Exante WILL help me lose 3 stone

Queen Bizzle

Silver Member

Hi guys :D

Welcome to my weightloss diary!!!

I'm following a mixture of exante based diets such as total solution and man plan, with a little low carb thrown in for good measure. My main focus is to stay in ketosis, keep my carbs and calories very low and to lose weight as quickly as possible. I however do enjoy having a life and like most people I also enjoy happiness ;) My greatest battle is balancing weightloss with a happy, busy and fun life. I try to update every day as it helps me to stay focused. I do go on A LOT. You've been warned.

For anyone starting exante I have food review thread here which you may find useful.

Loadsa love,
Biz xx


13 stone 4 pounds
84 KG
185 pounds

Hips - 45 inches
Waist - 35 inches
Thighs - 28 inches
Arms - 13.5 inches
Bust (Not measuring as it's the only part im not trying to shrink!)


6 weeks in to plan

12 stone 6 pounds


Hips - 41 inches
Waist - 31 inches
Thighs - 27 inches
Arms - 13 inches



I'm not new to the forum, but it's been a while... After reaching my weightloss goal 3 years ago, I left the forum, stopped "dieting" and I have slowly crept back up to my heaviest, despite efforts to follow various healthy eating plans. For me I think I need to go hard, or go home... I've decided it's time for something drastic to kick me up the bum.


Plan week one

From what I can understand from my personal research in to VLCDs, Ketosis is the main reason for feeling ok/not hungry and getting rid of cravings for real food. So to ease myself in gently to a stage of little hunger, I plan to allow myself some zero carb food for the first few days (basically following the working solution) just to help get me in to ketosis without depriving my body of real food or depriving of too many calories too soon - slowly, slowly does it, with a view that this will help me stay on track long term. This is a complete trial, and I have no idea if it will work but I am basing it on how I know my body reacts to low carbs any my knowledge of ketosis over the years of dieting.

THURSDAY DAY ONE - 0 Carb, real food diet day
My packs don't arrive until tomorrow so I've decided to use today to introduce my body to the way of low carbs. I'll be eating eggs and ham for breakfast. Then chicken salads for the remainder of the day. Any snacks will be 0 carb. I will use my knowledge of south beach, atkins etc to guide me. Hopefully this can be the first day of getting my body in to ketosis as I'm desperate to reach a stage where my energy levels are OK and the time that the hunger subsides as soon as possible. I'm not going to count calories, or deprive my body of food when it says it's hungry. 0 carb is the only rule for today.

FRIDAY DAY TWO - Working solution
My packs will arrive!! Woo. So I'm going to start the plan off, but also add in one real food meal. I am working in a pub until 2am so I can't just sleep through the headaches and hunger as I'd like to. I'm hoping allowing myself a small amount of real food that will keep my body happy (I hope) but also won't affect me getting in to ketosis... as long as I stay away from the enemy - carbs. So for today - 3 packs and a meal which I will not count calories, only rule - 0 carb.

SATURDAY DAY THREE - Working solution
Again, I will be working a long day in a probably packed pub. So I'm going to follow working solution one more day, allowing myself an omelet for breakfast (0 carb) and continuing the rest of the day on the packs. I will be able to go home at 8pm so I can survive in my bed through the hunger. Today I want the food intake to be a lot less than the previous day - weening in the meal replacements slightly more.

SUNDAY DAY FOUR - Total solution (Finally)
Finally a full day off, so I hope to stick to the TS 100%. By now i'd like ketosis to be kicking in, but if not, I can just cry the day away in bed alone. JOY!

MONDAY DAY FIVE - Total solution
Again, another day off so a full day on TS, drinking tons of water, nursing any headaches and sleeping through any rumble tum times. That's two full days off so no excuses to cheat. I will lock myself away as I can be a complete ***** when I'm starving!!!

TUESDAY DAY SIX - Total solution
I'm hoping my now ketosis will be in full swing (surely) and that I won't feel so hungry, or have any cravings. By this point of the week I will be having to do real work, so I need energy levels and concentration to be back to normal! As well as my pub job, I work in and study fashion design meaning that I need to be creative and proactive. This will be a big test for me to see if ketosis can give me the level of energy I need to perform. In the past, I have found after 3 days of 0 carbs, I am not hungry and full of energy. However, the calorie in take has been much higher than 600. It will be interesting to see if ketosis can really keep my feeling energised even with such a large calorie deficit.

