Told you I was crap at this but I have been keeping a food diary just not updating my online Food Diary but here goes everything from last pot up to this morning.
Sun 6th July
Breakfast: Tried the overnight oats from SW online...very nice so oats, berries and natural yogurt
Lunch: Pork, potatoes, parsnips, cauliflower, broccoli, sweetcorn with stuffing and gravy (full roast dinner lol) followed by rhubarb crumble and custard
Dinner: Salmon, potaties and more sweetcorn lol folled by a yogurt
Syns: 24 used but had 3.5 remaining from day before so 20.5
Mon 7th July 5.5 syns over
Breakfast: Weetabix with banana and a yogurt
Lunch: Ham salad sandwich with mayo (no butter)
Dinner: Leftover pork with chips and beans
Snacks: Cherries
Syns: 9 used
Tues 8th July
Breakfast: Weetabix with banana and a yogurt
Lunch: Didn't have any as I was late having breakfast
Dinner: Garlic chicken with potatoes and mixed vegetables
Snacks: Yogurt, pineapple and 2 finger kit kat
Syns: 5
Wed 9th July
Breakfast: Weetabix with banana and yogurt
Lunch: Ham salad sandwich with mayo no butter
Dinner: Homemade pork and apple burger with sw chips and beans
Snacks: Yogurt, pineapple and kit kat
Syns: including 10 unused yesterday 12 syns used today
Thurs 10th July
Breakfast: Overnight oats
Lunch: Tuna Pasta
Dinner: Quorn sausages (surprisingly nice), sw chips and curry sauce
Snacks: Yogurt, pineapple and kit kats
Syns 15.5 but had 3 from yesterday
PHEW done lol