Try and try again
Well I thought I'd start a diary right from the start...
First a bit of background...
I'm 27, my hubby's 29. We've been married almost 5 years, together for 9. And in august we decided to start TTC. We were going to wait a bit longer but found out that I'm being made redundant at the end of this year so thought it was the right time - means I can get my maternity as well as my redundancy, and even take a bit more time off.
Well my period was due Wednesday and I had some strange spotting then nothing. So I took a test Friday morning and it was positive!
We're over the moon!! I could barely work on Friday with the excitement!!
My other symptoms included some soft shooting pains across the sides of my belly - this was around time of implantation, painful trapped wind the last two days, a small wave of nausea yesterday and my main symptom is constant annoying ache in my lower back where I just can't get comfy - I've had this for the last two weeks.
Silly as it sounds I'd love to start feeling more nausea to make it more real!
By my calculations I'm 4+4 and due on 28th september. my first appointment with the midwife is 10th feb - it's going to feel like forever!
So I'm reading anything and everything about what to expect at this app.
Hope you're all doing well xx
Well I thought I'd start a diary right from the start...
First a bit of background...
I'm 27, my hubby's 29. We've been married almost 5 years, together for 9. And in august we decided to start TTC. We were going to wait a bit longer but found out that I'm being made redundant at the end of this year so thought it was the right time - means I can get my maternity as well as my redundancy, and even take a bit more time off.
Well my period was due Wednesday and I had some strange spotting then nothing. So I took a test Friday morning and it was positive!
We're over the moon!! I could barely work on Friday with the excitement!!
My other symptoms included some soft shooting pains across the sides of my belly - this was around time of implantation, painful trapped wind the last two days, a small wave of nausea yesterday and my main symptom is constant annoying ache in my lower back where I just can't get comfy - I've had this for the last two weeks.
Silly as it sounds I'd love to start feeling more nausea to make it more real!
By my calculations I'm 4+4 and due on 28th september. my first appointment with the midwife is 10th feb - it's going to feel like forever!
So I'm reading anything and everything about what to expect at this app.
Hope you're all doing well xx