WEDNESDAY DAY SEVEN - Total solution
And so begins the normality of living life on a VLCD.

So there we have the plan. I will update daily to let you know how it works for me.

Take care everyone, and good luck on your own VLC journeys. xx
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Great plan! And very do-able. Welcome back. Go full speed ahead into your restart on the appointed day. Keep posting x
Great plan! And very do-able. Welcome back. Go full speed ahead into your restart on the appointed day. Keep posting x

Thanks serialslimmer. I Plan to be on here every day. Forum addition to replace food addition!!!!
I had last week off work and, like you, decided to do low carb Monday-Thursday while waiting for my packs to arrive to ease myself in. I did well, I was very headachy and grumpy and feeling ready for Exante when my packs arrived on Wednesday afternoon but my best friend was visiting on Thursday so I picked a restaurant where I could get a low carb salad option - all good so far. Then we met up, got chatting, both ordered pizza and then went to a tearoom for lattes and cake.

I had a shake on Friday followed by a McDonalds and then my fiancé and I ordered Papa Johns on Saturday night. Soooo... successful attempt all round :8855:

Hopefully you do better than me haha! xo
I had last week off work and, like you, decided to do low carb Monday-Thursday while waiting for my packs to arrive to ease myself in. I did well, I was very headachy and grumpy and feeling ready for Exante when my packs arrived on Wednesday afternoon but my best friend was visiting on Thursday so I picked a restaurant where I could get a low carb salad option - all good so far. Then we met up, got chatting, both ordered pizza and then went to a tearoom for lattes and cake.

I had a shake on Friday followed by a McDonalds and then my fiancé and I ordered Papa Johns on Saturday night. Soooo... successful attempt all round :8855:

Hopefully you do better than me haha! xo

Hahaha aww bless you, sounds like me the last few weeks. I dunno why I think it'll be different this time but I do. Maybe cause I'm telling more people that this is what I'm doing. Just called my bezzie and suggested organising a spa day next time we meet instead of the usual 3 day booze and food fest ;) most of my friends live far away so when I see them we always end up doing something massive and it always means eating and/or drinking!!! It's so hard to socialise and diet!!! Plus working in a pub, I hate the general public when they're drunk, they drive me to drink ;) xx

DAY ONE - introducing low carb

So I've done it! Fair enough not a TS day, but day one of the diet is done. Winner!!! :D I stuck to the low carb 100%, managed to fit in some exercise and actually don't feel too bad at all.

This is how my day panned out:

Wake up - after ordering my shakes at midnight last night, I was so excited by the prospect of exante. (Remind me I said that next week) ;) Part of me thought, "why don't I have one last day of glutinous eating as its gonna be a while until I can do that again." But instead, I came on this forum and found all the inspiration I needed to ignore that and make a new plan. It's always one last day isn't it? Well, not today!!! Hello new me.

Breakfast - I left this really late, not eating until around 3pm.. Part of which because I became addicted researchin exante more and more!!! By 3 I was being a right old witch so I gave in to some food. But a zero carb omelet sorted me out enough and I went and did some errands to take my mind off food. The sun was shining which is always a bonus.

Lunch - by the time I came home it was 5pm and I was already starving even though I ate like 2 hours before. So I listened to my tum and had a chicken salad. This filled me up completely and I was then able to feel ok enough to do some dressmaking work. I managed to resize and cut out a whole bridesmaids dress. This is a massive achievement, as this kind of creative and detailed work takes a lot of brain power, especially for me... usually I'd just get ratty and give up if I hadn't had any carbs to feed my poor little brain. Half way through I did get a bit hungry so I treated myself to some zero carb "picky bits" That saw me through the rest of the day.

Work out - by about 11pm I'd finished the dress, but I still felt wide awake... Prob all the caffeine I'd injested to help me through the sewing work. So I decided to go to the gym. I'm lucky enough to have a 24 hour one which is a 30 minute walk from my house. I walked there and back and did 20 mins in the gym burning around 300 calories according MyFitnessPal. I'm hoping I can still do this everyday when I'm fully in to TS as I feel great for it! It also helped take my mind of eating and kept me focused.

