Couteaux - if I might be so bold, you need to start organising your menus again. Like in Cruise. Conso is, after all, PV plus a few things so where are your PV meals? Use the TINY bread and cheese ration as a snack initially perhaps, rather than having a total upheaval of your routine, and go back to your normal PV lunches and dinner.
When hungry/tempted/feeling nibbly, you always have the "Dukan picnic basket" to turn to - chicken, steak, eggs, prawns... EAT protein!
Seconded. You are in control if you TAKE CONTROL
You definitely can't think 'diet over', all you should think is 'small extras added to PV'. You are still following a restricted diet! Extras like you are having will at this point immediately undo all your hard work, because you need to SLOWLY get your system used to digesting carbs again, without it still thinking 'I'm in starvation mode I must store as much of this as possible as FAT'. So you have to very very GENTLY add the carbs back in. Hence the strict planning still.
Last year at this point I was still mapping out my weeks (I still plan main meals even now!), making sure that any social occasions fell in place as Galas or at a pinch 'Carb meals' - I made sure my PP day was still there every week, particularly in the Christmas break. The rest of the time all other PV days themselves are just that - PV days with a small slice of bread, a small portion of cheese and a piece of fruit added. At the start I was simply having a slice of cheese on toast added to my lunchtimes, and an apple as a snack during the day, that took care of all the daily the extras.
Then I planned the one 'Celebration' meal a week - when it was not a social occasion I must made that a normal (not overindulgent) meal of something I had missed, which would include otherwise 'not allowed' ingredients like cheese, potatoes, sausages - you get he picture): like shepherds pie or pea risotto or simply adding potato wedges to a normal PV meal. I usually timed them to be at the weekend and had a glass of wine or Belgian beer (my weakness) with it.
Then you might also choose to have a dessert that's not yoghurt
The other near-'normal' meal a week is a (wholemeal) pasta dish, or a pasta portion, but the rest of your meal needs to be PV. So for example Spaghetti bolognese is perfect - and if you haven't had your cheese ration yet you can grate that over it too!
SO for the upcoming holidays - I print myself a planner and write into it each day "PP / PV / Gala / Carb" and roughly what the meal will be, so I can see the weekly / larger picture and balance Christmas day and other nice meals (we'll be having visitors again), whilst making sure I can if necessary drop the carbs or take the low-fat option (like not having a sauce etc), and I can also see that I put in enough PP days even if it's not always possible to stick to my Thursdays - next week it all goes haywire because I have 3 work-related Christmas dinners in a row so I'll do a PP before and one extra one after ;-) I also find that now in Stab, telling myself it's a PP day makes it easy to resist offered treats (like mince pies yesterday) whereas on other days it's much much harder and I certainly don't always succeed!
Come on , you can do it - but the hard work only starts now!