Well I have been a busy little dumpy one..
I have been searching the forums and having a little noisy around picking the brains of experienced vlcd-ers
Below is a mixture of ideas, mostly gleaned from the wise old owls on the cambridge forum. However I am sure with a little tweaking and mixing and trial and error we may be able to convert our very own space food packs.
I just want to say LOUD AND CLEAR I am definitely not wanting to encourage anyone else to do this! Clearly the shakes are designed to be eaten, or drunk, as shakes. But if you really don't like shakes, or the hunger pangs and the need for a different texture or solid food is overwhelming, then this may be one way of dealing with it. Please make sure you are still taking on lots of the delicious H2O.
Another CAUTION (found for Cambridge,but I am sure needs to be taken into account for us is... it is recommended that you only "cook" one food pack per day as the cooking process, even for a short time, does break down the vital vitamins and nutrients within the packs.
Note: The very lovely experienced people say.. All of these recipes take a bit of practice to perfect so don't worry if they don't turn out as you expect the first time.
And so.. here we go!!
I Got these off another forum, these are not my ideas and my thanks goes to sorus diet kitty betty boo skinny jan and fuzzys angel
First is an
Exante Shmuffin 
Thanks sorus and diet kitty.
Put 2 dessertspoons of boiling water into a ramekin (or whatever you have - thick mug or similar) then mix the shake powder in really thoroughly. (about 2 desert spoons to begin with - you can add more later if necessary) Then microwave for one minute. It comes out like a warm, chewy, moist cake.
if it looks a bit soggy in the middle put it back for about 10 seconds or so.
A coffee one can be made by dissolving half a teaspoon of coffee granules in boiling water before adding the shake powder. You can also add a tiny bit of Splenda, or another sweetner.
Ice Cream
Put 11 ice cubes in a smoothie maker and crush the ice. Add a food pack and a small amount of water (about 2 tbsp) and liquidise for 5 mins. You end up with a big bowl of "ice cream".
Place 10-16 ice cubes (depending on your preference), a pint of water, and your food pack in a smoothie maker and blend for approx. 3 mins. Makes about 2 pints of delicious cold frothy whatever flavour you like.
Bar of Chocolate!
You can make chocolate out of a chocolate pack . Mix the pack with a bit of water until you have a thick paste, then spread on some tin foil and put in the freezer for an hour or more. It really tastes quite like chocolate! BUT looks a little like.. ermmm.. something less tasty!
Variation: Use half chocolate and half vanilla for a Mars bar!
Chocolate Biscuit
Put sparkling water into a chocolate pack (3tbls give and take) and then add a pinch of salt. Put this on a piece of greaseproof paper, round it into a biscuit shape and bake it in the microwave for about 2.30 minutes. The result is a crunchy chocolaty biscuit with a "dunking" texture.
Chocolate Fudge
1 packet of chocolate
1/4 cup of hot water
2 or more sweeteners
1tsp of coffee (if you like)
Mix well - it should look like a thick chocolate soup. Microwave it for 2 minutes. It comes out as a thick gooey mess, which tastes like fudge!
Mix whatever sweet flavour pack you like with 200-300mls of sparkling water and pour into lollipop moulds and freeze overnight.
Bear in mind that to eat the whole food pack you will have to eat all the lollies!
I do this with a lot less water and only leave in a while to make a sorbet type lolly.
Cafe Latte
Mix a hot vanilla shake with a teaspoon of coffee and some sweeteners if required.
I like adding nutmeg and cinnamon thanks to Diet kitty and I think cal mentioning it tasted nice with the vanilla.
Custard: Thanks to Isis (I think I got this right?)
Dissolve a sweetener in approx 70mls hot water. Add a chocolate pack. Microwave for approximately 40secs. It makes a lovely hot custard..
Hot Chocomint
Make up some strong peppermint tea. Mix a chocolate pack with hot water and a couple of sweeteners (depending on your taste) add the tea. Microwave for approx. 20secs and stir or hand whisk.
Mix a soup pack into a smooth paste, spread on a plate or greaseproof paper and microwave for 1 1/2 - 2 mins. when it starts to bubble open up and let it settle for a sec. keep opening and letting it settle until (the poppadom) starts to turn golden (don't take your eyes off it) - when it is golden brown take it out and let it cool, then peel it off and enjoy
Be careful of overcooking, as this will make them taste slightly bitter.
Recipe as for poppadoms above but make them into tiny bite size pieces. If you wish you can shake some salt over them before they are cooked.
Cut up a bar into 8 - 10 pieces. Arrange on microwave plate, usually only put 3 in at a time to give them the space they need to expand.
Microwave for approx 1.30mins - or until you can see that they have stopped bubbling. Be careful as they may start burning from the inside out. Use a knife under the biscuits to prise them off the plate and turn them onto their backs (onto the bar wrapper) and leave until they have cooled and hardened.
practice to perfect so don't worry if they don't turn out as you expect the first time.
Maltesers - Chop a bar up into small pieces, roll into balls if you can :S and cook in the microwave for about 40secs, check as they will burn. Scrape these of the plate.
Next mix up a chocolate or vanilla foodpack with water until it has a thick coating consistency and coat the biscuits with chocolate.
Place on cling film and then wrap up leaving room so you dont squash them, some always double wrap with foil.
Leave in freezer for a few hours then take out and enjoy.
They really do taste like malteasers if you don't burn them.
I think the main point many of the experimenters were saying is it is rather easy to burn these creations, and most take a lot of trial and error.... so maybe to try only when desperation strikes, and you have plenty of packs to see you through if disaster mocks you in the kitchen.
xxx hope this is interesting or helpful .. sorry if not