I'd like to be slimmer and wear.....


Gold Member
From an idea with Roxi I thought we could have a thread where people post photos of what they would like to wear, either at Christmas or any other occasion.

I can see me being a prolific poster!

I love this dress for my sons Bon Voyage party we are throwing


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I can't post pics as am at work, but love this idea!

I want to wear some black skinny jeans, a white vest and a Christmas cardi (which I'll post a pic of later) for Christmas this year, with the cardigan making me look adorable and being oversized, not like I'm trying to hide a muffin top!
I can't post pics as am at work, but love this idea!

I want to wear some black skinny jeans, a white vest and a Christmas cardi (which I'll post a pic of later) for Christmas this year, with the cardigan making me look adorable and being oversized, not like I'm trying to hide a muffin top!

I look forward to seeing the pics :)
Great idea Katie! I'll get my thinking hat on :)
To be able to wear what I did today - jazzy chunky cardie, a t shirt and black leggings and pumps - but the cardi looking cute and oversized NOT like I'm an enormous mound of breasts, back and stomach on top of slim legs. Grr.

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To be able to wear what I did today - jazzy chunky cardie, a t shirt and black leggings and pumps - but the cardi looking cute and oversized NOT like I'm an enormous mound of breasts, back and stomach on top of slim legs. Grr.

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I'm the opposite, all thighs and hips! Everytime I wear something baggy on top I look like a hippo!!
Yaaaaay I need to start looking for my ideal sparkly outfit. How many of us are tempted to buy it now though in a couple of sizes smaller :) xx
Yaaaaay I need to start looking for my ideal sparkly outfit. How many of us are tempted to buy it now though in a couple of sizes smaller :) xx
Me!! xx
Me too. I just know it. What an incentive though. If I do find 'the' outfit I will buy it a lot smaller, hang it up and look at it every night whilst remembering how fat, uncomfortable and bloomin miserable I felt about me last year!!!!
What an incentive :) xx
Lol, I already have quite a few smaller outfits from about 6 years ago, sizes 12-14. I've also got 2 playsuits in a size 14 which I bought whenever it was they were in fashion hoping I'd slim into them for summer... I never did! They go on now, but don't look particularly pleasant, so they're my first goal - I'm hoping I can take them to turkey with me :)
This is a brilliant idea, thanks Katie! I just joined this site today and after reading how well everyone has done it has encouraged me but I think the idea of being able to wear those dream outfits will encourage me the most! I am going to start looking now...
I think I posted on my diary once about the dress I wanted to wear at my sons wedding in 2010 - at the time I was probably a size 26 and of course I was going to diet.....and sadly I never did.

Anyway occasionally I look for the dress on Ebay, it's a Karen Millen one so does come up occasionally - anyway after starting this thread I checked on Ebay for the first time in ages and there was one for sale in a 16 (that I'm not sure was an original) and one from a private seller in a size 10.

I put a max of £35 bid in on the size 10, other times it had gone for around £60 but with it being a 10 that was the max I'd do as it may never fit.......I've only gone and bl00dy won it for £25.50 --- am overjoyed and now determined to do my best to wear it, though how I think my bombs will ever fit into a size 10 I don't know

Have decided that if I can get into it for the party then I'll wear that, though may still buy the blue one as it seems fitting to wear it for my sons Bon Voyage party when him and his wife move to America at Christmas when I'd longed to wear it for his wedding.


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Well the dress has come, it's beautiful but so bl00dy tiny :eek: held it against me and it covers about a quarter of me, really can't see me ever getting in it but I do love it :D