bye bye belly
I need to rant/vent/let rip on what I call my 'partner'. He is such a belittling W'er! I hate the sight of him right now. Anyway, i'm on day 5 and I havent cheated as such (had stock and zero pop) but not even had chicken or anything. On Tuesday, I was in bed and he said 'im proud of you' and I really thought it was sweet of him, but slowly over the week hes made me feel like shat. We was talking yesterday and he said 'you know we cant go on forever like this, me working and you at home, your going to have to get a job soon' - totally, I get that. I know that, we just scrape by each month - by that I dont mean we dont have treats or anything, we are/were living off takeouts, we always buy new things (this month along we've got a new printer, a new camera, revamped our bathroom - painted, new toilet seat/mirror/scales/bin, new flooring. Had our dog spayed [over 150quid]. Bought new pet storage tubs, a new harness/lead for the dog. Plus paid all the bills, got rid of another credit card debt, and done a big shop - the freezer is packed!) so its not like we're hugely struggling so i've got time to go to college and learn, but I mentioned that i'd really like to learn to be a HGV driver. Wow - it caused a blazing argument on our way home. 'What will happen with C [our son]?' 'Who will pick him up from school, while youre driving around/swanning it?' ..... EXCUSE ME?! Is he just MY responsibilty? I explained i'd need to pass my test - im having lessons - and be driving for 3+ yrs before even being able to think about it. So in that 3 yrs I can go to college? Get a job? Right? Oh no I cant! Why? 'cause it'll never be perm will it, i'll always be waiting to drive around the country/europe, doing what I want' .... I am disgusted at his attitude! It was a mere suggestion to something that one day i'd love to have a go at - dont ask me why but I want to drive a truck around for abit. So after I realised that whilever im with this piece of sh!t - i'll never do what I want to do. I went to bed.
This morning I get up, talking away, everything fine until it comes to about an hour ago and our son was asking for some tea, so I went in the freezer got our some jack fulton crap and asked my OH if he would just put them in the oven as im feeling weak today, and im ready to pig out. And he went into the freezer and picked up a small joint of meat, and said to C, shall we have this tomo? I'll do us a sunday dinner. Errrrr getting him in the shower is a struggle half the time so why the new 'planning' his meals and actually cooking now?! WTF?! I got abit humpy - christ ive dragged myself through this week so hes now sat, pulling my every move to bits, cause I said 'phwoaaar I can smell someones BBQ' and he said to C 'oh remember that smell C. We wont never have it again while your power mad mum is on her stupid diet, we'll eat grilled leafs instead'
I want to kill him. If i'd done it on day 1 - id be a good 25% through my sentence now! He makes me want to wordvomit allover him and tell him what I think of him. Hes scared of loosing me, apparantly... when I loose weight, hes afraid he'll loose me. Well, YEAH. I'm changing my life and hes mocking it. Of course he'll loose me! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
So im going to sulk on my own, and cry! If anyone wants to make a voodoo doll - drop me a line and you can have my full consent
I need to rant/vent/let rip on what I call my 'partner'. He is such a belittling W'er! I hate the sight of him right now. Anyway, i'm on day 5 and I havent cheated as such (had stock and zero pop) but not even had chicken or anything. On Tuesday, I was in bed and he said 'im proud of you' and I really thought it was sweet of him, but slowly over the week hes made me feel like shat. We was talking yesterday and he said 'you know we cant go on forever like this, me working and you at home, your going to have to get a job soon' - totally, I get that. I know that, we just scrape by each month - by that I dont mean we dont have treats or anything, we are/were living off takeouts, we always buy new things (this month along we've got a new printer, a new camera, revamped our bathroom - painted, new toilet seat/mirror/scales/bin, new flooring. Had our dog spayed [over 150quid]. Bought new pet storage tubs, a new harness/lead for the dog. Plus paid all the bills, got rid of another credit card debt, and done a big shop - the freezer is packed!) so its not like we're hugely struggling so i've got time to go to college and learn, but I mentioned that i'd really like to learn to be a HGV driver. Wow - it caused a blazing argument on our way home. 'What will happen with C [our son]?' 'Who will pick him up from school, while youre driving around/swanning it?' ..... EXCUSE ME?! Is he just MY responsibilty? I explained i'd need to pass my test - im having lessons - and be driving for 3+ yrs before even being able to think about it. So in that 3 yrs I can go to college? Get a job? Right? Oh no I cant! Why? 'cause it'll never be perm will it, i'll always be waiting to drive around the country/europe, doing what I want' .... I am disgusted at his attitude! It was a mere suggestion to something that one day i'd love to have a go at - dont ask me why but I want to drive a truck around for abit. So after I realised that whilever im with this piece of sh!t - i'll never do what I want to do. I went to bed.
This morning I get up, talking away, everything fine until it comes to about an hour ago and our son was asking for some tea, so I went in the freezer got our some jack fulton crap and asked my OH if he would just put them in the oven as im feeling weak today, and im ready to pig out. And he went into the freezer and picked up a small joint of meat, and said to C, shall we have this tomo? I'll do us a sunday dinner. Errrrr getting him in the shower is a struggle half the time so why the new 'planning' his meals and actually cooking now?! WTF?! I got abit humpy - christ ive dragged myself through this week so hes now sat, pulling my every move to bits, cause I said 'phwoaaar I can smell someones BBQ' and he said to C 'oh remember that smell C. We wont never have it again while your power mad mum is on her stupid diet, we'll eat grilled leafs instead'
I want to kill him. If i'd done it on day 1 - id be a good 25% through my sentence now! He makes me want to wordvomit allover him and tell him what I think of him. Hes scared of loosing me, apparantly... when I loose weight, hes afraid he'll loose me. Well, YEAH. I'm changing my life and hes mocking it. Of course he'll loose me! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
So im going to sulk on my own, and cry! If anyone wants to make a voodoo doll - drop me a line and you can have my full consent