Hello there,
In France, the percentages are very clearly marked (and remember that this diet is pretty much a translation of the French book).
I always say 5% fat in my burgers because it says so. For attack, good to stick to that if you can find it. After, in the French book, he says up to 10% ok (even 15%) but to dry fry it and mop any excess fat up with kitchen roll.
Same with yoghurts. There are a whole range here of 0% fat yoghurts. The rule is, in attack, no fruit pieces at all, so fat free flavoured yoghurts or buy natural and flavour yourself. (Muller Lite toffee + vanilla are ok, but they are huge so don't eat them all day!). Once in cruise, fat free yoghurts with fruit pieces in ARE allowed - up to two a day if no other tolerated items on your menu - BUT most of us here say to avoid if you can find others you like without... save where you can.
Pork is banned in France, only "fat free" ham (disgusting looking synthetic stuff). For the UK book, he allows the leanest of lean cuts, lowest fat possible, to cater to the UK palate. But I'd personally advise exercising restraint as the packaged ham is very salty, if not fatty.
So, where you can, stick to home cooking... and save the odd packet of low fat ham for an emergency snack rather than building meals around it where you can.
Just my advice.
I presume you have the book?