Diet History
Well, where do I start!
I guess I started doing dieting in 2010. As a child, I was quite small - mostly due to my mother's tiny portion sizes. I always had a sweet tooth, i've always been...hungry I guess. Lots of complicated stuff, but I moved in with Dad and his partner when I was 12 with my brothers and suddenly, we had food! Healthy family meals to supplement the active lifestyle living in the countryside. Even aged 14/15, I felt fat though - bigger than my friends. In reality, just a size 10, but I had embarrassing stretch marks on my thighs - I think this was just normal growing at the time, but I found it so embarrassing.
Fast forward to college, where I had freedom with food choices. I would buy packs of cookies and chocolate and gorge, because I could, always feeling guilty afterwards. I was a size 12...heading towards a 14.
Fast forward again to three years at university. Drinking, takeaways and my own home cooking - the size 14 was maintained for a bit but slipped into a size 16. Up to this point, I don't remember ever weighing myself. I was in denial that there was no point properly dieting - it was all about healthy meals...true to an extent, but my damaging relationship with food was the problem.
I graduated and was living with my parents, whilst starting a new job. I would get my lunch each day, but also something to eat on the way to the car, on the way from the car home...I was spiralling out of control. Couple that with meeting my H2B and a size 16 was starting to feel a little tight. The woman I was working with started the Dukan diet, and I started with her. My first experience of a diet, I lasted a couple of months, before moving in with H2B and eating whatever I wanted. I started a new job and decided to give Dukan another go. Sticking with it for about 6 months, I lost a couple of stone - i was loving it! Then Christmas came...and I just couldn't get back to it...
I tried halfheartedly again with it, but my heart wasn't in it. I tried the 5:2 for about 2 months, I was floundering between dieting and bingeing...I didn't have motivation to do anything properly...
January this year, I joined Slimming World...I started off really well, loosing my first stone quickly, enjoying the freedom of the meals...but that was the problem, too much freedom...
H2B proposed last Feb and we set the date for 30/05/15...Feeling hopeless, I started looking around a VLCDs. I chose Cambridge over some of the online versions because there is a support element to it, and I am hoping that that, coupled with posting on here, will help me to get to target and stay there...
I am hoping to "retrain" myself when it comes to food, so that once goal weight is reached, a new attitude to eating is also with me...
I am looking forward to starting on Monday - I have my meeting with my consultant tomorrow. EEK! I am ready and feeling positive for the changes that this will make to me - not just in size, but in attitude to!