Welcome to Dukan


Gold Member
:D Welcome newbies !
Introduce yourself here if you are new to Dukan or are thinking of joining us :D
Any questions answered, lots of advice given and many sympathetic ears :)
I'm fairly new round here just waiting for my book and i'll be well away. According to amazon it will be with me by the 30th of sept. I hate waiting when i want something lol.
There's a newbie in the robinhood household too. My husband told me that he was going on a diet (this is Mr anti-diet:eek:) because he's put on weight this year (had 5 months off work due to accident/injury) and lack of exercise that he does there plus being on limited walking because of his knee (plus the summer excesses) has taken its toll. So he'll be eating the same as me! He's on day 1 of attack (has read no literature, done no research and has no intention of doing either :mad:, I just told him not to eat anything without OKing it with me first). So we'll see!
Hello lovely Dukan followers!

I read the book and am ready to kick off my diet regime... I am starting Dukan today!!!
I did Cambridge previously but after failing off the wagon yet again and seeing my best friend amazing results after starting Dukan - I am up for challenge.

I am glad I found this group - so many great tips and already tried receipes.
I am sure I will be visiting this website regurarly :)
Hey good luck Laura, at least the rules are simple, he should get the hang of it soon 'no fruit, no carbs, no fat' and no veg most of the time... Hopefully it will be a bit more sociable if you're doping it together. I'm sick and tired of not eating the same as the rest of my family and having to plan for and cook fo rlal of us...
welcome all :D and lauras hubby! is he going to join up? or is this your haven?
Good luck all the new comers :)
welcome all :D and lauras hubby! is he going to join up? or is this your haven?

No, for a start it's in English (which gives him a headache apparently:rolleyes:), then he'd have to be able to type reasonably quickly and know where the letters were ("there's no 'S' on this keyboard, how do you get the 'S''?:rolleyes::rolleyes:) and finally, he hasn't even read the list of allowed items I printed off for him(lazy!) So, I'll be cooking for us and he'll eat what I want :D.

I can't see him sticking to it religiously though (zero willpower - he'll not say no to a whisky at the weekend), but he's never been on a diet before so who knows? I hope he manages it though, it won't do his health any harm (and he'll be in a bad mood if he doesn't:p).
Yes, 4.5 lbs that I have a feeling are going to be hard to shift. I'm upping the exercise and cutting down on the dairy. Fingers crossed!
oh fingers and paws crossed hon xxxx
be aware that muscle weighs more than fat... best exercise for dropping the pounds at this stage would be cardio not resistance training...

be aware that muscle weighs more than fat... best exercise for dropping the pounds at this stage would be cardio not resistance training...


All I have ever done for exercise is the exercise bike, walking (hiking) or housework with a preference for avoiding the last one.

So is all that cardio?
yep unless you have resistance settings on your bike and you use them.... if it's just a basic bike or you set it to the lowest resistance... you'll be fine and it's cardio...

I swear by the housework :) I love the satisfaction of seeing all clean and tidy and knowing it's boosting the weight loss!
Thanks, will keep pedalling then! (The bike is in the basement so I have the old TV down there with a portable DVD player. It means I get peace to actually watch a film plus get the exercise done. Win/win situation:D).

I think I'd like housework more (or at least resent it less) if the house actually stayed clean and tidy (for more than 5 minutes).
Hi everyone

Myself and hubby started the diet yesterday and so far so good, although I have a slight craving for sweet things!!

I am already feeling less bloated and hope to lose about 14lbs
welcome to the board rooster :)

have you calculated your true weight on the dukan site?

post up a menu/start a diary and we can help you out with the sweet cravings and make sure you're sticking to the plan :)

good luck hun x
welcome and good luck rooster x