There seems to be alot of people replying to certain threads on here and others getting ignored, lol great community.
Not really sure why I bothered signing up here for any support, I'd be better of asking a wall to help. The only posts that get a response are "back again" or "I'm so disappointed in myself for accidentally cheating"... Probably because everyone else has realised that these are the only threads people want to comment on, usually to reassure those people because they want to ease their own conscious for cheating!
Seems like an absolute waste of time, also looking at the reasons given is shocking.... "People are paying the money so they should do the diet the way they want to" actually no... Your given the guidelines, the guidelines say drink your shake, or eat your soup/bars and take between 2 and 4 litres of water.
All this "list of things i can eat that don't take me out of ketosis" is ridiculous, one of the big points of this diet is removed by doing this, the bit that reduces your cravings and gives you chance to readapt to different food. Just follow it properly.
I think if you cheat then your pharmacist should deny you access to the program if you slip up a second time.. The vast majority struggle but we did it without cheating, I'm sure it's possible for the rest of you.
Also to those of you that cheat and then decide to give someone support and tell them to stay on it without saying 'I've cheated and learn from my mistakes' should take a look at themselves. If your cheating or have recently cheated, not sure your in the position to tell someone else not too, leave it to someone that hasn't cheated.
I'm posting this because it needs to be said, you may not like it and those that fall into these groups may feel bad about what they did but the points still stand and there is no excuse for not following the guildelines, if its a medical reason then you shouldn't be on the program anyway, if its will power then god help when you come off and you are left to your own devices... All this part of the forum seems to be about is people easing their conscious... I thought this a support forum.
Since I have been here the only posts I made that have been answered were replies. I asked one about ulcers on lipotrim and got no response and I asked one about refeed and got no response. Why..... Because you guys only reply to certain threads and the majority of the active members are in clicks and not interested in supporting the forum... This makes this section of the forum a bad community.
End of rant. Out.
Not really sure why I bothered signing up here for any support, I'd be better of asking a wall to help. The only posts that get a response are "back again" or "I'm so disappointed in myself for accidentally cheating"... Probably because everyone else has realised that these are the only threads people want to comment on, usually to reassure those people because they want to ease their own conscious for cheating!
Seems like an absolute waste of time, also looking at the reasons given is shocking.... "People are paying the money so they should do the diet the way they want to" actually no... Your given the guidelines, the guidelines say drink your shake, or eat your soup/bars and take between 2 and 4 litres of water.
All this "list of things i can eat that don't take me out of ketosis" is ridiculous, one of the big points of this diet is removed by doing this, the bit that reduces your cravings and gives you chance to readapt to different food. Just follow it properly.
I think if you cheat then your pharmacist should deny you access to the program if you slip up a second time.. The vast majority struggle but we did it without cheating, I'm sure it's possible for the rest of you.
Also to those of you that cheat and then decide to give someone support and tell them to stay on it without saying 'I've cheated and learn from my mistakes' should take a look at themselves. If your cheating or have recently cheated, not sure your in the position to tell someone else not too, leave it to someone that hasn't cheated.
I'm posting this because it needs to be said, you may not like it and those that fall into these groups may feel bad about what they did but the points still stand and there is no excuse for not following the guildelines, if its a medical reason then you shouldn't be on the program anyway, if its will power then god help when you come off and you are left to your own devices... All this part of the forum seems to be about is people easing their conscious... I thought this a support forum.
Since I have been here the only posts I made that have been answered were replies. I asked one about ulcers on lipotrim and got no response and I asked one about refeed and got no response. Why..... Because you guys only reply to certain threads and the majority of the active members are in clicks and not interested in supporting the forum... This makes this section of the forum a bad community.
End of rant. Out.