Show me your Food Processors advice needed


Silver Member
I hope this is the right place to post.

For somebody who cooks a lot and always have I still have not used a food processor, doing most by hand and pestle and mortar and liquidizer for soups.
However time has come when SW recipes need one eg chickpeas they just clog the jug blender and I am so wanting to make the mung bean wraps.:D
I need advice what am I looking for that's best, I have Tesco giftcards so have a nice budget of £120.

I just want one that firstly makes the pulses into pastes. I can grate and hopefully replace liquidizer and create some room.

I was looking at a Kenwood

Really want this one though
but £239 and would take a while to save for it.
Will this sort out the mung beans etc and which function/attachment am I looking for to do this?

Any recommendations gratefully (especially if you use one a lot) received.
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I use mine everyday and could not imagine life in the kitchen without it. Today it has done excellent service on my celery and potato soup.

Mine is only a Moulinex but is has served me well for about 9 years now without a hitch and boy does it work hard.

Amazon has a good range of them including this › ... › Food ProcessorsFull-size Food Processors

I can not recommend one enough I use mine for grating,mixing, blending you name it I do it...........brilliant for mixing butter and sugar for cakes, egg whites for meringues ,home made mayo etc. etc.
Thanks Sue will that whizz chickpeas and mung beans to a smooth paste please?

The chickpeas yes. The mung beans, I have never tried.
Does that do lots of chopping shredding and squishing please. It looks lovely

Yes it does everything you want it to do, it also has a three year guratee. Normally, I break things because of the poor quality things are made so hence why I spend more on this item which is £200 but it has lasted me nearly four years without it being smashed up.

The Magimix can liquidising to help with making soups/smoothies and baby food mush! have also used it for dips and maynoniase. It can also slice, chop. grate, beat and knead.The only downfall is it is quite heavy but it is sterdy, you probably if you use it a lot just keep it on the work surface but it is easy to clear .
Yes,it comes with 2 shredder/ grater blades. Parmesan blade. Julienne blade. Blender. Juicer.egg whisker, Normal lemon juicer. Mini whizzer for small amounts. Grinder. Knife blade, cake blade I've probably forgotten something.
The only thing I can't do is mince meat,which I've just discovered trying to shrewd pork loin lol.

I can made burgers,lamb/chicken pork kebab mix. Blend chickpeas etc ,soups. Make pastry. Cakes it's no bother to rinse out either,as I don't have dishwasher, just washes easy.

Three tips if you buy one that you should always do!

From day one turn plug off at wall whilst adding attachments and downturn on until want to process.

When processed learn to turn off at wall before you take lid off and start removing attachments.

And finally don't throw blades or shredding disks in washing up bowl and then stick hands in,it results in a nasty gash,leave on side until you are ready to wash that piece

I'm making a proper Ragu just now,I've used to to finely chop onions celery carrots garlic.

Saves loads of time.

I have two teenage sons who live on cheese.

I buy a big pack of cheddar and grate the whole lot and stick in Tupperware in fridge ,it now lasts a week,before I would be using a couple or more! So it's saving me money. And time. And effort.

I made lamb kebab meat at weekend in it,it was gorgeous.
There's a few ways you could do chickpeas. In the blender? Or would use the knife blade,which is used for most processing chopping mixing x
No I synned the flipping lamb mince and shon my halo afterwards 10 syns but it was worth it for a treat,the kebab was lovely.

Lakeland have good reviews on a £30 minced I'm eyeing up. I've searched there's no minced attachment. But I doubt there is for others if Kenwood don't do it x