, shhh). That makes it a much better day than yesterday, which was in turn a whole lot better than the day before. Therefore, I'm claiming victory over my addictive desire, even if it wasn't a comprehensive knock out. :)

Round One to Lily.

Tomorrow will be a better day. Just a day at the office tomorrow. A quick look at my emails today shows I've only got 140 odd to read tomorrow. I think I might book some time off when I've read those, LOL. ;)

I'm still enjoying my Life Coaching book. I'm reading it in the wrong order mind, but I don't think it matters. I read the chapter about 'When the going gets tough, the tough get tougher'. Which is basically about how no one should be afraid to fail because it's only when we fail that we learn to succeed.

Seems appropriate for this whole dieting malarky, doesn't it? All those dieting 'failures' have just been my learning curve (clearly I'm a slow learner :D).

I also need to take more risks, apparently. So I'm toying with the idea of ringing my boss tomorrow (not my immediate boss, but his boss) and telling him that he needs to explain to me exactly what it is he wants me to do in this 'new role' he keeps saying I now have. Cos so far, he hasn't managed to articulate it. That's my boss all over. Not only does he want us to answer the question, he wants us to tell him what the question actually is. My job's a challenge, to say the least. :) Anyway, I've chickened out of having that conversation, but I really need to have it, cos it's doing my head in! Hmm...

Anyway. Off to bed soon, cos as it is, I can't see straight. It really is time I took better care of myself. Said 'no' to a few meeting requests maybe.

All part of the new improved me, huh? :D
Baby steps hunni ;) I'm having a meeting on Friday as my new role starts Monday and he's like do this do that.. oh let's do the other. When in fact I need to go back to basics and actually think about what is is we want to acheive. Oh yes I have asked for a small budget to develop the role, not heard anything back yet ;)
Afternoon Lily,

I'm still enjoying my Life Coaching book.

Glad to read this -- I need to get it on my Kindle asap.

I'm reading it in the wrong order mind, but I don't think it matters. I read the chapter about 'When the going gets tough, the tough get tougher'. Which is basically about how no one should be afraid to fail because it's only when we fail that we learn to succeed.

What are those sayings: You learn by doing. "Show me someone who has never failed, and I'll show you someone who has never tried."

Truer words have never been written, I think.

Seems appropriate for this whole dieting malarky, doesn't it? All those dieting 'failures' have just been my learning curve (clearly I'm a slow learner :D).

You and me both. I am definitely learning impaired when it comes to changing my relationship with food and fitness. *sigh*

I hope you

Howdy! :wavey:

Well, can't say that I'm back on it fully yet. Not sure why I keep tripping myself up (mostly just because I'm tired, I think), but overall I've not done too badly. I guess it didn't help that I got on my scales today and saw they were 5lbs up, grrr. Sometimes it feels like Groundhog Day...

I couldn't have that conversation with my boss because, most inconveniently, he'd taken himself off to a meeting in Telford. Never mind. Maybe it's just as well.

I'm trying to stay positive, which is something I shouldn't actually write, apparently. Shouldn't write it or even let myself think it. No, what I'm supposed to say is that I AM staying positive. No 'trying'. I guess that's going to take practice. ;)

I am considering joining the gym though. :eek: We signed up my OH last weekend (I chickened out) but I'm gradually coming around to the idea that I should give it a whirl too. I do want to feel fitter - it wouldn't be a bad place to start, would it?
Evening Lily,

Good on you for staying positive (not trying, but doing it). Joining a gym is a good start... then make appointments with yourself to go a be there. Put it in your diary and treat it the same way you would a work appointment (dread going, but do it anyway). ;)

I was going to go to Aquafit tonight, but it is such a crunch when I have to take DD to piano. So, I will go tomorrow.

Hey, Lily. loving your diary - and the commitment explanation. Great stuff.

Sorry yr boss was away. I have an idea for you. How about you write down exactly what you'd like to be doing in the new role, and then go to him and ak for his approval. that way, you can include more of the things you like to do. He may not really know what he wants and may love you talking it over with him with your ideas.

good luck at work and with your renewed commitment.

I keep thinking the same about the gym, but I am reviving from a serious illness (still after 2 years) and my GP refuses to let me do anything formal, so my best alternative is to pound the street. Once the nights get a little lighter that's what I'll do for starters. I guess shifting my butt and doing anything even a tiny bit active has to be good.

Let us know what you decide, be interested to hear what effect it has on your losses x
Hi Lily,

Happy Groundhog Day! What's the word on the gym? Ice skating is still on for Saturday if you are interested. ;)

Morning Lily! I've been wondering where you are and you've been here all along :)

Hope you have a great weekend - I'm so so so pleased it's Friday!

oh and your inbox sounds like mine - I hate email!!
Hi Lily - really glad to see you have a diary. Your posts are always really wise and helpful.

Sending you lots of happiness and motivation to succeed! xxx
'Do, or do not, there is no try' - Yoda.

Loving your diary Lily, will (try :D) to input as much usefulness as I can xxx