Dinner - so my day all started really late so I didn't bother having dinner, instead, I cleaned my teeth, had a shower and got in to bed. Teeth cleaning is the best turn off for my food relationship ;)

OH And here I am all tucked up. Achey muscles, empty tummy, but a positive spirit. Excited for my exante pack to arrive tomorrow so I can really start this skinny journey.


Calories in - 1100
Exercise burned - 300
Net - 800 calories

Total carbs - 24g


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Roll on day 2!!!
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Diary below


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DAY TWO - Introducing meal replacements


The Exante Excitement
So I woke up really late BUT my packs are here!!!
was like a kid at christmas when I saw the parcel waiting for me this morning.

I ordered the Exante Diet 4 Week Mixed Diet Pack which you can find here- Exante Diet 4 Week Mixed Diet Pack (2015) | exantediet.com

I will try to update as much as I can to let you know how I find all the packs. For today, I am only having 1 pack and two meals to introduce the diet slowly, and help me along with a few more calories until I hit ketosis.


The Exercise:

I went to the gym early in the day, before eating anything. My main reason for going was to get an accurate weight reading from the posh scales at the gym. They also give you a BMI reading as well so I'm hoping it will give me a better understanding of how much fat I'm losing week to week. Whilst in the gym I found a lot of interesting posts on the forum regarding exercising on a VLCD and that it's suggested resitance training could be the more beneficial one. This was great news to me as I hate cardio. So I want to do more research in to this and develop a plan that will hopefully tone me up and retain the muscle that I have already. I'm not very muscley, but I am a lot stronger than my skinny female friends.

The Workout:
Walk to gym - 25 mins
Leg Press - 3 x 10 reps (85lbs-115lbs increasing)
Hip abductors (in) - 3 x 10 reps (70lbs)
Hip abductors (out) - 3 x 10 reps (85lbs)
Cross trainer - slow pace, 15 minutes (level 14)
Walk home - 25 mins


The Breakfast:

- Lemon And Raspberry Shake
Out of all the packs, I thought I'd like this flavour the least so I decided to have it first to get it out of the way. It actually wasn't that bad. Quite sharp, but creamy and filling. I made as directed with 200mls of water and some ice. I had half a shake (over about 30 mins, with sips of water in between to make it last longer) and popped the rest in the fridge for later.

I left this as late as possible as I'm going to be on my feet until 2am.


I put my shake in a little sundae glass with a straw. I hope to always make my meal replacements look appetising to keep me interested, dunno what to do for the rest of the meals yet.


The Mood Swing
By now I'm feeling like an absolute witch. I tried working in the studio but my flatmates even just breathing was irritating me. Major sign that I'm hungry!!! I feel well in myself, now headaches or anything, but I can tell I'm :mad:HANGRY:mad: as they call it. I planned to have a 0carb omelette but my housemate had mates over, and I couldn't face making conversation with people I didn't know in this foul mood. So I lock myself in my room for about an hour, researching the diet and somehow get through it. I decide to have a shower and stop being such a baby.


The Treats
Once I stopped being such a child, I decided I needed to treat myself but didn't wanna opt for a food treat as usual. Instead, I went to pound land and bount myself some new bits for the diet. I got glass sundae dishes, a "posh" glass coffee cup, some cute little dessert bowls for the soups and stuff, and a new measuring jug. As I live in a shared house, there's hardly ever any nice clean crockery to use, so I decided that getting my own little set would make my exante times stress free and a little more luxurious. Poun shop and luxurious don't ofetn go hand in hand but I got quite a nice set for a fiver so I'm cuffed :)

The Lunch

- Chicken, salami, cheese string, scotch egg

So lunch, if you can call it that when it's so late! Was basically just a load of low carb "picky bits" as I call them. Adding everything to fitnesspal to ensure I stayed well below 50g of carbs for ketosis. I didnt feel full up after that, but I decided to ignore my tummy and realise this is going to be half the battle.


