Countdown to Ibizaaaa


Silver Member
Hello all, so I've decided to start a new diary. I start a new job tomorrow and so thought it was the right time to start afresh.

I started my slim and save journey last September at 15 stone 2 and got down to 11 stone 5 going from a size 20 to a 12. I managed to lose 2 stone in 2 months then stayed the same weight, gained 9lbs then started a new job again and lost another 2 stone taking me to my lowest weight. I hated the job, then my auntie got ill and I went off track diet wise so have ended up back at 12 stone 2 when I weighed this morning. I was gutted but its not a massive gain I suppose and it's given me the kick up the rear to focus myself again.

Im off to Ibiza in 3 months so I know I've got plenty of time to get down to 10 stone and a size 10. I'm still a size 12 (just!) so I'm pretty sure I'm not being unreasonable with my goals.

So I started slim and save again today, I'm not going to weigh myself as this seemed to work for me the best last time round. Everything is looking up for me at the minute, my auntie is getting better, I start my new job and I'm going on holidayyyyyy!! Oh and v fest!! Whoop.

Hope everyone feels free to post in here so we can all help each other along, I'd still be obese if it wasn't for minimins!!

Amy xx
Here's some pics of my weight loss so far. I think another reason I went off the diet was because people were telling my all the time how amazing I was looking and that I didn't need onto lose anymore. The reason I still want to lose more is because I don't feel comfortable, I have a goal of what I want to look like in my head and won't be happy until I get there. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be happy ha xx


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Wow u look lovely in both pics well done! We're starting at the same weight and I'd love to be 10 stone and would be thrilled to do it as quick!
Good luck I'm sure u will do great! X
Wow u look lovely in both pics well done! We're starting at the same weight and I'd love to be 10 stone and would be thrilled to do it as quick!
Good luck I'm sure u will do great! X

Aww thank you! How long have you been on s&s, we should do it together!! 2 stone in 3 months is more than achievable. I've done it before so ill do it again xx
Aww thank you! How long have you been on s&s, we should do it together!! 2 stone in 3 months is more than achievable. I've done it before so ill do it again xx

I'm on day 2! Quite hungry today as well! Had an extra bar cause was really down on calories and carbs, is it ok to do that? Ru having a meal at night? I love someone to do it with! Makes it so much easier! X
I'm on day 2! Quite hungry today as well! Had an extra bar cause was really down on calories and carbs, is it ok to do that? Ru having a meal at night? I love someone to do it with! Makes it so much easier! X

You always start off hungry but after the first couple of days ketosis kicks in and that goes. I've had a couple of sticks of celery and just keep drinking loads of water to try and get me through. You're not really supposed to have more than one bar a day but I'm sure it won't make much difference as long as you don't have more than one all the time.

I'm sticking to 3 shakes a day and one meal pack so will be having mushroom pasta with extra mushrooms. Can't wait to get paid so I can order some cheesy pasta, it's the only one I really like. I did this diet last time just on that and strawberry shakes haha xx
Started my new job today. So far, so good. Unfortunately I forgot my shakes so ended up having a jacket potato for my dinner. I've had a shake since coming home and just going to have to make sure I pack it for tomorrow. There is the most gorgeous guy wo has started with me as well plus I'm the only girl in training so I'm fully in my element haha xx
Today has gone well, had 2 shakes and a bar so far, I'll have another shake later when I'm feeling hungry. Loving my new job at the minute. I'm still in training but looks like there's potential to earn loads of money. Helps that 80% of men who work there are stupidly good looking!!!! Just want to fast forward a few weeks to pay day when I'll hopefully be a stone down and buying myself some size 10s for my holiday. Woooppppp xx
Day 5 I think. Feeling good, had a chicken salad from subway as a protein meal and still got one pack left to have. Keep weighing myself although I said I wouldn't, 5lbs down so far. Hoping I can make it 7 for my first week then really should stop weighing myself.

Having a quietish weekend, can't really afford not to at the minute. Hoping the weather stays nice because I'm planning on going to one of the girls I'm going on holiday with and chilling in the jacuzzi getting a base tan.

First week at work is over with, I'm really loving it. Everyone there is so nice and just seem like a really good bunch of people. I'm looking forward to getting going properly and making some decent bonuses, more to spend in Ibiza!! I found out one of my other friends is getting there the day before me which was a complete coincidence so I'm chuffed about that, more the merrier xx
Sounds like you are back in 'the zone'. Well done! You will be posting pics of your Ibiza bikini body in no time!
Sounds like you are back in 'the zone'. Well done! You will be posting pics of your Ibiza bikini body in no time!

