A word of caution... these tolerated ingredients, as you can see at a glance, are fattier/carbier than his general advice in the book and are (in my opinion) part of his "playing to the crowd" policy of late. Particularly with the constant updates!
They will slow your weight loss too, if overused, so we advise restraint so that the day when you've really had enough and are on the verge of going to the baker's, you have some leeway to use these tolerated foods.
He did used to say on the official (French) website to only use them IF your weight loss is satisfactory AND you're not stalling.
Up to you of course but starting out using them isn't the best idea in my humble opinion...
I didn't find any hard cheese in the UK within the "less than 7% fat" rule (and I have doubts about a lot of the cottage cheese too!)