Gold Member
Brief history for those who don't know me. I'm Lily (actually Sue - but I've been Lily for so long that it'd feel weird if you started to call me that!). I have in the past been enormously successful on Cambridge, losing 5 and a half stone between October 2007 and June 2008. Sadly, it crept back, bit by bit, inch by inch. That said, I am still apparently a successful dieting statistic in that I've never (quite) put it all back on again, though boy, am I perilously close.
I am an expert on just about every diet under the sun, having tried most of them. They all work, to a point. And then they don't. And Cambridge is then the diet I turn to repair some of the damage. This time though, I'm planning to repair *all* of the damage.
I need to find a new Cambridge Consultant as mine has retired (well, that's what happens 8 years after the first time, I s'pose
). So while I'm researching suitable candidates
I've purchased some S&S, Exante and LighterLife Fast products so I can get started (before I talk myself out of it!). I'm planning on starting tomorrow, as I can work from home on Monday and by Tuesday ketosis should hopefully have kicked in.
Wish me luck!!! :cross:
Brief history for those who don't know me. I'm Lily (actually Sue - but I've been Lily for so long that it'd feel weird if you started to call me that!). I have in the past been enormously successful on Cambridge, losing 5 and a half stone between October 2007 and June 2008. Sadly, it crept back, bit by bit, inch by inch. That said, I am still apparently a successful dieting statistic in that I've never (quite) put it all back on again, though boy, am I perilously close.
I need to find a new Cambridge Consultant as mine has retired (well, that's what happens 8 years after the first time, I s'pose
Wish me luck!!! :cross: