Sarah's Pregnancy and Baby Diary


New Mum :)
4 weeks pregnant today, 2 weeks since I got that smiley face on the CB Digital OPK (the first one I've actually seen!).

We got married last October and started TTC pretty much since then, although I would say it's only been 3 months since we were a bit more serious about it and planned (it wasn't as boring as that sounds!).

It's early days and I know I'm more overweight that I'd like to be, but I turn 33 next month and I don't want to leave it too much longer. We're so desperate to tell everyone we know that there's a baby on the way (especially as everyone's been asking when we're having one since the wedding!) but we're keeping it quiet for another month, just so that I'm 2 months into it and much closer to the 2nd trimester.

I'm currently noticing every little twinge, niggle and pain, which is hopefully me worrying unnecessarily. I've had painful twinges in my lower back for the last week and I'm just hoping that it's my just my back playing up a little which happens at times. Spending 8-10 hours in front of a computer most days doesn't help!

However now my BB's are retaining water and last night I wasn't comfortable at all, especially when the left one suddenly felt like someone had pushed pins into it! I was feeling tired by 10pm but tossed and turned a lot of the night. Probably more because I had things on my mind too much!

We're away this weekend, visiting friends and their 22 mth old, so we're going to tell them the news, make them swear to keep it a secret (as no one besides my Mum knows!) and then we can chat to them a bit, see if I can nick any of their pregnancy books to read (although I've got lots to read on the baby centre website too!).

So, taking it a week at a time :)
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Thats great news congrats

Try to carry on as normal worrying will not do you or the baby any good. If you are anything like me when I had my first you will not be able to wait to tell people. Try to enjoy the pregnancy and use it to spend some time focused on you as once the baby comes time for yourself becomes a thing of the past.
aww i know the feeling im around 4 weeks as well and keep having that twingy feeling like the few days before my period starts, its crazy! epp! exciting times!
Thanks both. Yeah I'm doing my best not to worry, and just get past the first few weeks. Just trying to keep my mind occupied with other stuff!
Hi Sarah

Im the same! Really worrying about silly stuff at this stage. I think were roughly the same weeks pregnant and the same weight! It will be good to have a buddy around to keep track of:D. Im in Ireland so dont have a SW nearby to join (SW is very new in Ireland). And I cant join WW so im just trying to watch myself for the moment.

How have you been feeling? I havent has any MS just really really tired??
Congratulations! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months :) Definitely tell all your friends with little ones that you're expecting, it's amazing the amount of stuff people offer you ;)
Hey Lucy, Ooo yes good to have someone in a similar position! At the moment I'm suffering from sore/tender BBs, tiredness and needing the loo more. No sickness, just the occasional twinge in my side or back but that could be anything!

Thanks Vickie! Just got a few pregnancy books off a friend we spent the weekend with (who we just had to tell as we wouldn't have lasted the weekend otherwise!). I have plenty of friends with little ones luckily, in fact I think I'm about the only one left to have a baby!
Had a wonderful weekend away this weekend. We went over to Leicester to visit a couple of friends and their 20 month old girl. It's so scary how quickly she's growing up! I must admit, as daft as it may sound, I was starting to worry a little that DH only wanted a baby because I'd wanted one. He kept saying last week 'that's what you want right?' and things like that. But then when we got to our friends, said our hellos etc. literally within 10 minutes of arriving he was dying to tell them, which made me realise that he is just as excited as me!

The weekend was great, really relaxing and beautiful weather. I borrowed a couple of pregnancy books off my friend to give me an idea of what's going on inside me and what to expect.

I'm still suffering with tender breasts, the occasional twinge, but not very often now, and tiredness, plus needing the loo a lot more!

I got to chat to my friend a lot about what she went through, symptoms she had during the pregnancy (she's lucky, no morning sickness at all!) etc. It was good to hear how things are done now. My Mum's great to chat to but let's face it, it was 33 years ago that she had me and I'm the youngest!

I know it sounds silly but part of me wonders if it's all a dream and if there is anything going on inside me. I've had one faint line and one 'Pregnant 1-2' on a CB digital plus no period. It may sound weird but part of me wishes something else would start that isn't normal (all the symptoms I have, I could have in the warmer months anyway!), just so I can tell myself that it's really happening. That said, I hope I don't get morning sickness! :D
I know it sounds silly but part of me wonders if it's all a dream and if there is anything going on inside me. I've had one faint line and one 'Pregnant 1-2' on a CB digital plus no period. It may sound weird but part of me wishes something else would start that isn't normal (all the symptoms I have, I could have in the warmer months anyway!), just so I can tell myself that it's really happening. That said, I hope I don't get morning sickness! :D

Oh Sarah Im the exact same as you. Ive my docs appointment on wednesday and i think until then i wont actually believe it. I also have myself driven demented reading pregnancy books that say im going to have complications because im overweight.....mmmhhh i really think i should stop reading these books:rolleyes:
Petrified is not the right word to sum it up.
I know it's easier said that done but the worst thing you can do is worry and stress over something that may not happen. At the end of the day, a miscarriage can happen to anyone for any number of reasons. There's a bigger risk when overweight but overall the percentage is not that much.

Have a read through a few other posts in this forum if you haven't already. There have been some ladies over 20 stone who had perfectly healthy babies.

Hopefully your doctor will give you the support and confidence you need (and if they don't, get another one!). Personally I'm just taking a day at a time. Eating healthily, getting the right balance of foods and getting a half hour walk in 3 times during the week plus a bit more on the weekend.

