What you might look like


Gold Member
I found this interesting site earlier, as one of my struggles is what I might look like (not ever having been a normal or even overweight weight as an adult); found this interesting as it is pictures of real people at different heights & weights.

Photographic Height/Weight Chart

I like this one too:
Welcome - My Body Gallery - What Real Women Look Like
Again, lets you see what real people of different heights & weights look like.

I was hoping to use 'My Virtual Model' to get an idea too, but the site doesn't seem to be working at the moment :(

This site is quite interesting, it gives you pictures of men & women at different body fat percentages - I guess I'm looking for visual clues at the moment to help me visualise my goals :)

Body Fat Pictures and Percentages | Leigh Peele

Found another site, which lets you upload a picture and adjust it up or down by about 3 stone in weight.

WeightMirror - Weight loss simulation and makeover tool

I've just adjusted my 6 picture down 3 stone, and then turned the balloon over... this might be me in a few months time with my 9 balloon!... this is what I might look like when I get close to a healthy bmi!


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Don't worry Lisy, this site is a great distraction ;)

Thanks for the links cybill, they look like fun and more distraction/ encouragement...bring it on!
you look fab and what a great site x
Thanks Cybil, love your outfit as well:)....
i know exactly what i will look like once ive reached my ultimate target... just over half a stone to lose but my small target is four and a bit pounds. I was the confident girl :( BUT shes coming back slowly!