Yes, I agree with Laura on the description of Stab.
My personal problem is that the clear rules have gone (sort of) - except for 'the four'. So it's quite beneficial to stick to the conso rules, which is what we're doing, with a bit more freedom.
Personally I find PP Thursdays a doddle (if somewhat boring or repetitive). They are pretty white but (for now) I do occasionally have beef, and also cottage cheese (as well as FromFrais etc al!) So far I have only ONCE moved a PP day to Friday because of a social engaement - but I do lead a pretty uneventful life

Thursdays are easy because I have rules and I won't stray.
What is harder is the rest of the time, when I know the rules have been relaxed. Allow yourself the odd nice thing, but don't overdo it: one biscuit not two. Once a day not twice....
But I am quite relaxed about having 2 or 3 fruit portions a day (not bananas mind, but the odd grape

I agree with Laura re: Gala meals. This week is the first time I have a 'proper' Gala: takeaway tonight, might be fish and chips or yummy Chinese depending on what the majority wants - and in a way it's great that I can say 'yes go for it I'll join you' and not feel guilty (you may have noticed that this word comes up a lot for me in relation to food!).
My home 'Gala' meals are usually normal meals which include something a bit less 'healthy/low-fat' than I cook the rest of the time. In the last few weeks that included (not all in one meal!!): proper quiche, sauce with cream, chocolate dessert, ice cream, pork sausage, fish pie, PEAS, you get the picture. Only a couple of times a week max, more likely once. And I have a drink (2 small glasses max in an evening) at the weekend - that's just returning to old habits, I did not really need to cut back on that front.
Stab allows me to enjoy things like cake - I made a birthday cake for my MIL this weekend, I had a couple of pieces at the weekend, but no more after while everyone kept enjoying slices of it up till it was gone yesterday...
I now have small portions of carbs with a fair number of evening meals, but am quite capable of putting in one or two PV conso days a week too, or skip the bread or cheese ration when it's not been 'used' elsewhere.
I'm still checking my weight week by week (or a bit longer this Easter period), and it's working so far. I've not yet had a 'proper' holiday, we'll see what that brings in May when we're self-catering in Spain with our extended family and I fully intend to join in the cooking / eating /drinking etc.
Then I'll probably come back and have to re-adjust, but then that's what happens to most people on holiday.
Oh another long ramble - SORRY!!!