Fried breakfast is healthiest start to day, say scientists


Big Boy
Scientists believe that breakfast programmes the metabolism for the rest of the day, and a fatty meal will help the body break down fat later on.
Carbohydrate rich foods in contrast appear mainly to prepare the body to break down only carbohydrates, the International Journal of Obesity reports.

Yay! :bliss: :bliss:

Oh YAY! :character00100:

Tehee. Not sure whether that research is true, but if it is - GREAT! Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day (although it's considerably less fatty than that meal shown in the picture!)
Great news for anyone doing Atkins or other low carb - I'm liking this research!!
sounds good , but sceintists all say diff things which is why the worlds so confused about the right things to do lol.
Well I'm glad of this news because on this diet I eat a lot of bacon and egg breakfasts! :D
LOL, so do i mate. :) and I've never been healthier.
This is not new news.I heard this about 3 yrs ago - a study I read. I think it's fantastic.