The Pub
The start of my 7 hour shift at the pub. JOY. Being on low carb, little calories, irritable, miserable and having to deal with a load of drunk people all night. Oh how I love my life ;) The soda water on tap was my saving grace. After a few glasses my hunger went and I realised I was probably just a bit thirsty (even after 2 litres of water earlier in the day)


The Fluffy Brain
I got a bit of a headache, started to flag a little, feeling tired and unable to concentrate on stuff. I felt like I was walking around in a daze and kept getting peoples orders wrong or forgetting what I was doing. I remedied the head with tablets and more water, that soon shifted. I usually get through the night on redbull, but as that’s a no go, I had an energy tablets to see me through. After the hydration and medication I felt much better and was actually in a good mood most of the night, able to work efficiently and just having a good laugh with my work mates and even the annoying customers!


The End (Nearly)
Finally, the pub is closed. I’d made it. I hadn’t even had dinner yet. And didn’t feel hungry. OH MY GAWD. Felling pretty smug at this point that day 2 is over. THEN, as usual, comes the time for staff drinks. Now I had planned to have nothing at all, but as I’d had such a successful day – what harm can one zero carb drink do. So I made myself a double-double (the repeated word is on purpose) ... a double-double JD and coke zero. Probably not my best decision. But when you work for such little money and only get one drink a shift – you make it a good one.


The Booze

So that would have been OK. I’ve read a lot about the controversial dangers of low carb / ketosis and alcohol and the messages are very varied. However, from my years of dieting – I know what my body can and can’t handle. For me, as long as I stick to a zero carb drink, I don’t usually suffer in weightloss, just suffer the next day with an almighty hangover from the sever dehydration. But, Like I was saying – That WOULD have been ok. If I hadn;’t decided to then go and buy a bottle of Jim Beam from the shop and drink another 3-4 glasses at home with my boyfrienmd and house mates. I put it all in to fitness pal – and that’s about another 600 calories added on to my day. That’s the entire daily calories allowance on the Total Solution. GAHHHHHH. There is nothing I can do now, there is no way of telling as yet if this has affected my weightloss, or my abilty to get in to ketosis. At least I didn’t turn to food after drinking like I usually would.

The Positives
- DAY TWO LOW CARB DONE. I managed to complete the whole of day two and stayed under the 50g carb allowance I had allowed myself
- DRINKING HABITS CHANGING. I always drink on a Friday after work, so swapping my hefty pints, wines and ciders for a zero carb option was a step in the right direction
- MEAL REAPLACEMENT INTRODUCTION. I added my first replacement meal as planned and didn’t eat more than I had planned to. In fact, I ended up only having one shake and one meal.

All in all, it’s going to take a long time to get to where I want to be. Which is a healthy weight, happy with the way I look and making better choices for what I put in my body for the rest of my life. I had a hic up on day two, but I’ve still progressed.

To anyone reading - Sorry that was so long ;) ;) ;)
Hello I must say your diary is a great read while I'm sat in the garden, you sound so focused its fab. I weigh the same weight as you. And I'm counting the days for when I reach the 12's I have Exante products the shakes are nice with a spoon of coffee.

Good luck x
You're making a good, honest and practical start. Self-knowledge is like gold dust when we face a challenge such as a tough VLCD Ha Ha x
Hello I must say your diary is a great read while I'm sat in the garden, you sound so focused its fab. I weigh the same weight as you. And I'm counting the days for when I reach the 12's I have Exante products the shakes are nice with a spoon of coffee.

Good luck x

Aww thank you honey-j :) There'll be much more of this - I find rambling helps me through it, haha :) It's the end of day 3 and still feeling focussed. It's great to chat to people that are a similar weight. Makes it more real that others are here doing the same as you. I see from your stats you've already lost a stone which is amazing!! How long did that take you? Are you doing TS or WS? Excited to try the shakes with coffee, do you have them hot or cold? When I was on SW I'd always make a a coffee with an options packet and stick in the fridge over night for iced coffee in the morn, think I'll have to try with the shakes :) xx
You're making a good, honest and practical start. Self-knowledge is like gold dust when we face a challenge such as a tough VLCD Ha Ha x

