MissNJ's diary! :D


Full Member
I thought i might start a diary, so I can put my ramblings on here instead of the thread I started yesterday!

My journey into exante started yesterday morning!

I managed 100% all day, albeit I almost caved when making the kids dinner! Oooh the smell of onion bagels was to die for..

I drank just over 3 litres of soda water (can't drink flat water)
Had one cup of peppermint tea
and 2 cups of hot water!

Today is my second day, I've had

7:25am - banana shake (with ice)
1:10pm - strawberry shake (with ice)

Plan on having a "hot" chocolate shake for dinner about 6pm (then bed!!)
Have drunk my 3rd and final shake for today! Chose chocolate with ice again.. I still haven't worked up the courage to try a hot one.. I hate chocolate and hot chocolate.. Maybe next week.. If I'm feeling brave!

I also cooked the kids dinner, baked 30 mini muffins with peanut m&ms and minstrels! Kids loved them!

Wasnt tempted by their food, as it's all things I would never ever eat! Thank goodness!

Had a large cup of hot water with buillion in too.. Was like drinking a watered down soup! Without the noodles!

Kids are off to bed in 30mins (big kids in an hour!) and I'm joining them! So tired today..
Good luck with ur journey you seem to be doing well so far :) Xx
TrixySkinnyPlease said:
Good luck with ur journey you seem to be doing well so far :) Xx

Thank you!! I'm super hoping I find things this easy throughout! I'm not very good at sticking with anything!! Great will power ZERO stayability!!! ;-)

Uploading my start weight pictures! Sorry if too revealing! Hopefully I will see a big difference in my 4week weigh in!


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My waist is my biggest area problem, it's 37" right now.. Hoping to get it down to 30" by Xmas! :)
Hoping swimming will help me too, as I can't use the gym due to my arthritis in my knees being so bad :-(
I'm planning on buying some kettle bells tho, so I can use them for upper body strength and my sister has an ab belt thing by slender tone that I can borrow!
You look like you don't have a lot to lose, sure you will see a major difference by Xmas . I am going on holiday for 2 weeks and when I return I am going to start working solution.

I've done bikini pics, not a pretty sight I must say, but got to be a motivator.

Good luck on your weight loss x
melmbelm said:
You look like you don't have a lot to lose, sure you will see a major difference by Xmas . I am going on holiday for 2 weeks and when I return I am going to start working solution.

I've done bikini pics, not a pretty sight I must say, but got to be a motivator.

Good luck on your weight loss x

Thank you, yes pictures are a great motivator! First time I've ever been brave enough to put some online! (I'd never put them on my Facebook!!) :O

Have a great holiday! :) xx
Woke up this morning to my daughter wetting my bed :-( Boo..

But.... I don't feel hungry! Pee'd on a ketostix and it says I'm fully in ketosis! Whoop! I never thought on day 2-3 I would be there.. As I've read some don't hit it till day 5...

I did have the worst nights sleep too tho, pulled muscles n my back from heavy lifting last couple of days.. (housework!)
And I needed the toilet about 1000times... Argh.. It's like being pregnant again.. I'm just seeing it as the same kind of reward, instead of getting a baby at the end I'm gonna get a flat(ish) tummy! Hahaha

Breakfast is going to be a vanilla shake. They're my least fave flavour.. :-(
Try adding coffee or mint tea to the vanilla with ice. It changes the taste. I also get flavoured coffee and use it for all my shakes. After 22weeks 4 flavour options would get very boring. I do all these cold like ice cream but they are nice hot on a chilly day. I can give you lots of ideas if you want but I don't want to spam you to death if you don't want them :p
Morning MissNJ, I did exactly the same as you, I took got hubby to take some fat pic's in bra n knickers (not a pretty sight) but a good motivator and as they are on my phone when I'm feeling like I am gonna cheat I have a look to remind me lol xxx Do you have any of the bars, soups or just shakes?? I just have shakes as I like the all especially the vanilla one lol! Good luck today and stay focused xxx

