♥~ Tanya's Maintainence Diary - Year 3 - Diary of a runner! ~♥


♥3 Years Maintaining♥
Welcome to my year 3 diary!!!! :eek:

I can’t believe I have been maintaining now for 2 whole years! It’s a struggle at times, infact, probably 80% of the time and there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about what i’m putting in my mouth but somehow, despite being a few lbs up from where I originally finished TFR I have maintained that weight for 2 years now.

I love progress pics so here they are (me at my biggest, me on november 9th 2009 & me on november 9th 2011 .. sorry its a bit poserish :p)

I treated myself today to a new dress & shoes (if i’m not around later it’s because Stevie has killed me for taking money out of my ‘mortgage deposit savings’ :rotflmao: )

Running has been one of the main factors in helping me keep the weight off so this year 3 diary will be full of food, winging and running :)

I hope I can safely say my diary is one of a 'runner' ?!!! :hmm:


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Wednesday 9th November

B- 2slices wm toast 210
butter 60
hp sauce 30

*choc chip cookie 50
*pickled egg 100

L- chicken breast, butter beans, mixed veg, tom & basil sauce 238
cheese 120
cous cous 237
yog 48

*1square of galaxy 34

D- jordans bar 145
plum 21
monster munch 108

Total = 1,401

I need to stop picking!! :whoopass:
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Congratulations hun, you've done an amazing job :) x x
Good luck for another year keeping the weight off.
Great idea for a new diary for you. Love the pics, what a long way you have come.
Congratulations on the 2 years hon! Well done :D ... I love the photos - you've done soooooo well :)

If ANYONE can call themselves a runner Tanya YOU can!!

Well done and keep on struggling - you know it makes sense ;) :p xx
Ah, thanks guys! :)

Had a lovely sleep today but I woke up with a headache and a sore throat :( Didn't feel like going for a run but I did anyways. Felt alot better afterwards.

Run was a 3miler in 34:34 ... so back to average pace of 11:30p/mile. I really have no idea where my 10:27 pace came from during the 10k but i'm not complaining! Still ecstatic over it!

I'm giving myself 8-10 weeks to concentrate on losing some weight before starting 1/2 marathon training in January. Hopefully being lighter my time will be quicker - got to do it now as knowing from last time weight loss & half marathon training don't really match! lol

So runs will be 3x a week and i'm going to focus on 4 or 5milers for each run (next week will be just 2runs though as ive monday off so my weeks starts tuesday blah blah ..).

Last night in work tonight untill tuesday :D can't wait! Got a shift tomorrow and saturday then a nice couple of days with Stevie planned sunday and monday :)

Thursday 10th Novemberb

B- porridge 287
oj 85

*monster munch 108

L- chicken breast, butter beans, mixed veg, tom & basil sauce 238
cous cous 237
yog 48

*options hot choc 40

D- jordans bar 161
2x plums 42

Total = 1,246
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Loving the new diary hun! 3rd year wow! You can definitely call yourself a runner babe can't believe you'd even ponder it!!
I think the adrenalin helps on race days :) nothing wrong with your normal pace though hon :D xx
Yup, my normal pace is what got me to that race and it'll get me to the next!

I am thinking of putting in for a 5k reindeer fun run on the 27th .... :hmm: ... it's £12, for st lukes hospice, start time of 11am but I will have work untill 2am saturday night/sunday morning .... :hmm: decisions, decisions!
Had a chunk of cheese before leaving the house!! and then a bite of Stevie's wispa gold when I got in work :sigh:

I'm just not in the mood for being 'good' right now :( but know if I'm not then I'm not going to be on the 11's by Christmas!

Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Sunday & Monday are going to be the last of the naughtiness then that's it I HAVE to knuckle back down! Please :whoopass: me if I don't!
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Good luck if you decide to do the reindeer run Tanya, it will be a piece of cake for you and it's also a great charity to raise money for. Looked online about it and it looks like it would be a "fun" (if any running can be fun) event to take part in.
Yep that sounds like fun :D - Dunno about the lack of sleep thing though ... could be difficult .. hmmmmm xx

OH and I know exactly what you mean about not feeling like being 'good' :( xx
Yup, still got a week or so to decide if I want to do it and its the lack of sleep thats causing the doubts!

Munched a large handful of walkers sensations crips with a bit of nacho cheese dip after work & 1/2 a cheese twist :sigh:

Friday 11th November

B- 2slices wm toast 210
butter 60
jam 37
oj 85

L- 3tbsp ben&jerrys ice cream 200
monster munch 108
(had this before my shift so i'll class it as lunch! :p)

D- banana 100 (had after shift as not that hungry)

*picked at ... slither of cheese with a bit of raw onion 65
*1 choc chip cookie 50

*5x v&c's
*1/2 bottle white wine

s.Total = 915 - without alcohol will add that on tomorrow

*possibly some wine when I finish as I don't have to go to my normal job tonight :party0049: and there is 1/2 a bottle still in my fridge :eek: (I commited an ultimate sin by not finishing it, sowweeeeee!! :giggle:)

No idea what i'm having for lunch but i'll have to have it before I go for my shift. Was thinking sandwich but can't really have 4slices of bread :hmm: .... (why didn't I plan this week :mad:)
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HaHa ... I actually left some wine in the fridge on Wednesday night .... but only because I'd had loads while out as well!! ;)

Hope the shift went/goes well xx
Omg Jan what have we turned into! :giggle: Shift went brill. Got another point marked off and so I've got 5left to get and I've been told "you will be out of your PDP by Christmas!" hehe

I've not had much to eat today but I don't feel like it so I'm going to go with it and not just eat for the sake of it.

I am on my second vodka & the 1/2 bottle of wine will be had in a bit though ...
Glad the shift went well :)

Have a drink for me and spare a thought for those of us NOT off tonight ;) HaHa ... Enjoy! :D xx
Aww no is it your weekend on?
I will sure have one for you infact I'll have it now :) x
Yup! Mind you I always work a friday anyway so that's no different. I hope you enjoyed 'MY' drink ;) xx
I hope you enjoyed 'MY' drink ;) xx

It's going down a treat! 1, because it was for you! and 2, because its a friday night & i'm not at work! :p x

Edit: picked at a slither of cheese with a bit of raw onion and a choc chip cookie!