Poo Place


Bad Girl
Just for TT, a thread in which to discuss those embarrassing bodily functions! :D

Personally I've had no trouble with my poo since starting, there's a bit less of it and it's a bit paler in colour but that's all.

No bloating or excess wind either.

Dunno 'bout the hormone stuff, I'll get back to you on that one next week sometime hopefully. Not sure how the OH will cope with my pmt this month though, his usual mechanism is to throw chocolate in my general direction then rush out to do vital stuff in his shed til it's had time to take effect! :17729:<<<<wow, how good is that smilie? :cool:

Tell you what I have noticed though, but you'll have to lean closer..........

....I'm not as, erm "fishy", erm, "down there"...........:eek:
trust you

I must say I was getting worried
If I didn't eat anything, would I get pain etc
maybe early days yet
but I used to be a 2/3 times a day gal
as for the C word Yams (can't even say it-have you noticed just HOW many adverts on the telly are about food?)

when is that expected to be??
when i gave up sweets, I found it took 2 weeks to get rid of the constant craving

so you should be over it pretty much by then?
or have a chocolate shake-3 that days or something :-X
I don't actually eat anywhere near as much chocolate as people think you know. ;)

Going without it doesn't really bother me, I'll often go weeks at a time without any anyway, it's just useful to have for "that" time!

The thing I'm missing most (and which often kills my diets) is cheese. :( Oh and bread. If someone could please find a diet where you just ate cheese butties all the time and still lost weight I would be the happiest woman alive..........
I'm with yam on the bread & cheese

Gotta type quick as I'm salivating
Come to think of it, I think typing about food on a VLCD forum might have peeps chucking stuff at us. (Again.)

Moving on...
My poo smelled really odd this morning, lol!! I mean, poo obviously never smells nice, but this was not your regular poo-smell!
Ho ho ho
read my blog

I find that taking psyllium husks in capsule form ( currently 3 x 3times a day with LOts of water) are keeping me regular

Yes, My OH has commented that I stink

not nice

my pee is smelly bad too. in fact the cat took a great passion when smelling a pile of my dirty washing
Just for TT, a thread in which to discuss those embarrassing bodily functions! :D

Personally I've had no trouble with my poo since starting, there's a bit less of it and it's a bit paler in colour but that's all.

No bloating or excess wind either.

Dunno 'bout the hormone stuff, I'll get back to you on that one next week sometime hopefully. Not sure how the OH will cope with my pmt this month though, his usual mechanism is to throw chocolate in my general direction then rush out to do vital stuff in his shed til it's had time to take effect! :17729:<<<<wow, how good is that smilie? :cool:

Tell you what I have noticed though, but you'll have to lean closer..........

....I'm not as, erm "fishy", erm, "down there"...........:eek:
Some people get their face on the five pound note, others get dedications on the radio or a plaque on a park bench with their name on. I..... have reached the dizzy accolade of a thread about poo in my name. I must confess I got a bit tearful and overwhelmed. Oh Yambabe you really shouldn't have.

The smilie was stunning, true genious,..... and then I read your last comment. It is official, you are beyond help.
Well I was a bit worried when I first started that I may have a problem with constipation. A few years ago when Atkins was back in fashion, I had a terrible issue when I did not have a movement for 7 days. to be honest I think that I may not have been so good with the drinking of water then.
Well it was true that this time around it was about 6 days before I had the urge and I did not have too much of a problem. For the next couple of weeks I would have to go about every 4 days. About a week ago I had a bit of a rumbling tummy and when I did go , (trying not to be too graphic here) I wondered where I had been storing it all. :eek:
Anyway there does not seem to be a particular pattern, some times I may go 2 or 3 days in a row and then nothing for 4 or 5. I have not had to use anything to aid the process though.

As to having a wee, In the early days it was seriously interfering with my sleep but it is not as bad now.

Love Myr xxx
I have had problems with trapped wind and the runs to be honest! But there all things I can put up with it
I get alot of trapped wind, felt like i was taking a heart attack the other night. Find it hard to hear the TV at time for it grumbling about.

Number 2's are few and far between and are the strangest colour, dark green :yuk:

Pee has now turned to water (clear) and it comes out as fast as I put it in.
I was going to post about 'No2's' as in the 1st week I didn't go for 2 days and I was a once a day kinda girl, now its everything other day and as I'm not really eating anything I think thats probably normal?!
As for No1's I am always going but thats the amount of water I'm drinking and the loo is at the other end of the office so I'm sure I must be burning a few extra calories with the extra walking!!!
I haven't noticed any difference, I think the more water you drink the less of a problem. I drink about 5-6 pints a day so everything is normal.
Oh God, mrs R you found the poo thread in your first week, what must you think of us? See who started it !!!

I have to say your positive no excuses, no moaning posts this early on are refreshingly unusual. I have a sneaky suspicion that you just might be extraordinarily successful at this Exante thing. Tell me your secret!
my poo has now turned into lovely neat little nuggets, of which I pass one or two a day, lol!
I have been drinking LOADS of water, so maybe that really does help!
I have drunk loads and loads of water from the start and it really really does NOT help. Psyllium did a little but that stopped too and I have to resort to dulcolax unfortunately - but it is a problem I have always had even when eating so am used to it, wish it were different though.
Bren xx
maybe it just depends on the individual's 'plumbing'... I suppose everyone will react differently.