Red Heart
Back on the Dukan wagon!
Hi All,
I know the ideal routine is 1 PP day then 1 PV day, alternating them, but I know that for most people this is not the case as they like 2 PV days the weekend.
I have read a few posts and some say each week they do, for example:
Mon - PP
Tues - PV
Weds - PP
Thurs - PP
Fri - PP
Sat - PV
Sun - PV
Well this is fine, but if this is repeated every week, then surely at the end of a fortnight you have had 8 PP days and 6 PV days? Surely it should be 7 of each?
Sorry to be pedantic,
but at the moment I am having 1 week with 4 PP and 3 PV and then the following week 3 PP and 4 PV. I must admit I'd prefer to follow the same routine each week (as it is easier to sort my meal plans) rather than have to change it but then each month I'd have had 4 more PP days than PV days which is surely wrong?
Hope this is making sense!
Just wondered how everyone else did theirs?
Sorry to overthink it!
I know the ideal routine is 1 PP day then 1 PV day, alternating them, but I know that for most people this is not the case as they like 2 PV days the weekend.
I have read a few posts and some say each week they do, for example:
Mon - PP
Tues - PV
Weds - PP
Thurs - PP
Fri - PP
Sat - PV
Sun - PV
Well this is fine, but if this is repeated every week, then surely at the end of a fortnight you have had 8 PP days and 6 PV days? Surely it should be 7 of each?
Sorry to be pedantic,
Hope this is making sense!
Just wondered how everyone else did theirs?
Sorry to overthink it!