yay i managed to put pics on, this is my gorgeous little Freddie

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=116756"/> <img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=116757"/> i went in after taking callum to school on Friday, didn't get seen till about half 12, when they put the first tablet up, nothing happened they said to watch for period pains, i had nothing, walked around the hospital to try and get things moving, i was due another tablet at half 6, at half 5 i started with slight period pains but when they checked me my cervix was still thick and long so they put the second one up, and the midwife sweeped and stretched my cervix, i could have hit her because that hurt lol. my contractions started straight away and were coming really thick, i was on the fetal heart and contraction monitor and she said i was hypersensitive to the pessary so tried to fish it back out, i was 1-2cm she couldn't find it, it had dissolved but she sweeped and stretched me again, i really could have knocked her out for hurting me, she said my cervix still had loads of thinning out to do, she was going to send me back on the antenatel ward, i got up to go and the contractions got more painful so she strapped me back on monitor,and i had gas and air, i was there contracting for about 7-8 hours then another midwife came in to see to me, she checked me and i thought after all those hours i would be about 8cm, i was 3!! i could have cried, but she then broke my waters, it was 4:30am, the contractions got really strong so had gas and air again, i asked for pain killer injection she didn't want me to have it, so i said if im still 3cm i need it because i can't cope for hours like this, she checked me and said i was 9 nearly 10, i said i need the injection!

she went off to get it and i said to Carl, I NEED TO PUSH! he went to get her and she said push if you need to, i started pushing and 4 pushes later he was out

it took 11 hrs to get to 3cm and once she broke my waters it took 1.25 hrs to go from 3cm to him coming out

and im so in love with my 2 little men