Ohh i'll definitely be posting pics of me in bikinis!! I've seen so many gorgeous ones I'm going to end up with enough for 2 a day haha. I've never worn a bikini on holiday or if I have it's always just been as a more comfortable bra under clothes. I'm only 5lbs away from my lowest ever weight and 8lbs away from having an overall loss of 4 stone then I'll only be a stone away from goal. I'm doing it this time, no more stopping and starting, the only time I want my weight to stay the same again is when it's 10 stone haha xx
Hey lovely

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Your doing fab!! I'm on day 5 now too and as of last night was 5lbs down too :)! I'm being a bit of a serial weigher atm!!! Lol

You sound in the zone!!! I'm glad ur back!! It looks like I feel the same as u atm!! I'm just like right get on with it!! I usually have a tantrum come day 5!! But not this time. I think in my head like "ooo I could have that chocolate in the fridge couldn't I?!" But then the thought goes from my head and I never actually get up and get it. I'm in a routine now of shake before work, shake at lunch followed by a coke zero at my desk then dinner of protein and veg at 7:30/8 and then last shake like 9;30. Glad I'm like in this frame of mind for the weekend! Got a BBQ at my mums Tomo but she knows I'm doing this so I'm gonna have salmon from the BBQ!! Yummmm and salad!! Yumm wierd I'm actually like so satisfied after my meals now and like actually love them before I would have been like where's the chips?! Lol! Think it's cos I know I HAVE to do it!! I've ordered and hung up in my wardrobe my holiday clothes ...... ALL in a size ten!!!! Eek ! And they are like tens that's aren't stretchy at all!! :) excited tho!!

Congratulations on the new job!! So pleased to hear your loving it!! I know you didn't like ur last job so that sounds like its a definite positive!! And the good looking men .... Well always nice to have some eye candy ... Makes work less dull!!!

We are so on this!!! Roll on showing off our holiday snaps in our bikinis!!! Xxxx

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Hey lovely

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Your doing fab!! I'm on day 5 now too and as of last night was 5lbs down too :)! I'm being a bit of a serial weigher atm!!! Lol

You sound in the zone!!! I'm glad ur back!! It looks like I feel the same as u atm!! I'm just like right get on with it!! I usually have a tantrum come day 5!! But not this time. I think in my head like "ooo I could have that chocolate in the fridge couldn't I?!" But then the thought goes from my head and I never actually get up and get it. I'm in a routine now of shake before work, shake at lunch followed by a coke zero at my desk then dinner of protein and veg at 7:30/8 and then last shake like 9;30. Glad I'm like in this frame of mind for the weekend! Got a BBQ at my mums Tomo but she knows I'm doing this so I'm gonna have salmon from the BBQ!! Yummmm and salad!! Yumm wierd I'm actually like so satisfied after my meals now and like actually love them before I would have been like where's the chips?! Lol! Think it's cos I know I HAVE to do it!! I've ordered and hung up in my wardrobe my holiday clothes ...... ALL in a size ten!!!! Eek ! And they are like tens that's aren't stretchy at all!! :) excited tho!!

Congratulations on the new job!! So pleased to hear your loving it!! I know you didn't like ur last job so that sounds like its a definite positive!! And the good looking men .... Well always nice to have some eye candy ... Makes work less dull!!!

We are so on this!!! Roll on showing off our holiday snaps in our bikinis!!! Xxxx

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I know I'm so glad we're both at the same stage, we definitely need to keep updated on here so we can spur each other on!! No slip ups this time!! I'm gonna be ordering some holiday clothes with my first wage and I'm gonna bite the bullet and buy size 10s, Ill have to stick to it then otherwise ill have nothin to wear haha.

You 100% seem ready for it this time round, I know in the past you've struggled but you sound like you're really actually enjoying (dare I say) this diet now. Woop!! Love a good positive post like this, makes me giddy haha. I'm such a gimp!!

Thanks as well, I really seriously hated the last place, the only thing it was good for was having a routine so I could stick to plan. This new job is so much better and the pay is more than I've ever been on, it's ridiculous money really but I'm not complaining!! Going to need it for all these new clothes. As soon as I'm a 10 I'm throwing out everything bigger, even the 12s. I will NOT get fat again haha xx
I know I'm so glad we're both at the same stage, we definitely need to keep updated on here so we can spur each other on!! No slip ups this time!! I'm gonna be ordering some holiday clothes with my first wage and I'm gonna bite the bullet and buy size 10s, Ill have to stick to it then otherwise ill have nothin to wear haha.

You 100% seem ready for it this time round, I know in the past you've struggled but you sound like you're really actually enjoying (dare I say) this diet now. Woop!! Love a good positive post like this, makes me giddy haha. I'm such a gimp!!