Just try not to worry. I know it's easy to say that (and yes I did last week with all my twinges going on), but the more relaxed you can be, the better :)

And remember, sometimes too much information isn't good. The web and books are great to read up on facts (which you need to in part), but the risks are always highlighted and can sometimes make things worse!
Yesterday we ended up in Mothercare buying maternity bras for me. I'm already a bit large (mainly due to my weight), and my BBs hurt when ever I don't have a bra on, so I got a couple of ones for sleeping in, and a couple of daytime ones plus an extra padded one for going out (I work from home so don't go out and mix where I might get knocked too much - such a hermit!). My newest bras are still comfortable at the moment and I have a few of them so I've got enough to keep me going until things get even bigger!

I also picked up a nice 2010 daily diary (last in stock!) to use as a pregnancy diary. I figured it'd be nice to write down events, emotions, the aches and pains, and the joy of being pregnant. I got a decent moleskine diary as these are really nice. We also had a little look in mothercare at the cots, moses baskets and anything else that caught our eye. We're both so excited to be having a baby.

By the evening I was very bloated and a bit uncomfortable. Not sure why. I'd felt it earlier but thought it was because I was wearing jeans, but I probably didn't help last night when I had a can of appletise! Going to stick to decaff tea and water today I think.
Thanks a lot Kirsty and your little girl looks adorable! :)

Lucy, how did your doctor's appointment go yesterday?
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So the sleepness nights have been going on for about 10 days now. If it had been down to trips to the loo or later on when I'm bigger and far less comfortable I'd have understood it, but at 4 weeks I didn't think I'd already be suffering!

I seem to fall asleep around 11-11.30pm, and then wake by about 2-2.30am. After that it's just tossing and turning, little bits of sleep and in part, feeling wide awake. This morning around 5.30am I felt like I was overheating, although I took my temp and it was 36.6 deg C so nothing major. However I felt very dehydrated so had to go wandering into our office to find a bottle of water. I finally fell asleep around 6.30-7, killed my alarm at 7.30 and forced myself out of bed at 8.30! I'm now feeling shattered.

I'm not sure if it's things on my mind (I'm sure there's a bit going on up there!), strange dreams or just the feeling/worry of being uncomfortable. I can't quite sleep how I usually sleep as that puts too much pressure on my BBs. I'm sure it's just a combination of everything.

My BBs haven't been so bad since I got the new bras. In fact yesterday morning I managed a shower without them in pain! My veins have gone really dark with them though and they look so much bigger! I'm already a D cup usually, I dread to think how big they may get. My stomach bloating seems to have gone down a bit too thankfully.

I feel like I'm moaning, which is probably just the tiredness but honestly, I'd rather go through everything I have to if it means we can have a healthy baby at the end of all this :)
Hi Sarah,

Docs appointment went grand thanks. Hes a nice guy that I go to. I have myself booked in for all my hospital appointments now. He said he will sign the form for (unislim - only one in ireland that lets you go while preg) but ive to wait till my 12 weeks bloods are done. Thats fair enough.

How are the babalons today :D
Thanks mummytummy :)

Lucy that's good to hear :) I'm off to see the doc on Tuesday. Got 101 questions for him on what I can and can't take! Never seen him before at the surgery so just hoping I won't be lectured (and hey, it's too late now so he best not stress me out!)


We're almost on to week 5 and it feels like time is suddenly dragging on. 3 more weeks until we'll be telling close family. It's getting hard to see people and not say a word to them, especially with me looking so tired. Friends are worrying and I can't tell them why!

I think I mentioned yesterday that I've got a bit of an icky throat. Well my sinuses have been blocking a little and now I'm coughing a lot. I don't know if I can use cough medicines. I've read that I need to check with my doctor on whether I can use my asthma inhaler, so I'm just having to deal with the shortness of breath. Just feeling a little bit naff and it's not pregnancy related!

I weighed myself today and since last week I've put on almost 4lbs! I eat healthily so it's all pretty much fluid rentention. I've never put that much on in a week! I'm measuring myself too and put 2cm on around my belly and my BBs are definitely bigger already. I just hope it eases otherwise I'll be a walking water balloon very shortly!

We're having a quiet weekend so besides repotting my plants (I love to garden) and making up a big batch of vegetable soup for the week, I won't be doing much at all! A couple of days off to relax :)
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Hey Sarah, I think it feels like its dragging at the time, but when you look back it has actually passed really quick. Its probably worse just now cause you haven't told people yet.
Ha ha!! Sarah this is really getting funny now! I also have the cold and sinus thing going on, sore throat and a wheezy cough.

This is gonna sound like a silly question but when will I be 8 weeks? My last AF was 10th March is it 5th May? Very hard to work the things out.

Glad you got a better sleep. Dont worry about the 4lbs because its probably just fluid. I think Ive resigned myself to the fact that i will put on a bit. Trying to aim for no more than 7-10lbs tho if at all possible.
This is gonna sound like a silly question but when will I be 8 weeks? My last AF was 10th March is it 5th May? Very hard to work the things out.

You're right on the 8 weeks date. You're 3 days before me :)

Kirsty, I'm in Upton, just by junction 2 of the M53. I believe Walton is where a good brain hospital is? Have a friend who went there for scans recently. So not too far from you! About 10 mins from Liverpool centre :)
Hey Sarah, I think it feels like its dragging at the time, but when you look back it has actually passed really quick. Its probably worse just now cause you haven't told people yet.

Yes I think waiting to tell people is making it seem to drag more than normal. Although, I bet the weekend will fly by as usual! :D