Miss Mango
Little Miss Wii Fit!
Well flipping heck everyone - here we are starting a new thread for a new month in a new year and hopefully we're all feeling up and raring to go after the holidays and possibly a bit of over indulgence 
I know I'm ready to start getting my hours racked up - remember this is for all exercise on the Wii now so you can include your Just Dance, Sports Active, My Fitness Coach or whichever else exercise games you have
You can also include hours spent on XBox Kinect or Playstation Move if you're lucky enough to own either! 
Hopefully we'll get a lot of names in here for this month - see you people in the New Year! :happy036:
Miss Mango: 12 hours - 0 done
I know I'm ready to start getting my hours racked up - remember this is for all exercise on the Wii now so you can include your Just Dance, Sports Active, My Fitness Coach or whichever else exercise games you have
Hopefully we'll get a lot of names in here for this month - see you people in the New Year! :happy036:
Miss Mango: 12 hours - 0 done
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