Yes, i agree. You need to be honest & realistic with yourself and not set yourself up for a fall. If you do fall, you need to compare to your previous bad habits to show yourself you are improving. I'm not gonna be a size 8, salad eating, gym nut over night - but I'll get there :) How's your day been? xx
Aww thank you honey-j :) There'll be much more of this - I find rambling helps me through it, haha :) It's the end of day 3 and still feeling focussed. It's great to chat to people that are a similar weight. Makes it more real that others are here doing the same as you. I see from your stats you've already lost a stone which is amazing!! How long did that take you? Are you doing TS or WS? Excited to try the shakes with coffee, do you have them hot or cold? When I was on SW I'd always make a a coffee with an options packet and stick in the fridge over night for iced coffee in the morn, think I'll have to try with the shakes :) xx
Hey Biz yes I'm a stone down but I am the worst yo-yo dieter even though I promised myself I wouldn't do that this year. I started off on the Cambridge weight plan - then stoppe and bought loads of Exante shakes. I still have 2 stones to lose by 18 weeks for my girls holiday in Mexico. I'm wasting time by stopping diets every week lol :confused: but I can't afford Cambridge anymore so I'm reconsidering starting Exante or slim & save. My willpower is poor but now with summer approaching I need to give it a good go again........ Yes I have my shakes with coffee cold with ice its lush.

I will ill pop by and catch up with your daily updates yiu never know you might bring me the boost and kick up the bum I actually need. Xx
Diary - Day Three


DAY THREE – Meal Replacement Introduction


The Hangover
So I wake up feeling a bit poo – tired and fuzzy. :( Dehydrated from all the whiskey, and without a naughty meal in my tum like I’d usually have after drinking, I was so hungry. Despite all this, I didn’t have a headache, I didn’t feel sick, and it actually started to feel like I was experiencing quite a minor hangover considering the amount I’d drank vs the little amount I’d ate... It could have been a lot worse. I was happy cause if I’m honest, I will have a drink from time to time during the next few months so at least I know I can do it on a low carb. :rolleyes: Next time, I will make sure I eat more if I plan to have a drink, never drink on a TS day, and try to space out each drink with a water or soda in between.


The Breakfast

Low carb omelet

With another long day ahead of me on my feet at the pub, and to treat my fuzz brain, I made myself a really nice, big omelet with chorizo, salami, mushrooms and cheese. It tasted like a pizza :eek: so actually satisfied my hangover cravings without reaching for the usual hangover cure of a bacon roll.


The Pub

So was still feeling fuzzy and tired, but this is kinda normal for a Saturday day shift as we always drink on a Friday night at work. It’s hard for me to comment on how I was feeling diet wise as I had this misty hangover cloud hanging over me.


The friend who means well

My good friend at work arrived, after previously texting me to say she would bring food, to which I replied “I don’t eat”, she says she has a present for me. Bless her, she knows I am on a diet, doesn’t quite understand the low carb concept and has prepared me a fruit salad with so many different fruits and some natural yoghurt on the side. I didn’t have the heart to tell her I couldn’t eat it… and I wanted to eat it so bad!! I’d been drinking plain water all day and my body was craving some sugar. The fruity medly looked like a dream. I thanked her loads and told her how sweet she was thinking of my diet, then put it in the fridge to later “share” with her. Although what really happened was I got it out hours later, ate 3 small pieces after checking which fruit had the lowest carb count on my fitness pal, and convinced other members of staff to also share. It was hard to resist but I don’t want anything to stand in the way of my ketosis.:cool:


The Lunch

1 x Exante Strawberry and Banana Shake


So I’d taken the plunge and taken my weird looking “space man packaged food” in to work. I’d been feeling anxious about people knowing how strict a diet I am undergoing. But there are going to be times that I have to eat this stuff in front of people, or I’m going to find the diet even harder. So work for me is the next step for people to understand, or at very least just see what I am doing and for it to become normal. I have amazing support from my boyfriend and one of my close housemates. But other people, they can be insensitive, opinionated and quite frankly, dumb. I just don’t want to hear what they think about the diet if it’s negative. After years of being alive and being fat, I know my body and I know diets. So on this occasion, I have just 2 nice colleagues who were interested but supportive and said they think I can do it. One girl (who brought the fruit) said she lost half her body weight after gaining weight due to pregnancy. I generally find women to be a lot more supportive than men when discussing diets. Her kind words just saying she knew I could do it, went a long way, and made my shake taste extra yummy.


