Hmmm....well, TBH, while I do not agree with the way the author wrote it, there are some points that I actually feel are valid.
I suppose it is just because I have just returned from America that I feel that way.
We ate 9 days on the road. The meals served in most restaurants are a heart attack on a plate. Even the "healthy" choices and options. It was really very eye-opening.
We as people, for some reason, are being plyed with larger and larger sizes of EVERYTHING. Everything is "supersize me". Seeing what my OH and Inlaws were eating was frightening. I almost always ordered salads and left a generoud portion on my plate. Enough for another meal.
I could not understand, in this day and age where health is a pretty hot topic - why do all our restaurants offer the option of GO LARGE - but never GO SMALL? I would have much preferred half a portion at half the cost. But there never is one.
I even ordered a few meals off the "Seniors" menu as they specified for lighter apetities. It was STILL HUGE! Far to much food.
I don;t agree with the sentiment - the author obviously has issues with fat people, or perhaps is a strong student of the school of tough love.
But, everyone really needs to take a look at how things are unveiling themselves, decade upon decade. There ARE far more obses people now then ever before. ANd more and more restaurants offer Supersize options now, then aver before. There does appear to be some corrolation.
Not sure if I believe it is becuase it is more OK to be fat now then before. Society certainly never made ME feel that way. But because it is so mjuch easier to get fat now - it happens far too often, and starting far too young.
There is something horribly wrong when you see an obese child. ANd you see it more and more now. Not just a "fat kid" - but obese. That is child abuse if you ask me. Yet noone lifts a finger to stop the parent allowing the child to balloon up to unsafe porportions, ya know?
Again, maybe its from returning from the states, but more and more I see the very same things occuring here, and in Europe - though mostly here and the states. So maybe its fresh in my mind.....but I do believe there are alot of areas that are well out of control that either lead to or support weight gain. ANd I don;t think its very good.
climbing off my soapbox after spewing my 42 pence worth.