Thanks as well, I really seriously hated the last place, the only thing it was good for was having a routine so I could stick to plan. This new job is so much better and the pay is more than I've ever been on, it's ridiculous money really but I'm not complaining!! Going to need it for all these new clothes. As soon as I'm a 10 I'm throwing out everything bigger, even the 12s. I will NOT get fat again haha xx

Yes defo agree!!! We can keep each other company whilst doing it!!!! And on track :)!! That's exactly why I did it!! Like and it's defo working cos I'm like ok I could go and have a day off plan but I risk not fitting into my clothes for holiday and literally scares the crap out of me!! Also having all my beautiful new clothes hanging up in my wardrobe is spurring me on! Cos I can't wait to wear them!!

Yep the wierd thing is I am def enjoying not seeing it as a chore like before. I think it's because instead of focusing on like the foods I can't have and that side I'm focusing on the clothes ill be able to wear when I'm done :) I know exactly what u mean!! I like think about in even a months time and hopefully ill be down a stone and I get sooo excited at that thought!! Lol!! Think it's cos u know on this diet you WILL lose weight it's like a sure thing!!!

Yay that sounds amazing!!! So pleased for u!!!

Omg!!! Me too!!! Goodbye 14's and 12's and hello 8-10's to stay!!! And I'm making sure that I throw them out for sure because then I have no choice cos if I put on weight ill have nothing to wear!!! I can't wait till that day I throw them all out!!! Wanna bloody burn them!!! Lol

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Yes defo agree!!! We can keep each other company whilst doing it!!!! And on track :)!! That's exactly why I did it!! Like and it's defo working cos I'm like ok I could go and have a day off plan but I risk not fitting into my clothes for holiday and literally scares the crap out of me!! Also having all my beautiful new clothes hanging up in my wardrobe is spurring me on! Cos I can't wait to wear them!!

Yep the wierd thing is I am def enjoying not seeing it as a chore like before. I think it's because instead of focusing on like the foods I can't have and that side I'm focusing on the clothes ill be able to wear when I'm done :) I know exactly what u mean!! I like think about in even a months time and hopefully ill be down a stone and I get sooo excited at that thought!! Lol!! Think it's cos u know on this diet you WILL lose weight it's like a sure thing!!!

Yay that sounds amazing!!! So pleased for u!!!

Omg!!! Me too!!! Goodbye 14's and 12's and hello 8-10's to stay!!! And I'm making sure that I throw them out for sure because then I have no choice cos if I put on weight ill have nothing to wear!!! I can't wait till that day I throw them all out!!! Wanna bloody burn them!!! Lol

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Its definitely put you right on track, how exciting!! Haha. I just can't wait to have a skinny holiday, I've NEVER had a skinny holiday!!! And I'm looking forward to not feeling like I look like a hippo all the time. It's so weird, I think because I've stayed this weight for so long it's become normal and made me start feeling that I still look the way I used to? I know that probably sounds weird but I just feel fat which is why I'm determined to lose 2 stone, I felt amazing after losing the first 2 so I'm hoping ill be the same again. And there is no way on this planet will I feel fat if I get get my arse into size 8s, I'll feel like Kate Moss haaa. Lets become Kate Moss's together hahaha xx
Its definitely put you right on track, how exciting!! Haha. I just can't wait to have a skinny holiday, I've NEVER had a skinny holiday!!! And I'm looking forward to not feeling like I look like a hippo all the time. It's so weird, I think because I've stayed this weight for so long it's become normal and made me start feeling that I still look the way I used to? I know that probably sounds weird but I just feel fat which is why I'm determined to lose 2 stone, I felt amazing after losing the first 2 so I'm hoping ill be the same again. And there is no way on this planet will I feel fat if I get get my arse into size 8s, I'll feel like Kate Moss haaa. Lets become Kate Moss's together hahaha xx

I haven't either!!! Always fat holidays!!! End up wearing tshirts over bikinis all the time. Shorts that never did up!! Horrible clothes that just hung off me to cover myself up!! Not this holiday!! We will defo be Kate moss!!!! I have ordered some gorgeous monokinis too!!! Which I would love to wear!! And will wear :) !!!
I'm so excited!!! I have some maxi skirts to collect from new look Tomo. And got a £50 river island voucher that I'm going to spend also :) but some accessories etc I think xxxx

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Arrgghhh my auntie and her two friends have just come back with a Chinese each (which means there will be loads left over) and it smells soooooooo good. Why would they do this to me?!! Just gonna get in bed and hope I fall asleep soon xx
Hi I'm still on honeymoon. I have no wedding pics on my phone but I do have a bikini shot lol... u will get to goal in no time!!