The tiredness sets in

So I get home from work and it turns out me and my boyfriend (Alfie) actually have a night off together. I remind him that I don’t eat anymore – he calls me stupid, says of course he remembers and that all he wants to do is help me. I really am lucky to have him supporting me. :D We’ve been together 7 years so I feel like he knows me better than I do. I was small when I met him, then went up, then down, then up, then down and he knows how miserable I am being fat, even though he tells me it doesn’t matter. So anyway, we have a night off, and all I wanna do is… SLEEP. The hangover and small amount of calories had caught up on me, I felt drained and weak. I slept for about 3 hours until he woke me up as he was scared I’d miss my 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] meal of the day.


The ordeal that was my dinner

So after being awake for like an hour (this is midnight and I have weird sleeping patterns from working late) I decide I’m getting a bit hungry, my tummy is rumbling and I just wanted to eat. My plan for today was 1 x real food meal + 2 x exante meals. So far I’d had one of each. As I was still on my introductory phase I made a deal with myself. I’d have an exante meal, but I’d pad it out with some zero carb real food. What the heck, I’m still feeling hungover. So I begin to make one of the exante pizzas and decide to top with some meats and mushrooms. After tipping out the packet and mixing with water, I realise I have no greaseproof paper which it says you need. I begin to throw what I would call a minor strop. I’m getting really hungry by this point, so Alfie says he would come to the 24hr shop to buy some with me. He’s a beaut like that.
So we start heading out and old me creeps back in – “why don’t we just go to the kebab shop, you get a wrap and I’ll just have the meat” So that’s what we did. Where we live in London, is a tukirsh area. It’s FULL of kebab shops. It actually comes in handy when low carbing, as you can go out for a meal and just opt for meat and salad very easily. So we head to the kebab shops, stopping off for the greaseproof on the way so I could try a pizza tomorrow.


The Kebab “Crisis”

So my usual favourite kebab shop is a bit far for us to go from home. So we decide to try a different one nearer to home. I usually get shish, salad with onion, cabbage, tomatoes etc etc and loads of garlic sauce. Yum. Alfiea ordered a wrap, I ordered chicken shish specifically with NO BREAD with salad and garlic sauce. Wanting what I usually get from my usual shop. So the food is ready, they’re putting mine together and the kebab man just grabs a wrap and sits my chicken on top of it. I’m tired and hungry and I just say to him “NO! Sorry, I want a wrap.. oh no, I mean a salad” I sound stupid. I don’t know what I’m talking about cause I’m running on empty. I had already told him before, exactly what I wanted. I’m getting upset cause I have to tell him again. He goes over to the rice and starts putting that in. So my boyfriend can see I’m struggling and steps in saying she just wants salad in a box with the meat. The kebab man then tells us off saying it should be more expensive this way – well fine, but I did order the kebab in a box in the first bloody place!! ANYWAY. He makes me a salad in one box (just lettuce – nothing like the other shop), a kebab in another box, I ask for garlic sauce, he ignores and puts a massive bit of Turkish bread in with my order and hands me the bag. By this point I’m just looking at my boyfriend, he knows even though small and stupid how much this has upset me. We walk out and start walking home. Looking back I feel so stupid, I start telling Alfie that I just wanted the same thing I usually have, and why was he forcing me to eat carbs, and that I don’t get to eat a lot so when I do I actually want to like it, I start welling up, I feel stupid. :( Alfie says he understands, and that there’s some garlic mayo at home, which we can put the meat with the salad in a bowl and put some sauce on and it will be ok. That’s what we did. And I felt much much better after eating. It’s crazy how emotional I can get over food. It’s just reiterated more how this has to change. I need to change my emotional connection to food. Tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow is my first TS day.

The Positives :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
So I could have woken up and binged on bacon rolls and chocolate and mochas with cream like I usually would on a hangover.. but I didn't. I made it through another difficult day with a really low carb count of around 20g. Hopefully I will be slipping in to ketosis very soon.

