Silver Member
Hey folks!
As some of you may know...I naively started the 30 day squat challenge on here with a small group of fellow S&S'rs back in November and it seems to have taken off in various forms ever since.
So after a bit of nudging from my cohorts I have pulled together a variety of 30 Day Challenges that we can all do to get any wobbly bits moving and more toned as we slim down to our dream bodies.
Well now a few of you have already kicked off your various challenges, I figured it might be useful to have a thread to cheer each other on and welcome new peeps on the challenge bus!
The rules are simple:
1) select a challenge (or more if you're feeling like a warrior)
2) Take measurements of the targeted areas
3) Complete the allotted number of reps for each day
4) Honk on here when you're done
30 Day Challenge Plans
Here is a list of the various challenges you may wish to take up (again; you don't have to do more than one - but you are of course welcome to)
1) 30 Day Squats Challenge:30 Day Squat Challenge
2) 30 Day Wall Squat Challenge: 30 Day Wall Squat Challenge
3) 30 Walking Lunges Challenge: 30 Day Walking Lunges Challenge
4) 30 Day Push Up Challenge: 30 Day Push Up Challenge
5) 30 Day Abs Challenge:30 Day Abs Challenge
6) 30 Day Crunches Challenge:30 Day Crunches Challenge
7) 30 Day Guns, Buns & Abs Challenge: 30 Day Guns, Buns & Abs Challenge
8) 30 Plank Challenge: 30 Day Plank Challenge
9) 30 day Abs & Squats Challenge (combined):30 Day Abs & Squat Challenge
10) 30 Day Arms Challenge: 30 Day Arms Challenge
11) 30 day Walking Challenge: The challenge is to walk 10,000 steps every day for 30 days. Research shows that 10,000 is the number of steps you need to take to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. Wear a pedometer or use a smartphone app to track how many steps you take in a day. Get moving and take this 30 day pedometer challenge. Each participant must wear a pedometer and report back with the number of steps he or she took that day.
Remember to rest on the rest days and make sure you do them properly so you don't hurt yourself
I've printed off a copy and stuck it to my fridge so i don't here goes 2014 and the journey to perkier buns, leaner thighs, enjoy the ride
As some of you may know...I naively started the 30 day squat challenge on here with a small group of fellow S&S'rs back in November and it seems to have taken off in various forms ever since.
So after a bit of nudging from my cohorts I have pulled together a variety of 30 Day Challenges that we can all do to get any wobbly bits moving and more toned as we slim down to our dream bodies.
Well now a few of you have already kicked off your various challenges, I figured it might be useful to have a thread to cheer each other on and welcome new peeps on the challenge bus!
The rules are simple:
1) select a challenge (or more if you're feeling like a warrior)
2) Take measurements of the targeted areas
3) Complete the allotted number of reps for each day
4) Honk on here when you're done
30 Day Challenge Plans
Here is a list of the various challenges you may wish to take up (again; you don't have to do more than one - but you are of course welcome to)
1) 30 Day Squats Challenge:30 Day Squat Challenge
2) 30 Day Wall Squat Challenge: 30 Day Wall Squat Challenge
3) 30 Walking Lunges Challenge: 30 Day Walking Lunges Challenge
4) 30 Day Push Up Challenge: 30 Day Push Up Challenge
5) 30 Day Abs Challenge:30 Day Abs Challenge
6) 30 Day Crunches Challenge:30 Day Crunches Challenge
7) 30 Day Guns, Buns & Abs Challenge: 30 Day Guns, Buns & Abs Challenge
8) 30 Plank Challenge: 30 Day Plank Challenge
9) 30 day Abs & Squats Challenge (combined):30 Day Abs & Squat Challenge
10) 30 Day Arms Challenge: 30 Day Arms Challenge
11) 30 day Walking Challenge: The challenge is to walk 10,000 steps every day for 30 days. Research shows that 10,000 is the number of steps you need to take to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. Wear a pedometer or use a smartphone app to track how many steps you take in a day. Get moving and take this 30 day pedometer challenge. Each participant must wear a pedometer and report back with the number of steps he or she took that day.
Remember to rest on the rest days and make sure you do them properly so you don't hurt yourself
I've printed off a copy and stuck it to my fridge so i don't here goes 2014 and the journey to perkier buns, leaner thighs, enjoy the ride