Hi Jo, I am using shakes from Exante, which you can buy online. But you do have to mix them and they aren't particularly cheap. Website is exanteinc.com. I believe that Atkins do some carton shakes don't they?
Tesco sell low carb shakes or at least they used to. Or you can get a range of them from www.lowcarbmegastore.com
I make my own and take it in a flask - usual one is egg white powder (or you can use soya protein powder, holland and barratt sell it), coconut milk and sweetener whizzed in a blender. You can add some cocoa or raspberries if you have the carbs to spare. You can get egg white powder in the baking section of most supermarkets.
I think I should have started a new post with this so sorry if it is in the wrong place. I didn't think.
Hi there
I know that some of you would advise against the low carb shakes but I was wandering would it be okay to have say 3 tesco low carb shakes a day and a evening meal. I would make my carbs upto about 25 grams a day. The reason being I lose weight more quicker on low carb but I can't be doing with eating protein and meat every single day at every meal. I am not hungry on this type of diet and sometimes I end up making food just because I need the nutrients. I think the shakes will make the low carb way of eating easier for me.
What do you think?
I am currently on Slimming World but I need to lose weight a bit quicker. I usually lose 9lbs in my first week of low carbing but I don't end up sticking to it because I can't eat all that meat and protein. I end up usually going vegetarian lol but I should be able to manage one meal a day with meat, chicken or fish.
The only thing I would say is that you might be a bit low on fat if you do that. Agree that a multivit is a good idea. Have you looked at Rose Elliott's book "The Vegetarian Low Carb Diet"? You can get it second hand at Amazon for about £3.50. It has quite a few good meal ideas in it that are veggie/vegan and low carb.
Have you tried the tesco ones by the way? I have them on standby in case I'm not able to get a low carb meal. They are not very nice. Better than not eating or eating something unsuitable though and I'm not very organised with pack-ups!