For now, over and out xxx
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Hey Biz yes I'm a stone down but I am the worst yo-yo dieter even though I promised myself I wouldn't do that this year. I started off on the Cambridge weight plan - then stoppe and bought loads of Exante shakes. I still have 2 stones to lose by 18 weeks for my girls holiday in Mexico. I'm wasting time by stopping diets every week lol :confused: but I can't afford Cambridge anymore so I'm reconsidering starting Exante or slim & save. My willpower is poor but now with summer approaching I need to give it a good go again........ Yes I have my shakes with coffee cold with ice its lush.

I will ill pop by and catch up with your daily updates yiu never know you might bring me the boost and kick up the bum I actually need. Xx

I've been yoyoing for about two years, but worse since xmas as I had a plan - I failed. I've rejoined a gym, set out goals, tried loads of dietss and still ended up at the weight I started after the xmas blow out. That's why I chose exante and why I chose to come on here and discuss my eating, warts and all. I'm a student so exante seemed the best value money for me, it's cheaper that my usual food shop, especially when I'm realistic about what I spend, including takeaways.

18 weeks is a long time, I believe you can do it :) it's now or never my lovely - let's do this :D xx
Really enjoying your diary so here to subscribe. I find VLCDs fascinating!

The kebab man..... What a **** !!!!!
Really enjoying your diary so here to subscribe. I find VLCDs fascinating!

The kebab man..... What a **** !!!!!

Thanks Blondcat. It's nice to know people are listening to my rambles.

And agreed, I'd love to know which 4 letter word you used to describe him but agreeing with any of the posibilities. haha ;) xx
Diary - Day Four (Part 1)

Dear Delightful Diary,

Day Four – First day total solution


The dehydration

So I’ve been silly, I’d not drank enough water yesterday to counteract the low carb, low calorie and on top of that the hangover. I’d already set aside this day in full to just get myself in to TS. So I spent the first part of the day sat in bed, browsing the forum, watching TV and drinking water. This is the life. I was too scared to have any tablets on an empty stomach, as they say you shouldn’t. So I kept on persevering the healthy way – weeing at least every 15 minutes :eek:


The adventure

I try to make my diary sound exciting, but today, it’s really, really, REALLY not. After staying in bed all day, my adventure consisted of walking to Sainsburys, buying some boullion to drink, onion & garlic granules for my soup, and checking all the diet drinks for their ingredients and in turn deciding that such a decision was too much for today. Feeling ever so fuzzy, I wandered back home, feeling weird, spaced out, and like everyone was staring at me. Great. :wave_cry: Tell me again why I have green hair??? I can never be inconspicuous.


The roast dinner

Well, this is clearly a massive lie and a massive attempt to make my day sound more appealing. I had a cup of boullion. If you close your eyes and pretend, really hard, it kind of resembles the after taste of a chicken dinner. So this Sunday, this is my roast. Nice.

I’ll be back later to update on my packs when I finally decide what I want !! x x x
Day Three - continued




The Boredom
So the boredom of my bedroom has got the better of me, so I decided to escape in to the rest of the house for a bit. I decided to make myself my first exante pizza as I'd still not eaten anything apart from my pretend sunday roast. Whilst the base was cooking, I took the time to designate a cupboard to exante, hoping that if I don't have to go near other food it won't be so tempting.


I popped my packs, bars and pizzas in there all organised in to breakfast / lunch / dinners in the box they came in. Got my herbs and spices, boullion, zero calorie, zero carb chocolate stuff (It's not very nice, and maybe not allowed, but i thought it would come in handy in an emergency) and got together all my pots for eating.


These are all the little pots I got from the pound shop to make my liquid dinners feel more exciting :) Presentation is key when eating less than desirable food.

The Breakfast

The Exante Pizza

I know it's 7pm, but technically it's the first thing I've eaten and therefor breakfast. Made up as directed and cooked on greaseproof. I turned the base over half way through to try and get it cooked evenly. It still came out a bit soggy if im honest, but maybe I didn't make it thin enough. I put the tiniest mount of chicken over the top just to make it look more like a pizza.

Here it is:


I actually really enjoyed it. The tomato sauce on it is very pizza like, and the base was a bit thick but I can work on that to make more of a thin and crisp version next time. For a meal on day 1, quite impressive and promising of what's still to come.

Hopefully I can survive the day, I've got this far at least :) xx
Hey QB!
Great diary and your enthusiasm and motivation is fantastic. You're doing brilliant ☺