Just started 2:5 diet today


New Member
Hi I've jus t started this diet today. Today is my first fasting day, just having something now but sticking to 400 cals from what I've worked out with my BMR.
Is there a weigh in group on here I can join? I done this diet before and lost a fair bit so hoping to do the same again :)

If I understood well, you'll have 400 kcal on your fasting day, is that right? I'm trying to understand this diet to try it myself. I need to lose about 7 kg. How did you get to the 400?

Thank you for your help and success to you!
I tend to have between 400-600, think most people have around 500. It depends what version you are following :)

Good luck!
I tend to stick for 400 cals as I worked mine out using the calculator to be 460 cals :)

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Thank you! I'll check the site.