Make sure you get a ripe avocado, if they're still hard they're a bit gack! LOL! Even the 'ripe and ready' ones you get in the supermarket can usually do with a day or two of further ripening at home. Ripe ones are really nice chopped up or mashed into quacamole. In Cyprus I had an amazing avocado salad that was two halves of an avocado filled with small prawns and smothered in olive oil and lemon dressing - thought I'd died and gone to heaven!
And thank you! My first 6 months were with Slimming World, I then switched to low GI as I was eating a lot of junk within the SW rules. Ate low GI/South Beach Diet for just over a year, until the end of the summer this year when I gravitated towards primal naturally after cutting out wheat and finding that a lot of gluten-free foods were high GI.