Well, this will be about my 5th diary on minimins, so I've decided to sweep my passed failures under the carpet and start afresh. New login, new start.
So, short version. Heaviest weight ever was about 20st. Serial atkinser since, I dont remember when. Briefly tried Scottish Slimmers, for about a week before I lost the will with the checks. Back to atkins.
My weight loss always seemed to stall after I'd lost about a stone, stone and a half, regardless of what i did.
So, I tried The Cheat to Lose Diet. Which I really quite liked, and now I come to think about it, I'm not sure why I didnt stick at that....?
Anyway, I decided in December 2011 I was going to try Cambridge and started on the 2nd of January 2012. I lost over a stone in my first week, changed to Slim & Save because I didnt really like my consultant, lost another stone, and then by March I was struggling and threw in the towel.
I ate absolutely everything I could for a month and went back to atkins, which lasted a couple of weeks and I went back to trying to devour the entire contents of my kitchen.
So, here I am. I found a new consultant, and she's lovely, and I got back on the wagon this morning at 16st 3 1/4lbs with a bmi of 33. *gulp*
I'm feeling quite confident about it this time. I know what to expect, what products I like, and which ones I hate - porridge *bleh*
I do have a 2 planned breaks on my journey. One being my birthday which is on the 12th of July - there might be cake involved. The other being a weeks holiday to Tunisia in August. Both occasions being a strictly "off and straight back on again" afair. Then it should be a straight run for me until Christmas.
Thats the plan, Batman.
So, short version. Heaviest weight ever was about 20st. Serial atkinser since, I dont remember when. Briefly tried Scottish Slimmers, for about a week before I lost the will with the checks. Back to atkins.
My weight loss always seemed to stall after I'd lost about a stone, stone and a half, regardless of what i did.
So, I tried The Cheat to Lose Diet. Which I really quite liked, and now I come to think about it, I'm not sure why I didnt stick at that....?
Anyway, I decided in December 2011 I was going to try Cambridge and started on the 2nd of January 2012. I lost over a stone in my first week, changed to Slim & Save because I didnt really like my consultant, lost another stone, and then by March I was struggling and threw in the towel.
I ate absolutely everything I could for a month and went back to atkins, which lasted a couple of weeks and I went back to trying to devour the entire contents of my kitchen.
So, here I am. I found a new consultant, and she's lovely, and I got back on the wagon this morning at 16st 3 1/4lbs with a bmi of 33. *gulp*
I'm feeling quite confident about it this time. I know what to expect, what products I like, and which ones I hate - porridge *bleh*
I do have a 2 planned breaks on my journey. One being my birthday which is on the 12th of July - there might be cake involved. The other being a weeks holiday to Tunisia in August. Both occasions being a strictly "off and straight back on again" afair. Then it should be a straight run for me until Christmas.
Thats the plan, Batman.