Lisa x
huwiesmummy said:
Try adding coffee or mint tea to the vanilla with ice. It changes the taste. I also get flavoured coffee and use it for all my shakes. After 22weeks 4 flavour options would get very boring. I do all these cold like ice cream but they are nice hot on a chilly day. I can give you lots of ideas if you want but I don't want to spam you to death if you don't want them :p

Morning, thanks for the reply! I can't stand coffee tho :-( I've also got a heart condition that if I eat choc/sweets/caffeine etc I get really poorly :-( so I'm a savoury gal at heart!!
I do have the mint green tea, but not been brave enough to try it in a shake yet! :-/
I would love some other tips for the shakes tho!! Spam away!!!
Love Lips Lisa said:
Morning MissNJ, I did exactly the same as you, I took got hubby to take some fat pic's in bra n knickers (not a pretty sight) but a good motivator and as they are on my phone when I'm feeling like I am gonna cheat I have a look to remind me lol xxx Do you have any of the bars, soups or just shakes?? I just have shakes as I like the all especially the vanilla one lol! Good luck today and stay focused xxx

Lisa x

I don't have any of the bars/soups! I've got huge food phobias.. So thought sticking to the shakes would be safer!
The photos are a shocking reality check aren't they! I'm planning on having mine everywhere at home to keep me focused! But the thoght of getting them printed out at the local shop is a scary thought! Hahahaha

How many days are you into exante???
I'm feeling awesome on day 3! No hunger pangs... But a bit of a rumbly tummy!!
Ok so if you don't mind green tea you can try a pukka green chai tea. It's cinnamony so its good in the choc and vanilla. There is a pukka mint and licorice root which is a nice change. I use the exante drink flavour peach and add it to all but choc. I've heard the orange is nice that way too. You can also add tablet sweeteners if you like. I add spices to my choc and vanilla like cinnamon mix spice all spice nutmeg. If I think of more ill send them your way.
There are some flavoured decaf coffees. I find that flavored coffee doesn't taste like coffee it tastes like the flavour. Like this afternoon I'm having Carmel coffee with a banana shake plus I add ground flaxseed for extra fiber. So it tastes like a banana nut ice cream with carmel on top. If you'd like ill send you a private message with links to decaf coffee flavours.
There are some flavoured decaf coffees. I find that flavored coffee doesn't taste like coffee it tastes like the flavour. Like this afternoon I'm having Carmel coffee with a banana shake plus I add ground flaxseed for extra fiber. So it tastes like a banana nut ice cream with carmel on top. If you'd like ill send you a private message with links to decaf coffee flavours.

Yes please!!!! I would love to try some other flavours! I'm hoping dont get to the point of hating the shakes.. S early on variation would be awesome! ;-)
Had strawberry shake for lunch, wasn't even hungry for it, but was a nice change from drinking so much water!!
just cooking the kids tea, they're all having something different! So annoying when they ask for completely different meals!
Made the 9yo his fave humous and wraps with loads of green leaves.. Soooo tasty looking, had to resist! I'm not feeling hungry at all.. But the need to want to eat yummy stuff is so hard to deal with!
Cant wait for 6pm.. For my final shake.. Going to have banana! With ice! I'm having ice with all of the shakes now.. Funds it makes them so crunchy and filling! My blender turns it into a kind of slushy shake too... I had to spoon out some of my lunch one! I hate ice cream.. But I so love these shakes!!
Had my final shake about an hour ago.. Chocolate (with ice!)

Feeling so blooming cold tho, am currently wrapped up in big knickers, top, onesie, thick socks, huge knitted cardigan and 2 blankets, sat on sofa and still freeeeezing! Damn ketosis!

Had a bouillion drink too earlier, not sure if I can have more than one cup a day (1/3rd of teaspoon mixed) I could drink about 10 litres of that right now...