Is anyone following Dukan WITHOUT paying for the coaching?


Mistress of the Dark
I have the book, I'm reading it, and I'm seriously considering starting Dukan at the beginning of March, but just don't think I can afford to pay over £200 for the coaching. Is it absolutely necessary?

Gem x
I have just started the Dukan Diet (day 4) and i have the book but i am not paying for the coaching, most of us dont have the coaching and are doing really well!

Any questions you have, post them on here and they will get answered, i wouldnt bother with the coaching tbh.
i think there are one or two on coaching here ...a couple have been coached in the past , but most of us are not ...ive not had coaching and its not harmed me
I think it depends on you. I opted for the coaching (actually my boss is paying for it as we are doing it together:)
I do find that having to be accountable and weigh in every morning does help - I have the tendency to be really good for a few weeks and then slowly revert to former habits, so for me it's good. Having said that, I do think that the fast results you get help to motivate you. Nothing worse than waiting not so patiently for the scales to go down.
I think if generally money isn't an issue then it wouldn't do any harm although I wouldn't (and didn't) opt for it myself. I think half the battle is headwork and if your head isn't in the right place, coaching won't help with that. If you're focused you'll get recipes and advice on here:).

There is usually someone around to answer questions and we all support, nag, encourage and cheer each other on.

You have plenty of time to prepare your fridge, freezer and cupboards (eat the non-Dukan before starting and buy lots of protein) and read the book (the two most important things) and we'll all help as much as we can.;)
Just to echo what everyone has said - most of us here are doing it without the coaching, and if money's a problem then study your book, surf the net for more info (it helps a little if you read French) and go for it, we're here to help and share as best we can (for free!). And if you start saving now, if it's not working by doing it yourself, you could still switch to the coached route later... not sure if that is a good or bad suggestion though.
I think Jo (Maintainer) may already be off for the weekend but she may have a comment or two to add about the coaching.
Thanks so much for all your replies!

I've just finished the book and I have to say I loved it and I'm really excited about Dukan. I'm 99% sure I'm going to start on it at the beginning of March.

I've been doing Cambridge for a while now, and although I've lost 5 and a half stone, I feel ready to tackle food again (rather than avoiding it as I am on Cambridge). I love that Dukan has the four stages because maintaining is something that's always worried me. I've never been under any illusion that I would be able to just eat whatever I want - I know that I will have to be on some form of diet for the rest of my life, and the Dukan stabilisation phase seems very manageable.

I think I will go ahead without the coaching but will bear it in mind if I find I am struggling. I'm very motivated and strict with myself :whip: (you have to be on Cambridge!!!) so I don't think I will find it hard to stick to the plan.

I'm very excited about the prospect of starting Dukan! I'm coming off Cambridge on 1st March ready for going back home to Norfolk until 6th - I have lots of meals out planned and not to mention my mum's cooking! I'll no doubt gain a lot of water/glycogen weight so Monday 7th seems a good day to start the Dukan attack phase and shift the water!

I've been on the website and calculated my true weight which is 12'7 but I'll check again at the end of the month as I will have lost some more by then. According to the website, I need to do 5 days of attack which seems sensible and manageable to me.

I think I've 100% talked myself into starting Dukan on 7th :eek: so I look forward to chatting to you all! xxx
good for you hun ...look forward to chatting with you then !!!xxxx
Brill Elvira,

we look forward to see you then!
Thanks everyone! I'm so excited!!! My cousin is starting Dukan on the 7th too so we are going to keep each other going!

I'm wishing the time away now haha! But I have two weeks worth of Cambridge to use up and it's so expensive, I may as well just get on with it.

16 days to go! x
Hi Elvia what a super star you have been with your weightloss..!

im also reconsidering doing the Dukan again i didnt give it a chance before only did it for 5 days but did loose 4 lbs in 5 days.!

Im still on CD and getting well fed up lol x

good luck chicken x
Thanks Shanny! It just gets so boring after a while, doesn't it? Not being able to eat with my OH really annoys me!

Good luck if you decide to do Dukan again! x
Thanx im defo starting next weekend.. might as well as i will still be in ketosis.!!

will u be keeping a diary ?

have a good weekend x
I'm two shakes and a normal evening meal this week in preparation for coming off it when I go back home. Hoping that by eating a little again, I won't gain so much! x
fingers xxx but then it will come off again quickly with dukan xx
Exactly scrumper! I'm trying not to worry too much and just go with the flow and steer clear of the chocolate!!!