PV & PP Days - routine and how many?

Red Heart

Back on the Dukan wagon!
Hi All,
I know the ideal routine is 1 PP day then 1 PV day, alternating them, but I know that for most people this is not the case as they like 2 PV days the weekend.
I have read a few posts and some say each week they do, for example:
Mon - PP
Tues - PV
Weds - PP
Thurs - PP
Fri - PP
Sat - PV
Sun - PV
Well this is fine, but if this is repeated every week, then surely at the end of a fortnight you have had 8 PP days and 6 PV days? Surely it should be 7 of each?
Sorry to be pedantic, :eek: but at the moment I am having 1 week with 4 PP and 3 PV and then the following week 3 PP and 4 PV. I must admit I'd prefer to follow the same routine each week (as it is easier to sort my meal plans) rather than have to change it but then each month I'd have had 4 more PP days than PV days which is surely wrong?
Hope this is making sense! :rolleyes:
Just wondered how everyone else did theirs?
Sorry to overthink it! :eek:
I'm doing 1 and 1 alternating. Dr D says it's the most effective way, so I am guessing he knows what is best. I remember seeing somewhere, either here or on the official site that people were stalling if they did more than PP/PV alternating, and having some constipation problems.
From my point of view, losing weight is hard enough to do, so I figure by doing it the most effective way, I'm not sabotaging myself.;)
Hi CocoMo,
I'm trying my best to alternate it, but I always want Sunday as a PV day (for my "roast" dinner!) so it doesn't always work out exactly.
I always tried to make Sunday a PV day, but have now fallen into making breakfast and lunch PP and evening meal PV and am still steadily losing weight. It is not what Dukan advises, but it works for me.
Alternating is definitely the way to go. It helps avoid the inevitable boredom which can set in, and also keep things "moving" ;)

However, like the original poster, I too need to repeat a regular rhythm to be able to figure out my social life in advance so I see no problem with alternating all week, and doing a mishmash on a Sunday, or having the extra PV or PP then.

Red Heart - the pattern you mention in your original post isn't ok though as I spot 3 x PPs in a row which really isn't a great thing in Cruise except for very heavy people. Stick to alternating, and you'll be fine, but fiddle your Sundays if you want things to stay on a regular pattern by all means.
Hi Red Heart

I'm really confused by this too.

I know Dukan says 1/1 is his new mantra, but he used to recommend 5/5. Does the weight come off slightly faster if you go through longer periods of PP?

If he only recommends 1/1 now to make it easier for people to stick to, then that's great, but I would actually find set days easiest to stick to - like you, it's for social reasons. I find it much easier if I know what days I can suggest dinners out etc, and also I don't think I can bear endless conversations with my husband as to which day it is and what I'm allowed to eat!

I don't work every weekday and am happy to do PP days on my days off to save up my PV days so I'd like to do:

Tu: PV
Th: PV
Sat: PV
Sun: PP
Mon PP

I would really like some advice as to other patterns anyone else has done that have worked for them.
I have another 14kg to lose so it's not insignificant and maybe I do fall into that 'heavier' bracket so could do with the 3 x PP days straight each week?

Anyway RedHeart, please do let me know what you've decided to do in the end!
DD says that over the longer term it doesn't make a difference to weight lost, 5/5 or 1/1. The important thing is to keep the days balanced. This means that if you do 1/1 but have a meeting with friends or something you could do two PV in a row followed by two PP days. The important thing if you do this is not to lose track and miss a PP by accident.
The 1/1 system seems to help people stay on the diet better, according to the DD chat. I would suggest it's also more balanced nutritionally as you get your minerals etc from the veg regularly.
Follow which ever pattern actually helps you to stick to the diet in the medium and long term.

I alternated 4pp/3pv and 3pp/4pv simply because Friday/Saturday/Sunday were the days I socialised with others over food - and because those were the days when I had most time to cook from scratch and make soups, stews etc without feeling I was going to waste any left over veg.
Follow which ever pattern actually helps you to stick to the diet in the medium and long term.

I alternated 4pp/3pv and 3pp/4pv simply because Friday/Saturday/Sunday were the days I socialised with others over food - and because those were the days when I had most time to cook from scratch and make soups, stews etc without feeling I was going to waste any left over veg.

Research shows that there are two main features to an effective diet. The first is one that burns fat, the second is that people stick to it. Most people can manage a silly diet for a while, but sticking to it over long term and into real life eating is the crucial factor. So this needs heavy doses of common sense. See some of the Daily Mail article chat comments to see the opposite!
Research shows that there are two main features to an effective diet. The first is one that burns fat, the second is that people stick to it.

It's the second part that undermines not just the silly diets, but currently "acceptable" main-stream low fat low calories diets like Ornish.