Slim at heart
Skinny girls r 4 wimps!!
1. Slept in the nude? Usually
2. Had a shower with someone of the opposite sex? Yep
3. Kissed a member of the same sex? Yes
4. Driven a car? Emmmm yes
5. Stolen anything? Yes many times, not proud of it...
6. Been in love? Yes, a few times
7. Been dumped? Oh yes
17. Had a crush on your neighbour? Ye lol
18. Left school to do something more fun? Ye
19. Slept in bed with a member of the opposite sex? Emmm yes
20. Lost a good friend? unfortunately yes
21. Been on a plane? Lol yes
22. Been to an island? Does Ireland count??
23. Slept in until 6? ye
24. Love someone or miss someone now? Ye
25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Yup
26. Made a snow angel? Yup, soooo cool
27. Played dress up? Oh yes.... love it
28. Cheated in playing a game? Umm yes!
29. Been lonely? Ye a lot of the time
30. Kissed more than 5 people in one night? Ya
32. Felt an earthquake? Yup
33. Touched a snake? Yup
34. Ran a red light? Ya & got caught!!
35. Been suspended from school? Umm yes!!
36. Been in detention? Yes
37. Been in a car accident? No, thank Goddess!
38. Had a party in your house while ur parents were away? Umm ye!
39. Used a fake id? Lol lots
40. Crawled through a window? Yup
41. Been lost? Feel lost most of the time!
42. Been to the opposite side of the country? Yup
44. Cried yourself to sleep? Many times....
47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? Lots of times
48. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? lol yes!
49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Few times
50. Kissed in the rain? Not that I remember
51. Sang in the shower? Yep
52. Made love in a park? Yup
53. Had a dream that you married someone? No it was reality but think was a nightmare actually lol!!
54. Glued your hand to something? No
55. Got your tongue stuck to a flag poll? Nope
56. Ever gone to school partially naked? NOPE!
57. Been a cheerleader? No lol
58. Had more than ten boyfriends? Yup
59. Didn't take a shower for a week? Yep
60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? Always, hate em!
61. Played chicken? Nope
62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Yep
63. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? Ye
64. Broken a bone? Noooo
65. Been easily amused? Course
66. Laugh so hard you cry? Often
67. Mooned/flashed someone? Lol ya
68. Cheated on a test? A few times, not proud of it either
69. Forgotten someone's name? Always, so embarrasing
70. Had a dream you had sex with someone? Ya lots!
71. Done something dumb while drunk? Yup lots!
73. Blacked out from drinking? Nooooo
74. Played a prank on someone? A few
75. Gone to a late night movie? Ya lol
76. Made love to anything not human? Does it count if it buzzes lol?
77. Failed a class? Yap... Irish!
78. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat? Not that I remember
79. Smoked hash? Once or twice lol
80. Cheated on a boyfriend? NEXT!!!
81. Celebrate the 4th of July? Not in Ireland!
82. Thrown strange objects? How strange?
83. Felt like killing someone? God yes!!
84. Thought about running away? Lots of times
86. Got a piercing? Nose & ears, planning on getting lip done...maybe!
87. Cut your own hair? Most of the time
89. Made a parent cry? Probably
90. Cried over someone? Jesus ye... I cry all the time!!
91. Had any pets? Yep, have a rat, 2 degus, a rabbit, 2 dwarf hamsters, a doggie & fish currently
92. Dated someone more than once? Yes....
93. Had/Have a dog? Yup, more than I can count!
94. Have an iPod? OH YES!!!
95. Smoked a cigarette? Only that once, but I didn't inhale!!
96. Been in a band? Ye, Irish band in Italy, played the triangle & sang!!
97. Thought about killing yourself? A few times...
98. Done something you really regret? Try not to regret anything
99. Believed in magic? Every day
100. Lied in this quiz? NEVER!!!
2. Had a shower with someone of the opposite sex? Yep
3. Kissed a member of the same sex? Yes
4. Driven a car? Emmmm yes
5. Stolen anything? Yes many times, not proud of it...
6. Been in love? Yes, a few times
7. Been dumped? Oh yes
17. Had a crush on your neighbour? Ye lol
18. Left school to do something more fun? Ye
19. Slept in bed with a member of the opposite sex? Emmm yes
20. Lost a good friend? unfortunately yes
21. Been on a plane? Lol yes
22. Been to an island? Does Ireland count??
23. Slept in until 6? ye
24. Love someone or miss someone now? Ye
25. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Yup
26. Made a snow angel? Yup, soooo cool
27. Played dress up? Oh yes.... love it

28. Cheated in playing a game? Umm yes!
29. Been lonely? Ye a lot of the time
30. Kissed more than 5 people in one night? Ya
32. Felt an earthquake? Yup
33. Touched a snake? Yup
34. Ran a red light? Ya & got caught!!
35. Been suspended from school? Umm yes!!
36. Been in detention? Yes
37. Been in a car accident? No, thank Goddess!
38. Had a party in your house while ur parents were away? Umm ye!
39. Used a fake id? Lol lots
40. Crawled through a window? Yup
41. Been lost? Feel lost most of the time!
42. Been to the opposite side of the country? Yup
44. Cried yourself to sleep? Many times....
47. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? Lots of times
48. Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? lol yes!
49. Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Few times
50. Kissed in the rain? Not that I remember
51. Sang in the shower? Yep
52. Made love in a park? Yup
53. Had a dream that you married someone? No it was reality but think was a nightmare actually lol!!
54. Glued your hand to something? No
55. Got your tongue stuck to a flag poll? Nope
56. Ever gone to school partially naked? NOPE!
57. Been a cheerleader? No lol
58. Had more than ten boyfriends? Yup
59. Didn't take a shower for a week? Yep
60. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? Always, hate em!
61. Played chicken? Nope
62. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Yep
63. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? Ye
64. Broken a bone? Noooo
65. Been easily amused? Course
66. Laugh so hard you cry? Often
67. Mooned/flashed someone? Lol ya
68. Cheated on a test? A few times, not proud of it either
69. Forgotten someone's name? Always, so embarrasing
70. Had a dream you had sex with someone? Ya lots!
71. Done something dumb while drunk? Yup lots!
73. Blacked out from drinking? Nooooo
74. Played a prank on someone? A few
75. Gone to a late night movie? Ya lol
76. Made love to anything not human? Does it count if it buzzes lol?
77. Failed a class? Yap... Irish!
78. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat? Not that I remember
79. Smoked hash? Once or twice lol
80. Cheated on a boyfriend? NEXT!!!
81. Celebrate the 4th of July? Not in Ireland!
82. Thrown strange objects? How strange?
83. Felt like killing someone? God yes!!
84. Thought about running away? Lots of times
86. Got a piercing? Nose & ears, planning on getting lip done...maybe!
87. Cut your own hair? Most of the time
89. Made a parent cry? Probably
90. Cried over someone? Jesus ye... I cry all the time!!
91. Had any pets? Yep, have a rat, 2 degus, a rabbit, 2 dwarf hamsters, a doggie & fish currently
92. Dated someone more than once? Yes....
93. Had/Have a dog? Yup, more than I can count!
94. Have an iPod? OH YES!!!
95. Smoked a cigarette? Only that once, but I didn't inhale!!
96. Been in a band? Ye, Irish band in Italy, played the triangle & sang!!
97. Thought about killing yourself? A few times...
98. Done something you really regret? Try not to regret anything
99. Believed in magic? Every day
100. Lied in this quiz? NEVER!!!